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Posts posted by Udomann

  1. 2 hours ago, NorthTexasWeLove said:

    I don't understand this angle. 

    Where are the NFL teams going to go when they don't want any more college football players? 

    And how is the NFL going to catch this cat and put it back in the bag? 

    I honestly do not know how it'll shake out. This whole thing has been bizarre. But if I had to make a guess..

    Rule #1 of money is you don't touch another man's money. This goes double for big money, and NFL owners are the biggliest.  They also have a lot of influence over their alma maters.

    You're right, the floodgates are open, so you can't close it. You control it. I foresee contacts and salary caps becoming relevant at the school level. I also expect it to break into 2 divisions because unfortunately G5 just cannot compete financially. It will resemble the NFL control structure more, but obviously being higher education facilities there will be distinct differences. But anything that improves physical competition (not monetary) will be pushed for by these influences. 

    I'm also 100% wrong on this because the shit show is just starting and who knows what will happen tomorrow

    • Puking Eagle 1
  2. 7 hours ago, GrandGreen said:


    The pros are a much more enticing choice than college, because they do understand that competition is the basis of their success.  I never thought I would rather watch a random pro game more than a meaningful college game, but I am now there.  

    My rating for NT sports is still around 5, but that is compared to a 10 prior to this NIL nonsense. 

    I have a diversive opinion on the pro side. We are about to see a generation of spoiled overpaid college kids demanding more as a rookie than ever before. They will work less and expect more because now they have expectations that can't last in terms of money or respect/experience 

    The CFB correction will happen when pro teams realize they are getting a lesser product from universities that have enabled a the next class of spoiled kids.

    • Upvote 5
  3. On 5/24/2024 at 1:18 PM, Censored by Laurie said:

    complete job autonomy
    ownership stake
    time for 60-70 rounds of golf a year (in a place with about an 8 month season)
    a month or so of remote work in south america every winter
    one of the most vibrant food and drink scenes in the country 
    living in one of the prettiest states in the country
    and the liver of someone 20 years my elder

    all with the self-awareness that a D1 athlete has invested a lot more hours and energy into their craft than I have. 

    Let's be 100% transparent.  Our situation is apples and Oranges to theirs. We learn on the job and we have a ceiling. Most of our careers will max at what...250k? 300 at most unless you are a Harvard educated CEO. Most of us probably started in the 40k range. That's Pickles compared to their starting peanuts.

    Athletes have insane competition just to get hired, have a super high ceiling, but also a super short shelf life (unless you're Aaron Fing Rodgers. Please die already). The investment is before they get hired, and the potential is (imho) insane.

    There's no comparison here. Best not to try.

    • Upvote 1
    • Puking Eagle 1
  4. Just need to launch "NCAAF collective manager simulator 2025" instead.  Who cares how your rent-a-team did as long as you can buy a new one next season.

    The Sims of college football.  I'm patenting that. It was my idea first.

    • Upvote 1
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  5. 23 hours ago, NT80 said:

    Agree.  It's the shallow end of FBS that needs blocked off and is polluting the water.

    I uh... this is going to come as a shock... we kinda are the shallow end? Our blood runs green but we can't kid ourselves that we aren't a perpetual bottom 1/3rd of fbs

  6. 15 minutes ago, Greendylan said:

    Does the data actually support this?  I'm not saying you're wrong, as I haven't yet seen any numbers comparing G5 draftees this year vs. the past.  But, just perusing round by round, it feels like I'm seeing plenty of G5, FCS, and occasionally lower levels being represented.  Where the G5 might be underrepresented (as compared to past performance) might be the high profile 1st round and maybe 2nd round picks.

    Interestingly it has gone the other direction,  so I guess I'm way off on my ranting. Had AI run the % of draft picks from P5 teams

    • 2014: Approximately 82%
    • 2015: Approximately 80%
    • 2016: Approximately 83%
    • 2017: Approximately 85%
    • 2018: Approximately 81%
    • 2019: Approximately 79%
    • 2020: Approximately 83%
    • 2021: Approximately 84%
    • 2022: Approximately 82%
    • 2023: Approximately 80%
    • Upvote 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Cougar King said:

    UNT has got to get guys drafted. 2 in the last 20 years despite having 5 different head coaching regimes during that time period isn't good for a D1 Texas school.

    The days of getting players drafted are pretty much gone for G5. If you are good enough you transfer and build up your resume. Just another reason I'm losing interest in CFB.

    I'd be very interested in seeing how many G5 players are drafted annually vs before portal/NIL... oh wait no I just really don't care anymore. 🖕NCAAF

    • Upvote 4
    • Eye Roll 1
  8. 13 hours ago, greenminer said:

    It's hung on a thought that isn't well thought out and/or lazy.

    This is the internet good sir. Reason was abandoned for madness years ago. It's now 90% memes and ads for singles in your *insert city* area

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Pavlovs Eagle said:

    As long as it's not a nasty IPA that someone has to convince me it has enjoyable "complexity" to its flavor and finish.


    I remember my first IPA... what a disaster. 

    But I learned that, like coffee,  its a process.

    Start with the absolute worst most bitter and pungent one imaginable. I recommend arrogant bastard. This is the palate killer.

    Next, go cheap and simple,  something inoffensive like Sierra Nevada's entry level IPA. This acts close to a palate cleanser, but more of a palate reset.

    Finish with something high end. I recommend dogfish head 90 minute.


    After that, the flavor just sparks. You suddenly notice the notes and appreciate the hoppy bitterness. Or you don't, you unsophisticated donkey.

    • Upvote 1
    • Lovely Take 1
    • Haha 2
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    • Puking Eagle 1
  10. On 11/21/2020 at 12:32 AM, peanuts104 said:

    Dude just let her pick whichever volleyball program is doing better if she wants to win.

    Like seriously... my daughter is about to go into computer animation..of which UNT has no degree. Texas state has one. UT as well.  Should I curse her lineage because she went to another college for a better program? The green in me says yes... the dad in me tells that other guy to f*ck right off

    • Upvote 3
  11. 17 hours ago, MeanGreen22 said:

    Bowl games should be part of larger tournament/playoff system. Have the main CFP then an NIT equivalent. You'd slightly decrease the pool of teams (maybe 7 wins becomes the floor) but keep the same amount bowls. Sponsors would be happy because the games would have more relevance. 

    I actually love this idea the more I think about it. It adds a lot of fun to the post season and probably more revenue overall. Still have the problem of players sitting out... but maybe if some of that revenue was shared?

    Anything to make the bowl system more exciting and meaningful for sub-CFP teams. Yeah it's basically FCS 2.0 but the current system is too broken

    • Oh Boy! 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Cr1028 said:

    Well wouldn’t you agree Bloesch and Clements were established Oline coaches before coming here? @Udomannsaid we don’t have the budget to hire established Oline coaches and I’m pointing out that we have had them before now.

    Hey, don't drag me back into this. I'm just a near middle aged man who is frustrated to see his favorite sport dying and likes yelling at clouds. I'll get them darned kids off my lawn one day... (when I send them to college)

    • Haha 1
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