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Posts posted by GTWT

  1. Hi Mr. McNulty,

    You do not like DT as starting QB. We get it. Move on? Or at least keep it on the topics of our offense?

    I thimk Got5OnIt was referring to IU's backup QB - Kiel. Kiel seems to have a better arm than # 7, but he also seems to have no mobility.

    God bless Texas!

  2. Our kids played well in the first half. They made positive plays and often out-hustled the Coogs. In the second half Houston found their footing and did the things a good team should do. Make no mistake - The University of Houston is a very good football team - they have a great college quarterback and a talented set of receivers. I won't be surprised if the Coogs go undefeated.

    As for UNT, once we get past Alabama things will get better. We've already played the best SBC team and I think we'll beat our share of the rest of a weak conference. By December we'll all be feeling better than we do now. After signing day, we'll be down-right giddy and ready to predict a National Championship in 2012.

    God bless Texas

  3. Us as fans deserve a winning program.

    The University of North Texas deserves a winning program. We, as fans, sudents, & alumni, are part of the university.

    We deserve to be proud of our team.

    We should be proud of our team. As long as they're working hard and trying their best we should be proud that they represent our university.

    God bless Texas

  4. Good article. I don't expect to beat a very good Houston team this week but I do hope to see the Mean Green play better across the board.

    It's off topic for this thread but one item in the DRC link bothered me a lot:

    a minimum of five games on ESPNU that will be scheduled for Thursday or Friday nights.

    Friday night is for high school football.

  5. Please don't fall into that 'it takes time' garbage.

    BUT, my Mean Green friend, time is exactly what we need. Time to install new schemes. Time to recruit new players. Time, most of all, to instill a new attitude.

    Look at the FIU game as a baseline. It tells us where we are and where we need to go. I think we have the right coaches in place but it will surely take time to get there. In the meantime, let's be as supportive as possible.

    God bless Texas

    • Upvote 1
  6. Why does everyone want to invite FCS schools to this conference??? I don't get it.

    Inviting UTSA and Texas State would damage the reputation of a conference people already view as weak. Every other conference expansion is looking to improve their standing... we seem to want to lower ours.

    If UNT is doomed to be in a second-class conference (which, in the case of the Sun Belt, will require improvement), I want that conference to include Texas schools. Texas State and UTSA are both superior academically to most SBC schools and, in a few years, will be better athletically. Keep Lafayette (I like the food) and replace as many of the others as possible with NMSU, UTSA, TxSU, etc. Change the darn name - Sun Belt sounds like an off-brand of tire. 'New Southwest Conference' sounds good.

    God bless Texas

    • Upvote 1
  7. Scientists finally discover the true cause of global warming. Its the sun, stupid.


    Hi Flyer, If you read the blog you linked to you'll find there's a bit more to the story. The Cern study did indeed show that the sun influences climate, that's something we've known for a very long time. In the Nature article the authors are careful to make it clear that climate change isn't just due to solar radiation or the interaction between solar radiation and the earth's atmosphere. Rather climate is determined by a complex interplay between solar radiation, the atmosphere, the oceans, and the biosphere - the biosphere includes anthropogenic impacts.

    No where in the article do the authors suggest that anthropogenic release of fossil CO2 isn't occurring or that the CO2 entering the atmosphere doesn't play a role in climate change. The authors, like nearly all scientists, recognize that man is releasing massive amounts of CO2 through the burning of fossil fuels, that CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas, and that the CO2 is interacting with abiotic factors to cause a dramatic increase in mean global temperatures.

    Science denial ain't nice...

    God bless Texas

    • Upvote 5
    • Downvote 2
  8. A&M is going to the SEC and they'll be okay.

    UT may stay in a reconfigured Big12, create a new super conference, join the PAC12, or go independent - regardless, they'll be fine.

    The loser in all this is college sports in the state of Texas. I like the Aggies and would rather watch them play Texas than LSU. I like the Horns and would rather watch them play A&M than Iowa State. Sad.

    Sadder still, this probably leaves the Mean Green in that Hell Hole calted the Belt.

    God bless Texas.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I'd vote for Bugs Bunny if he ran because at least ol' Bugsy' Boy is a capitalist or his creator was.

    But that's the problem. Our country and our culture are facing multiple challenges, some related to economics, some not. To just choose someone because they're a capitalist or a Christian or an eviromentalist is being one dimensional and simplistic. That's why we end up with candidates like Sarah or Al.

    • Upvote 1
  10. And, what's more laughable is any of the conferences talking about academics when the majority of the athletes don't get into challenging degree programs.

    All of the academics talk is baloney. Almost every school in every conference has watered down degree programs for its athletes.

    The degrees sought by athletes are irrelevant. What does matter is that universities do not want to be associated with institutions that are embarrassments academically. Thus the need to leave MTSU, UL-Monroe, and Troy far behind. The bottom line is that these are not the schools that UNT needs to be associated with on any level.

  11. Predictions

    Texas A&M goes SEC. They won't win many SEC championships but no big deal. They've never won many conference championships. They'll be happy. Being a medium/small fish in a big pond ain't bad - ask Vanderbilt.

    Texas stays in the Big XII as long as OU is in the Big XII. Two top 10 programs is good enough.

    Houston enters the Big XII.

    UNT goes to cUSA.

    • Upvote 1
  12. The rich? What kind of rich do you mean? Lke Nancy Pelosi rich, or John Kerry rich? Or that small businessman down the road who staked every thing he owned in his life at the risk of losing it all, but instead succeeded, and just happened to clear his first $250,000, rich?


    I responded to your crack about liberals. Neither your statement nor my response were necessary or appropriate on this thread or this board. For my part, I appologize.

  13. WT (one motto is "Always WT") reminds me a lot of when I started at NT in the 1970s. It will never grow as big as UNT - Amarillo ain't no Metroplex - but it's a nice medium sized state university.

    Athletics is huge here - much moreso than UNT when I was there. Volleyball, women's basketball, softball, & soccer, and, of course, football are all successful and well supported. The university opened a new sports park (soccer, softball, baseball) this year.

    My heart will always be green, but WT is a nice school and as my second love - isn't bad.

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