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Posts posted by KRAM1

  1. 1 hour ago, UNTLifer said:

    First and foremost, hockey players, as a whole, do not flop. 

    Agree...but they darn sure do a lot of fighting, if that’s what you call it, in the regular season which stops play...sometimes at rather strategic times. Which, of course, doesn't  happen in the regular season. Which, of course, tells one it is done purposely...not so much on emotion.  Pretty much like flopping to stop play in the eyes of a casual, very casual, hockey observer. Not tagging on hockey at all...just observing behavior.

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  2. So, is there or is there not a rule saying that in cases like this, the refs have to wait until the injured team is in possession of the puck before they can blow the whistle?  I know when I refereed soccer that I often did not stop play just because a player went down.  Sort of depended on my "feel" for the run of play and the potential severity of the injury.  Anyone who watches or has played soccer from youth leagues up know this to be a fact of the game.  When I saw Bishop go down in apparent real agony, I felt the game should have been stopped immediately and that goal waived off.  If that had been a game of soccer I was referring, I would have immediately blown the whistle and waved off that goal.  It was obviously a serious injury that incapacitated Ben Bishop with the puck sitting right in his net area.  Fair play dictates that I would have stopped play and waived off that goal.

    BUT, this is hockey, not soccer, and I am not a "hockey guy", but the announcers said the Stars were not in possession of the puck so they did not stop play.  That's what they said and I assume the announcers know the rules, yes?

    Either way...thought it was pretty low class by the Blues to not just give the puck up to a Star player or hit it up and out of play.  However, it was game six of the series and the Blues had to win or go home. So, there was that.

    OK, hockey folks...what's the actual rule? Announcers correct about stoppage and possession? Refs made the right call? Wrong call?

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  3. 13 hours ago, GrandGreen said:

    That would be more feasible if Benford was head coach. 

    Frankly, I doubt TCU would take a chance on Woolridge, but if they offered it would be a good place for him to land. 


    Agree...but isn't TCC "full"?  Thought they just picked up a grad transfer.  Cannot imagine they would have room for a one year grad transfer.  But, does make sense that he might land there...assuming they have room.

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  4. Good kid...always smiling...when healthy, he was one of only two players we had that consistently drove the lane.  He was a team leader and team player...looking more to make the assist then the basket himself. I wish him all the success in the world wherever he lands.

    That being said...why transfer? He said he loved UNT and he graduated. Why not play that last year here? Fans love ya! One has to wonder if the knee cap issue will hurt his chances elsewhere? 

    • Anyway, just me, but I don't get it. None the less...great kid and I wish his well going forward, congratulate him on graduating and thank him for his excellent service to the Mean Green.  That is all.
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  5. Okey dokey did okey dokey it seems. Look folks, in case you didn’t know it before the game, OSU is good. Could we have fared better if the game had been played in Denton? Probably. Would we have won? Probably not. But, these are the type of opponents we should be playing if we want to get even better. Would have loved to have played OSU in Denton...hopefully, next season. Folks, this program is getting better and better. The future is VERY bright for UNT Softball. Book that! 👍💚

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  6. On 4/5/2019 at 9:30 AM, Censored by Laurie said:

    I’m just hanging around waiting for you to realize that you are now one of those “old white men” you want to disparage on a regular basis. Just ask a current college freshman. 😂😂. All relative my friend...all relative. No more freebies for you...and you need to do penance since you helped cause every problem the world now deals with on a daily basis. Welcome! 😂😂

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  7. Well..the numbers are in...we made a tad over $4000.00 for the Spirit Teams! That is pretty darn good all things considered...change of date, change of venue, Saturday before Easter, etc. Many thanks again to our sponsors, players, donors and spectators. You are the ones making it a success for these great student-athletes. 👍👍

    By my guess, and after rallying up the last nine years of events, these little one-day events have generated close to $60,000 for UNT student-athletes! Not bad...thanks to YOU! 

    See you next year for our second kickball game! 👍👍 AND....year 10!

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  8. At our 9th Annual Spirit Classic kickball game silent auction, I bid on and “won” a certificate for two Club Hub seats for the opening day Mean Green football game against ACU on Aug. 31st. I have Club seats so, don’t actually need these...just wanted to support the silent auction. So, I am willing to sell them to anyone who would like to have them. They are valued at $300.00. I paid $125.00. If you are interested PM me. You know it is going to be hot on the 31st, so why not try these out? You might like it enough to get Hub Club seats for the rest of the season...who knows?

    Mods...if you need to move this to the ticket exchange, feel free to do so.

    Happy Easter everyone. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, THOR said:

    it was damn fun!  everyone could play, no anger or tempers, just a great time.  hope to have a kickball game again next year! thank you for doing this kramster

    Yes Sir! Kickball on for next year. We just had too much fun to not do it again for year 10. And, thank you for always supporting! 👍

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  10. Had a super day to play and a super time playing. And, we made several thousand dollars in support of our UNT Spirit Teams. And, thanks to some of our wonderful supporters we had some great silent auction items...including this Frisco RoughRider Goodie bag being displayed by several of our Cheer team members.

    I can truthfully say that a great time was had by all. Maybe the great brisket sandwiches provided by untdadx2 had a big part to play in our having such a good time. I can say from experience...they were delicious!!!

    Yep...it will be kickball again for year 10 of the Spirit Classic in 2020!


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  11. AD Wren Baker tossing out “first pitch” today to none other than Scrappy. OK, a tad in front of the plate but, Scrappy got a single out of his “first bat”. Too much fun today...beautiful weather.

    Thanks to all who came out to support these student-athletes. And, a big thanks to all our sponsors and donors! Could not do it without each and everyone of you! 💚💚


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  12. 1 hour ago, Stix said:

    There will be a caravan event in Houston - Monday June 9th, if I remember correctly.  It was announced during President Smatresk's visit with alumni at the Houstonian a couple of weeks ago*.  It's back at the Karbach brewery, after being held at St. Arnold's last year.

    I don't know if there will be caravan stops in Austin or San Antonio.

    * Sorry, I never got a chance to post about that!

    Yes yes...I think you are correct. Sorry if my post was a tad misleading...I should have said “ looking like one big Caravan in the DFW area this year”. Appreciate you following up. 👍👍

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