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Posts posted by GTWT

  1. Community college level?

    Boise State has THREE doctoral programs, until recently was only a masters level institution, and besides the football team is probably best know for its truck driving school (not a joke).

    SDSU has 12. Both of them are about to be AQ schools.

    I am proud of my degrees from NT, but academics has nothing to do with conference prestige or the conference shuffle.

    Boise has a good football program but academically it's not a school I want UNT associated with. If "academics has nothing to do with conference prestige or the conference shuffle" why has UT explicited stated that being in a conference with academic peers is critical?

    I know this isn't a popular notion on GMG.com but academics trumps athletics everytime. Athletics is an important part of the university experience but the reason for existence is academics.

  2. And remember it's not just about athletics. Academic reputation is an important consideration in conference affiliation. cUSA has Rice & Tulsa - two schools with heavy-weight reputations and several other schools that are well-respected. The Sun Belt? Troy, MT, Monroe, & several other schools that are community college level. Which schools do you want to see UNT allied with?

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  3. I'd be willing to bet that on 24 November 2013 the Mean Green will be in either cUSA or the MWC. We'll all be posting about needing to be in the Big East & how SMU is keeping us out by nefarious means. We'll be bitching about only being 8 and 3. Someone will suggest that our coach, our offensive coordinator, our AD, or our President has to go.

    God bless Texas!

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  4. A 'New Southwest Conference' would be nice. Composed of IA schools from Texas, Louisiana (south Louisiana, not north Louisiana), Oklahoma, & New Mexico, we could have reduced travel costs, regional rivalry, and be associated with better academic institutions.

    Ain't likely to happen of course, but then neither was Apogee. List of best-to-worst case scenarios

    1) cUSA

    2) MWC

    3) new regional conference

    4) WAC

    5) independence

    6) a good 5A Texas HS conference

    7) Sun Belt

  5. There's always a hope we'll play someday in the new Baylor stadium, so it is sort-of UNT related. Also, it's nice to compare our new digs with that proposed for the Baptists. The Baylor rendering is nice but Apogee is better.

    Anyway, the proposed Baylor stadium looks great. I can hardly wait to sit back, enjoy a cold Shiner Bock, and watch a Mean Green victory.

    God bless Texas!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Good topic.

    My first thoughts were that, in all honesty, my support of UNT athletics would almost certainly decline if we stay in the Belt. Staying in the SBC means our leadership failed. I can accept a QB who fails to make a play in the 4th Quarter or a point guard who fails on a FT attempt. I can't accept a AD or President who fails to sell our wonderful university. There are no legitimate excuses left to stay in the Sun Belt.

    My second thoughts, after reading some of the posts above, is that of course I will continue to support UNT athletics. I won't be happy - but I'll still support the Mean Green.

    God bless Texas!

  7. But it is foolish to point accusatory fingers at a system that has allowed a countless number of Americans to work and live in comfort, if not in opulent luxury.

    Foolish, maybe, but constitutionally guaranteed. We should all be happy there are people who care enough to protest. Even if we disagree with their point of view the simple exercize of their rights is a defense of all our rights.

    Scream on Tea Partier! I disagree with much of what you say and I laugh at your candidates but I'm glad you care enough to speak out.

    God bless Texas!

  8. The time change hurt some fans and helped others. For me it allowed me to watch two teams that I care about. If I had been made to choose between watching the Rangers in the World Series or watch my Mean Green play La-Monroe I'm afraid I would have had to miss the Sun Belt game. I suspect a lot of fans would have made the same decision. So kudos to RV for making the move.

    God bless Texas!

  9. It's not fair or productive to pick on the Greeks. There are lot's of students, alumni, and Denton residents who ought to be more involved with UNT.

    We have a university that deserves our support. ALL of us should do what we can to get the word out about our football, basketball, volleyball, and - not most of all - our academics. We have a university that deserves our support and our pride.

    God bless Texas!

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  10. People bring up stupid stuff here all the time that has nothing to do with UNT football. Why is politics so much worse?

    Because politics is totally irrelevant to whether a poster supports The University of North Texas or not. Making cracks about liberals or conservatives, Obama or Palin alienates part of our fan base. A base that is not robust enough to afford losing even a single fan.

    As for the other "stupid stuff" feel free to disparage my religion - we Druids are very thick skinned.

    God bless Texas

    • Upvote 2
  11. at the very least the SBC is stable and we just have to keep winning. If we do that then who knows what may happen. {/quote]

    The Belt is stable because no respectable conference wants a Belt school. If we win the Belt 4 years in a row we know what will happen - we'll prepare to compete that next year in the same old Belt.

    We need out of this God-foresaken conference. Get out of the belt. Go indy for 2 or 3 years till we leave the stigma of the Belt behind us. Then join a respectable conference.

    God bless Texas!

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