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Christopher Walker

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Status Replies posted by Christopher Walker

  1. Chris, would it be possible for you to bring a copy of the new 1 O'clock album (CD) to the tailgating this Saturday? Naturally I will reimburse you for it.



    1. Christopher Walker

      Christopher Walker

      Great! You're about to get an order complete email. I'll have it with me tomorrow.

      // Christopher

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Chris, would it be possible for you to bring a copy of the new 1 O'clock album (CD) to the tailgating this Saturday? Naturally I will reimburse you for it.



    1. Christopher Walker

      Christopher Walker

      Sure thing! If you further want, you can place an order at https://store.music.unt.edu/lab-2018 and I'll bring the copy to you from that.

      Just mark "pick up from UNT" at checkout so you aren't charged shipping.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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