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Posts posted by James329

  1. Wow, pandering to your readers? Anybody who knows a tad of football saw how North Texas owned the line of scrimmage. If anything they were fortunate to win. We spotted them 11 in special teams play, and they got every call. They responded and still couldn't put us away. They couldn't handle our physicality. Miami today is not Miami past, but neither is the mean green. Wish we had spin doctors like this guy in Denton.

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  2. The fact is, we score and take the lead. You do not intentionally allow them a kick return. You have nothing to gain. Maybe olen didn't hit it right, but to me it looked like a set call. You have to eliminate big plays, not give them an opportunity for one that negates your previous drive. Our kick coverage is suspect and we should know that. Changed the game. Nothing went our way after...

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  3. If it wasn't for Brock Berglund I'd have a lot of piss and vinegar about riddle. Not saying its necessarily his fault, but man that was bad. He's a good coach, doubt it was idea to kick to their returner after our first td. He can't kick, or punt, or block so. Special teams is usually a sign of depth which we won't have an advantage on against bigger programs, just the way it is.

  4. At least the final score turned out to be a better indication of the game. Special teams was bad, and every bounce/call went against us. Very pleased overall, a lot of positives. DT was great overall, Canales did a good job of getting chancellor the ball, o-line is mean, rbs were great and jimmerson looks special. Only downsides were special teams, Thompson not throwing the ball away a few times, some mishaps in coverage, and a few bad penalties. This thing is headed in the right direction. 2 years ago we lose that game 52-6.

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