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Posts posted by James329

  1. Not saying UNT could beat Arkanas but they have a better chance than against Bama or LSU. Play even lesser schools from SEC, BIG12 or wherever. I know the schedule is far in advance, but still. Where have the paycheck games taken us? Honestly, where did beating Bama get ULM. Maybe we lost a few recruiting battles...not sure. I do think if UNT did it, it would go farther. There are blueprints to follow, don't understand why we haven't. An athlete would rather compete than go get spanked at LSU. So I don't believe playing at LSU is a big recruiting chip. If it is, maybe your recruiting the wrong guy. Then again, uniforms sway recruiting now ( yes they do, barf). All I'm trying to say is...well, beating Indiana was beating a Big 10 school right. Rice beat Kansas today. Beat say...Kentucky (not saying it happens), you beat an SEC team or were close instead of we lost by 27 to LSU. Food for thought.

  2. After watching the broadcast, I felt they did an outstanding job. Great to see Dave Barnett, he was very good. They did a great job of showcasing the positives. Great shots from different angles inside and outside the stadium. Ha, they even showed the posers drinking on the hill during the game. Still upset with the fact I head people say they are going to the UNT tailgate, not the UNT football game. I digress. Great shots of the crowd, references to the students and the noise. Good interviews with RV, the great BIll Mercer, and even Tony Benford at halftime. They also gave the green brigade about 3 minutes during halftime. Needless to say, they more than made up for the crappy promo. Also saw plenty of "hots" in the crowd. Plenty of CUSA talk. It was a broadcast that I hope recruits saw. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but overall I was very pleased with it.

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  3. Agree, like I said...it's a cool thing that stands out, but when it's empty it stands out for the wrong reason. Its a sore thumb that way. Visually it would looks better if that was full instead of say the 2nd level of the student section. Perception can be reality, just like losing 41-14 to LSU. Good game for UNT to those who know about the program, but the misinformed scoff at it. Sucks, but that's how it is. Fill the wing! Any vacant area stands out, the wing is just more pronounced. Blame denton.

  4. To his credit, DT started slow last year as well. The LSU game, like the Bama game, didn't really allow DT to do much...besides that awesome slant and a few throws. However, this is a game they didnt have on the schedule last year where I think he could have developed some chemistry with his receivers and gained some confidence heading into 2 tough games. Just expected a better showing. He was definitely off.

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  5. The Texas st game had a ton of tech fans, it was the unveiling of their updated stadium and they just beat Houston. UTSA is a new team in a large city desperate for anything, new program with no negative connotations. I'm pretty sure the Jacksonville jaguars killed in attendance at first too. Totally irrelevant to what UNT is doing. Don't look in the side mirror, look forward. Tell a friend about UNT. GMG!

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  6. I'm talking about the BG at football games. Would never question their top notch talent for sure. I was merely trying to complement them for not wearing shorts and t-shirts like they did against Houston. It's a minor thing, but perception is reality. They're awesome. Glad to see them dressed in a way that garners the respect they deserve. They looked amazing on the field, in the stands, and in their performance. Top notch! Made me proud.

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  7. Totally agree. I also meant to say that the wing zone was a reflection of Denton. Those are the cheap general admission seats, more likely to be occupied by Denton people as opposed to alumni coming in and students. I also want to point out that I am by no means knowledgeable of the history of the program or Denton outside of say maybe 2001 until now, as an observer, a student and an alumni. I have a lot of thoughts and opinions, hard to convey those correctly here. Hence the length of my rambling.

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  8. Took my parents to their first UNT game tonight. My parents are both retired professors and have both taught at over 10 universities across the US so they've seen their share of college football games. My dad said it was by far the best marching band performance he's seen at a college game before, couldn't stop talking about it.

    I meant +1. iPad problems....

  9. They were great, and I loved the uniforms. Why didn't the wear that to open the stadium last year? Don't care if it's hot. Don't think I've seen UT's band in shorts and t-shirts. To become a legit program, act like a big program. They did that tonight. Great job!

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  10. A) it's a cool feature if it's full. It stands out. But when empty it stands out in a totally different way. Luckily it didnt get too much camera time in the replay I'm watching.

    B) Why isn't wingstop or even Buffalo Wild Wings sponsoring it and doing promotions and giving away tickets or wings to those seats during the game. Easy, great idea in my mind for all involved. Multiple locations in Denton

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  11. Very discouraging. This can't be ignored. This is a game where he should be able to build confidence. He was so bad they pretty much had to abandon the pasting game, either to not hurt his confidence, to not show too much offensively, or to flat win the game. The kid is a leader and he will battle, but that's disheartening from a junior QB on a young team. This team will need a lot better than that if they think they will even sniff 6 wins.

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  12. Keep winning.

    I cant overstate this fact. Wins build a program more than pay day losses. Recruits want to win, fans want to see a win, students want to support a winner. At this point most of the students don't even realize the disparity of who UNT plays. All they see is a scoreboard. That's where we are right now, and many schools have taken this route to build their programs u til they are ready to computer with bigger schools...Boise st did it, TCU did it, even Texas Tech did it. Wins bring in more fans than decent opponents. Just look at students comments after tonight.

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  13. Hats off to the students. I hope it keeps up. The alumni side was decent as well. I think what' people are forgetting is the 3rd of the pie...Denton. It blows my mind the way this university is cast aside by the community it is in. Not saying that a lot of us aren't community members and arent heavily involved, but as a whole. There is a big gaping hole between this university and Denton, in all forms. If this community gave 1/3 of the support they gave to freaking fry street changes to the school things would be different. Denton is the most divided college town ive ever witnessed. Usually the school is the common bond. I could go on and on, but the main point is that when you're in Lubbock or college station, or even FW now, you know where you are and what the school is. The lack of pride and allegiance is disheartening to many. This is big picture, and a generalization so don't take it the wrong way. It's cool to bash UNT, especially their sports, even local officials have no problem tweeting negativity about unt sports. One problem that UNT has that lets say, tech didn't have when they were down, is that there is plenty to do in this area. People in surrounding areas of that school have nothing else. But win or lose, its an event. Tech used to black out games to force people to go. I keep using them because they grew a lot in the last decade, and faced a similar apathy.I think part of the problem at UNT is a result of failures past, but I' definitely do feel like we are possibly witnessing the beginning of a culture change. I could write 1,000 words about how playing games like tonight is beneficial to growing a fanbase, and maybe i will, but thats a different issue. RV and Mac deserve a lot of credit with the students. The people who run the city of Denton and a lot of residents only claim the university if it can somehow benefit let's say the growth of downtown. What they fail to realize is that the success of the program and UNT as whole is the best way that can be achieved. In Lubbock, (I know) the school and city development saw a huge increase that paralleled the success of the Leach years. Just something I witnessed, I'm sure there's a few holes in my thoughts, but there is something to it.

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  14. Playing live football would ultimately make you better, particularly if you hadn't played in 2 years. That's my opinion, anyway. Right now, the guy hasn't been on the field since 2010.

    If the decision was based on the idea that he'd rather be at the school to which he intended to transfer... why not do that in the first place?

    Keep in mind that Scottsdale had a game on August 25. They won 49-27 and Berglund didn't see the field.

    Good point. Didn't know if they had played or not. Maybe Vito can get some definitives from him. That's not exactly encouraging, but like I said, I'm cautiously optimistic.

  15. We don't really know the details about his extremely brief time at the cc. That was what the oc said...after he left, so who knows what his real role on the team was or if he was going to be the starter or not. There could be a lot of other reasons why he would leave. If it was me, I think I'd rather be at the school I intend on transferring to as apposed to playing one semester of cc. What would ultimately make me better? I am cautiously optimistic. If anything he will at least provide depth while also possessing a big upside.

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  16. Ugh, why didn't they just let our athletic department do it and slap the TXA21 logo on it. We have better production and actual knowledge of our program. That needs to change before the next game TXA21 airs. And unless there has been a change I haven't heard about the freaking game time is wrong. Inexcusable! About to go figure out who I can yell at.

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