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Posts posted by GMG24

  1. Seems someone is mad because they are going to lose a bet... I would have thrown a couple thousands dollars down on getting 12-15 wins. A win is a win. Nothing has happened this season that is really a surprise minus the loss against Columbia. To me the win against Portland negates that lose. I would have also liked to have lost by less to SFA and BYU. I also would have liked to beat many teams by 20. But our record is what most people thought. I had us going 8-4 at this point with losses to BYU, SFA, Oklahoma, and Portland. Being one game behind expectations is not all bad. If we were 8-4 there would be zero room for complaints.

    Going into Conference play I thought we would be 9-5 with a lose to Texas A&M. At this point I see that game as a possible win so 9-5 is still a good possibility!


    No more words from me, you know to much basketball for me to discuss on the same board. Have a merry Christmas!

  2. Andrew, your immense basketball knowledge makes me want to never post on this board. However, I will say two things. 1. It is LOSS NOT LOSE

    2. http://www.burntorangenation.com/2013/11/15/5103222/texas-basketball-preview-get-to-know-the-stephen-f-austin-lumberjacks

    This "mediocre team" went to the NIT last year after losing the conference championship. They would have beat the best JJ teams this is a squad who is no joke. If they make the tournament this year you better believe if the match up is right I am picking them no matter the seed.

  3. Looks like UNT fan Happy hour from 4-9 at the Owners Box (located in the Omni in Downtown Dallas)

    Remote broadcast from 1310 the Ticket from 7-8 located at 330 Bedford St, Dallas, TX, 75212

    Anyone going to be at either of these?? I think Owners Box would be more fun, but a big showing at the Tickets broadcast could be big too. Thoughts and comments please

  4. I believe in statistics. We are 7-0 when rushing for 150+ yards. UNLV gives up 210 per game. That equation to me = UNT victory. Man I am so giddy for this game to get here. I hope they release the pre-Bowl video soon on Beyond the Green. Harry, any word on when the 5 year stadium donation for club level seats will end? Seeing as how I am a middle school teacher/coach who graduated in May that 20,000 of student loans and my wifes 10,000 student loans. I just want to give everything I can to the cause that is UNT football.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Funny, Chris Jones doesnt seem to agree with Benfords sentiments of being a PG and distributing. He retweeted a tweet where a fan said he wished Beford would let Chris score more and not make him only a passer. I don't know how to embed or even copy that link in as I only use twitter on my iPhone so.. someone else find it. Gracias

    • Upvote 2
  6. I have not seen one thing through my UNT email from the University talking about the bowl game. NOT ONE THING. I think anyone in our athletic office who is in any way shape form or fashion related to marketing they should be fired, and replaced immediately. I am also disappointed that no plans have been announced they have had over a week to get things ironed out and get information out there. I am currently VERY disappointed in our athletic office.

    • Upvote 5
  7. I don't think Heard is the type of Talent that most clamor about. He had a hard time today throwing out routes, Driving the ball to targets with accuracy and did not show me much in terms of his shiftiness. His speed comes from a long stride. I am sure I will be proven wrong but I don't understand all the hype with this young man.

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