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  1. Agreed. I think we all want to see a change. The message is loud and clear, we just agree to disagree regarding how the message is delivered, but in a respectful manner.
  2. Any potential coach would see this banner and think "oh great-if I screw up then their "fan" base is going to publicly humiliate me the same way" and not even give UNT a second glance. People seem to forget the 25 conference championships that RV has been apart of while being here at NT spread out over several sports in our athletic program and the sports facilities that all of our teams get to use because they were built during his tenure here.
  3. Maybe not the nicest player as I do recall some hair pulling back in the day (oops?) :) the intensity of living in a "win or be fired" situation for years does make for a calmer compassionate "retirement" though
  4. Guess you don't remember the 6-37 record Dodge held for us over the course of 4 years before The McCarney era...pretty sure we already had the entire country dog piling on top of us then. Weren't we ranked last out of all the FBS teams at one point yea? I don't appreciate being told to "get on the train or get out of the way" because truth be told I still went to all of those awful games at Fouts for 4 years and STILL bought season tickets once Apogee opened and proudly show my UNT support whenever possible, so to say that I've actually been ahead of said train is a fair assessment. I did say that I wasn't opposed to the firing of RV and going in a new direction-I'm all for it. I merely don't agree with using our game (pre-kickoff or not) as the public platform for getting this point across. Will I still be at tailgating on Halloween? Yes. Will I probably take a picture if I see the banner? Yes. But I don't support putting down another human being, just because we are able to. Call me compassionate. As always, Go Mean Green!
  5. I totally get the whole fire RV thing-I'm not opposed to changing something that's been a long time coming. I'm right there with you in supporting a change, especially being a yearly donor and season ticket holder since the stadium has been opened and seeing the same cycle happen again (I got enough of that during my school years aka Dodge era). I just there's a better way of going about this protest and don't necessarily agree with the methods of a public banner being displayed at our football game. It doesn't have anything to do with our team members and I think our guys have enough flack coming their way without this distraction.
  6. The fact that you are making a banner to publicly fly at OUR football game at OUR stadium demeaning our athletic program is embarrassing and disgraceful. How do you think that comes across to "supporters" of our football program and the people that don't know anything about us and they see THAT. As a former student athlete at UNT, don't we already get enough negativity from the press and everyone else who knows about North Texas?? I believe that doing something as low as this is a huge joke. What do you get in return for flying a banner to publicly humiliate someone? How you can feel satisfied for embarrassing the University, the fans, and the team is beyond me. We are better than this. RV is not the only one making decisions, and it may be the best time for a replacement, but as humans and NT fans, this is so stupid.
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