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the green rokemi

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Posts posted by the green rokemi

  1. 1 minute ago, SteaminWillieBeamin said:


    The D or R doesn't matter - it is about former wrestlers accusing Gym Jordan of a cover-up of college athletic abuses. Which is where TTG's comment stems. 

    So he's chosen to believe unproven allegations and used douchebag in reference to him, when many conservatives like him, then accuses others of getting political....? A little hypocritical

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  2. 2 hours ago, UNT 90 Grad said:

    Released yesterday.   Texas Medical Association rated playing football as a MODERATE-HIGH risk (7) but going to a sports stadium as a HIGH RISK (9).

    https://www.texmed.org/uploadedFiles/Current/2016_Public_Health/Infectious_Diseases/309193 Risk Assessment Chart V2_FINAL.pdf

    Anyone who is analytical will tell you that there are lot of questions that need to be answered before that list is to be taken as gospel. Not to say there's not risk in doing some of those things. Good to know I can go to a church service with 499 people safely lol

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  3. 4 hours ago, Mean Green Matt said:

    The D looked pretty good at the beginning. Best case scenario is they just lost interest. That’s not good. But better than being focused and still giving up that many points to ACU. 

    Guess we didn't learn from last year? How many games did we start to blow them out early only to let them back in the game (games we ultimately lost)

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  4. 9 hours ago, TIgreen01 said:

    When TCU was in the conference they outspent everyone else by a significant margin.  We'll be coming in closer to the bottom.  We'd need to upgrade our budget, staff and talent to replicate what TCU did in the MWC.  Not saying we couldn't be competitive, but TCU DOMINATED that conference (at least on the football field) and used it to leap-frog out.  

    Tcu...leap frog....I see what you did there. Really jumped out the way you wrote it

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  5. 1 hour ago, Cerebus said:

    It was more than that.  You have to remember Rice Stadium seats 47,000, expandable to 70,000.  It is a big place.

    I would guess 4000 actual.  Still pretty bad.  However I won't bad mouth them for it as I saw JaQuay Wilburn set the all time rushing record in front of about 300 at Fouts.  I was the only student in my section, when I wanted to high five someone I had to run to another section, where that guy was the only student in his section.  

    That's funny, that was either me or near me, sounds really familiar. TI Green and I call those the lemon chill days. We'd buy a lemon chill then stretch across 3 bleachers like we were laying out at the beach

  6. 20 hours ago, Venson said:

    The ball was bobbled a little. I think it was an INT, but could have gone either way. SL probably didn't want to lose the challenge and a time out.

    But he called a time out anyway right? So it didn't matter, that's what I didn't understand

  7. 1 hour ago, Venson said:

    We won, but we certainly got away with a PI in the last couple of minutes of the game. It brought equilibrium to the game for the missed interception the the officials refused to review and the fumble that was missed.

    Listened to the game in the car for the interception, why did we call a time out instead of throwing a challenge flag? Seems we should have forced them to look at it again, not hoped they would

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