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Posts posted by UNTMike81

  1. Wow...I don't know much about Mr. Chumley, but if this young man has the talent to play QB even if he has to red shirt to get experience. What NFL team wouldn't want a 6'6" QB that's 250 lbs. with speed. Maybe not .0450, but fast enough to dodge pass rush. You can tell this guy is at least looking out for his future. How much do TE's or other skilled position players in the NFL make comparied to QB's? Glad this man has committed to UNT. Times are a change in the Mean Green Nation!!! If he can win QB job more power to him. How hard is it to bring down a 6'6", 250 Ib QB in the backfield?

  2. I hope we're able to win recruiting war for X. Washington. We all know how good UNT/NTSU was to us because we attended the University. I only use NTSU because many of us went to school when our univerisity was named NTSU. Mr. Washington has to make his own life decision and I hope for him UNT is the place he continues his career. If not, good luck to him.

    At UNT I think Mr. Washington would get some of the best football coaching in all of college football. In years past that would be a far fetched claim to make. Academicly UNT is a quality school to attend. Truth is, Mr. Washington's career and success in life will be up to him, not where his ultimately chooses to attend school. From a football standpoint the coach at UNT will have a significant impact on Mr. Washington's football career and really any of the other recruits and current players on our team.

    I'd like to think our new D-line coach is scouring Texas and Florida for another quality recruit that has skills and future upside that compares to Mr. Washington so that if Mr. washington desides to attend another university that we have another quality recruit to replace him. That's really the best way for our football team to protect and do what's best in it's own interest!!!!

    Go Mean Green!!!

  3. How many true 4.3 guys do we have on our team. Christopher Smith's video leads me to believe he can run a 4.3. Even at 4.4 that's blazing fast no matter his size. If Mr. Smith hits the second level it's on. Watch Chris recieve a little screen pass then his wheels took over, this kid is fast!!! Can't wait to see Mr. Smith in practice later on this year.

    Really, How many guys on our team can run a true 4.3. That's smokin fast!!!

    • Upvote 1
  4. Where in the world in coach Mac and RV getting the budget to hire assistants like this? Only 1 reason UNT hasn't been successful in past years, DD era comes to mind, is UNT wouldn't fund athletics properly ie staduim, other facilities, and competitive head and assistant coaches salaries.

    Good to see some resources by athletic department being deployed. Maybe RV is using the buyout money it would take to get a quality basketball head coach and using on the football side. Now if RV would have the gutts to end his "man crush" with coach Benford our basketball team could make some much needed inprovement.

    JJ was one of the few coaches at UNT producing winning results before coach Mac arrived and now it's Dr. Jekel (sp) and Mr. Hyde as far as our FB and BB teams are concerned. Coach Mac and staff keep up the good work.

    Go Mean Green!!

    • Upvote 2
  5. All about UNT & Deep Green...rough comment towards, NT03 Me thinks NT03 has no Love for UT. Personally I'd like to see UT women's BB team do well except when they play UNT. UT's current women's BB coach also coached our women's team before being hired away by UT. UT's current women's BB coach I'd say is a little better than our current women's BB coach. No disrespect to our current coach, just a fact in my opinion.

    Can't wait until we play UT in the first game of the new season. I wish I could drink enough Green Cool-aid to believe we'll pull of the upset. If we win somehow the game will go down as the best win in our school's history!!! Revenge for the game we should have won back in 88. UNT was robbed back on that Saturday afternoon!!! I'd like nothing better than for coach Mac, his staff, and our players Avenge that loss!!!

    Go Mean Green!

  6. Question, based on football teams announced GPA of 3.0 or better. Can an athletic scholarship player apply for academic scholarship? If approved for academic scholarship can player begin to use that for attendance at UNT. Then freeing up an athletic scholarship to provide to a walk on player or new recruit in next recruiting class?

    • Upvote 1
  7. Not making excuses for coach Flannigan. I wasn't at game. If heckler only calling out coach inexcusable. If heckler calling out players then yes I'd side with coach Flannigan to an extent. Yes, I will fully stand by my comments about PC world we live in. Oh, I believe current head coach of Oklahoma State called out media and fans for bashing his punter or field goal kicker too. If I were coach Flannigan or coach Dickey maybe my comments about UNT fans under circumstances were true and maybe warranted under the circumstances. DD took a ton o bashing about he's supposed thoughts on who supported UNT football program at the time. I guess you can be a heckler and DD's supposed to over look that and not comment.

    Since you were within ear shot of heckler were his points and behavior justified? Can't believe all the other fans around heckler didn't have enough respect for coaches or players to say something to heckler? Can't believe UNT OC would enter stands over comments that would have been equal to a hang nail. If so, Flannigan should have been sent to psych ward or jail.

  8. At least they know we have no love loss for SMU!!! Not honest enough to give us the respect from calling us UNT, but at least honest enough to know what most of us think of there Athletic program and their snobbish view of UNT and our alumni!!!

  9. Thanks...Cerebus, ITgreen01, and Got5onit. DD was massacred on this board and Scotties old board. DD did more with less, much like Hayden Fry. Everyone needs to re-read Cerebus and ITgreen01's account of this that DD when though. DD didn't call out loyal fans, but on message boards and in media if you say a non truth over and over again people believe it (case in point "if you like your health coverage and doctor you can keep them"). They are folks either to stupid or don't care to do the research to realize the truth about what a person a coach in this case really says. Man, I could go on a long time about the negative carpet bombing DD took. DD was a able to get Mattress Mac to donate $1,000,000,00 to UNT athletics. Mattress Mac also paid for Andrew Smith funeral and all the players expenses to funeral site I believe or whatever was allowable by NCAA. Mattress Mac hasn't been heard from since DD left UNT.

    DD lobbied hard for new stadium to be built. I still have original stadium concept video to prove it. DD was featured in video discussing UNT football success story and our need for facilities and stadium. I don't believe athletic village was even built when DD was here.

    I'd bet RV promised DD stadium couldn't come threw and DD probable used stadium to recruit and was pissed about RV's non delivery. At the end RV and DD I believe were at odds with each other. Yes, coach Flannigan was heckled by drunk fan in the stands and I believe fan was insulting players and much as him so he went in stands to defend himself/Players. Not acceptable....but really buy a ticket and heckle your own OC to the point that OC's mind just explodes!!! Really...nice behavior. In the old days people mainly men were allow to defend there honor. Not in the PC world we live in today.

    Coach Mac hasn't lost assistant coaching staff to other schools. DD lost great coaches to SEC and PAC12 to name a few. DD couldn't keep any good coach to save his life because athletic program didn't have enough money to pay assistance coaches reasonable salary. Plenty of HS coach made the same if not more than our assistant coaches when DD was here. DD always lost his assistance right after season with bowl game. Which meant he had to hire new position coach and put on final recruiting push. Then hope to God his assistant coach didn't turn around and recruit his players at his new school. Which happen on several occasions.

    DD never had any time to really search for new assistant. Bowl game in late December and recruiting wrapped up early Feb.. So, DD would go to national coaches conference where ever it was held, find a coach and beg him to work for what UNT was paying and tell coach raise would come once new stadium and FB team revenue would allow raise.

    DD's staff would go to smaller HS programs ie 2A, 3A, and 4A to look at guy's they thought could play D1 ball because all of the bigger Texas and nation power schools were picking off all the good 5A talented recruits. So, DD was bashed for not recruiting Dallas well. On what freaking budget!!! Coach Evan's was one hell of a recruiting coordinator!!! DD and all his assistance did a great job recruiting given their available resources!!

    DD was run out after gal bladder and hart attack. Coaches who don't care don't have health problems like the two I mentioned.

    4-8 season came after we'd been in 4 bowl games, lost good coaches and recruits. UNT didn't have new facilities, stadium, or any money to help solve talent issues on field. DD was a causality of his own success. DD needed more time than he was given to turn UNT football back around. Fan's had tasted enough success not to be satisfied with what under paid coach, facilities and athletic budget could deliver!!!! If anyone mainly RV would have appreciated what DD had really done here we might have been spared the Dodge years!!! Nightmare!!!

    Coach Mac better thank his luck stars DD came before him and took a lot of arrows Coach Mac hopefully will never have to take.

    Good to see at least some giving a small amount of credit to DD because in my mind it's certainly way over due!!!

    Go Mean Green!!!

    • Upvote 3
  10. Just imagine if DT didn't burn a year of eligibility and had 1 more year. I know QB competition and all, but plenty of talented QB's were not tough enough to take the hits DT has and survived. One of our recent QB's quit playing FB and many here called him a quitter, but remember these young men take an amazing amount of punishment on the field. Maybe Gino was more worried about a career ending or live changing injury than continuing to play FB.

    Let's say Gino continued and at the end of his career he knew he could go to Mean Green.com and see same topic about his career as the things that are being said about DT. And no...I don't want to compare Gino to DT in any way. Just using him as an example regarding the punishment QB's and every FB player experiences at the college level. I doubt a very few of us arm chair QB's could take 2 or 3 of the hits DT has taken and survived much less a careers worth DT has been blessed with at UNT.

    DT has pretty much been an iron man here at UNT in addition to all of his accomplishment here, or lack there of. Point is very few QB's have a knee injury in a bowl game and produce anywhere near the level DT did on New Years day. Thank God DT did or we might be look at our FB season from a much different perspective!!!

    DT's 3rd quarter pass to Harris I believe for 34 years was right on the money and thank God it was knee injury and all. If not we'd all been talking about how Coach Mac. should have bench DT in favor of a healthy QB ie RG3 conversation last year.

    Great win Mean Green...can't wait till next year!!!

  11. All Dallas, Houston and other smaller market AM & FM radio station do give away promotion to listens every day. If AD department would lake 2 free tickets and call each radio station in Metroplex (especially sport talk stations) and promote HOD through ticket give away this would promote game. If ticket winners have family a certain number of those family members would have to buy additional tickets for family to also attend game.

    Has UNT contact "The Ticket" or other Dallas radio sports talk stations to give away tickets? This can't cost that much money in ticket to promote and increase overall ticket sales to promote HOD.

  12. Why doesn't AD try to get promotional ticket price for Interstate battery and give one or two free or discounted priced ticket to HOD for every battery sold in Dallas or across TX. If across Texas great way to promote UNT and HOD across TX. AD should have been on these kinds of promo's ever since we had a shot at HOD Bowl.

    Norm Miller Chairman of Interstate Batteries UNT alum!!!

    Go Mean Green!!!

  13. What about President of Interstate batteries. If Interstate can sponsor Joe Gibbs racing in NASCAR to the tune of $20 Million Plus per year maybe Interstate Batteries can promo HOD?

    Interstate batteries is always looking for great ways to promote their product!!!

  14. Folks...RV has a "Man Crush on Coach Benford"!!! UNT's Men's BB team will be in the ash heap before it's all over.

    Everyone better start praying for another JJ and like winning the lottery RV or another AD in the future will not only have to find another JJ but be smart enough to hire him, then give him time to resurrect (sp) program. Sad thing is JJ left our program in very good if not great shape and we're still being pile driven into oblivion (sp).

    Like I said RV has a "Man crush" on coach Benford...so UNT be dammed into an eternal sea of fire!!!

  15. ChitownRebel, with all due respect UNLV won't score anywhere near 132 points on our Defense!!!! You mignt want to watch our game against Rice (CUSA Conference Champions-it sickens me to type that), but when Rice was on our 2 yard line they had 8 downs to score a touchdown. Did Rice get it done...Nope!!! Had to kick a field goal!!! If UNLV score anywhere near 30 points on UNT then our Defense should be ashamed and will have proven they just didn't show up to play. My guess it UNT Defense will show up and UNLV will be lucky to score 17 pts. in HOD bowl!!!!

    UNT special teams I'd say are above average. Folks on your board seem to believe UNLV is lacking in the special teams area. If UNT shows up and plays like we can then hold on to your hat, it will be a long day for UNLV.

    If UNT shows up and plays like we did against UTSA and UNLV is a half decent team then UNLV will win and we'll get what we deserve.

    I'm betting UNT shows up ready to play!!! Well bring our fans out so Cotton Bowl isn't empty although it may look like it as Cotton Bowl seats 92,000.00. Thats a hugh stadium. Bowl game will be lucky to have 40,000.00 fans in the stands. anywhere around 35,000.00 plus and the UNT nation should feel great about bowl attendance turnout. 50,000.00 fans or more and UNT will have hit a Bab Ruth type home run!!!!

  16. If RV and President Rowlins can't get the A-Train thing worked out then we have big problems. Our AD department sould have been all over this once they knew UNT would be in the HOD. And our AD wonders why we believe in so many ways why they can't promote events or are generally 5 to 10 steps behind when it comes to simple common sense. Doesn't our AD department have any meetings regarding bowl promotion. If North Texas doesn't offer business marketing class then maybe we need to hire someone from a college that has a top flight marketing program.

    As far as Tarrant county Alumi's are concerned put some gas in your car or truck and drive a few miles. I don't need to tell you what Hwy to take do I?

    • Downvote 1
  17. Went throught this last year. Now that Coach Mac has turned FB around I have somewhere to go on message board. Sad thing is JJ rescued me from UNT Purgatory and Coach Benford is putting me back in the hole. Many of us realized this last year and screemed from high heaven about it. Because RV has a serious "Man Crush going with Coach Benford"

    Purgatory it is for UNT Men's BB!!! Women's BB might go way of Purgatory but jurory still "out".

    Men's program "not so much". Only thing that might save us from 30 Yrs. of Purgatory is C-USA level of comp. once Benford is finally shown the door. This will take some time because of RV's "Man Crush" with Coach Benford!!!!!!

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