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Posts posted by DallasGreen

  1. Sarah Heiser publishes an on line news letter. She is marketing director and always looking for new material. Contact sheiser@unt.edu Although far from where we want to be our membership will number 5,000 at the end of this semester not 3,500 again, just giving the facts. Also we sponsor at least 2 tables at all athletic banquets, have a presence at at least 70% of all FB road games, paid $20K toward the green seats in the coliseum, offered our logo to the athletic dept. and the school who both promptly turned it down-- there is no grounds whatsoever to say we don't work with athletics. One of our biggest problems is getting faculty and coaches to join us. A majority of our board are upper level members of MGC, but only Coach Bell is a member from athletics. Our bylaws state you can join as a friend of NT and don't have to be an alum. Apparently not many who work at NT are supportive of NT.

  2. Steve - We now have a director of chapter development who will be most receptive to any suggestions you may have. As I previously mentioned her name is Barbara Sanders and she was special assistant to Dr. Pohl for several years. Her sole job is revitalizing the chapters which will have their own volunteers, projects, budgets, etc. which Barbara will assist in facilitating. Regarding the chair and MBNA that must have been that company's promotion as I have heard nothing about this being offerred by the Exes.

  3. I like the idea of doing a BRICK, like ULL does.  When you join the Exes for a lifteime membership, you get a brick to line the walkway of the new pedestrian mall - or to get more people involved with athletics, you could have those bricks go into the new stadium or into a pathway leading up to the athletic center.  Bricks should be rewarded to all current lifetime members as well to get it off the ground.

    Secondly, since the North Texan goes out to all alumni, paying or not - the Exes needs to have its own newsletter.  And the newsletter needs to have VALUABLE coupons inside of it so that when people move they actively contact the Exes to let them know their new address.  When the dues were raised, it was to pay for 5 district reps - that covered the $100K to pay for their salaries.  Now that those positions have been eliminated - the dues need to either be lowered back to their original amount or the extra money raised should be used to put out the newsletter, not buy Plasma screen televisions for an alumni center that 1 in 100,000 (potential) members have actually seen or been able to use. 

    I would also let members know that the alumni center is their's for use of gatherings - watching parties, reunions, student group alumni association meetings (fraternitis, lettermen, sororities, Talons, etc...) - back on the newsletter - every year it should have a new window sticker for a person's car.  People change cars like they change their underwear these days and stickers wear out.  Members should get a new sticker every single year - whether they are year by year members or lifetime members.  The mailing list that would be created would have a much greater use as well. 

    In addition to having an ANNUAL or Semi-Annual Exes newsletter - you could use this mailing list for promotions for the different activities on campus.  For instance, last year we were in danger of missing the 15K mark for attendance so our athletic department sent out last minute letters to season ticket holders redeemable for two free tickets to bring some friends to the game.  The problem with this was two fold, it was a limited mail-out - in addition to them being mailed out late they only went to those season ticket holders that had a correct address on file.  In the end very few people actually got the vouchers.  I would go ahead and send out these vouchers through the Exes newsletter for a pre-determined game every year (doesn't matter if we need to boost attendance for a rule or not).... in exchange for this service, ask the athletic department to donate 2 season tickets each year and raffle these tickets off to the new members from that year.  The promotions that could be done are endless - remember the raffle for the ride in the Regal Eagle to Austin last year? - That could have been reinforced with a mail out with the Exes private newsletter and could have gotten more people involved/raised even more money.  When the Sun Belt basketball tourney came to town - that could have been included in the newsletter, lord knows that the Exes should have been utilized to help market that distaster of attendance. 

    Next - take it to another level - you can have birthdays anounced - career advancements announced - pretty much everything that is submitted gets printed, just like my fraternity alumni magazine.  And then add one more thing to this whole newsletter thing - an online edition - just like Dr. Pohl's Insider Newsletter.  You could have volunteers write the articles or simply have each chapter President submit the calendar of events for their chapter for that month.  The online newsletter should be done MONTHLY - it can be done for FREE - so you can buy more plasma screens that will never get used if you like or use the money to give back to members in terms of tickets to football games, concert tickets at the Murchidone, whatever - it could be e-mailed out for free and of course it should also be accesible online (just like the North Texan, the NT Daily, and the Insider are) - and like I said before - coupons - coupons - coupons.  If the coupons get used enough - you might even be able to get people to **gasp** advertise in the newsletter so that it can turn a profit.  Just make sure that there are valuable coupons included in each edition - whether it is mailed out or put online.  A free video at Blockbuster.  Put the Exes credit card in there.  Have a buy one get one free for any North texas event (football, basketball, softball, conerts, etc...) 

    I think that every single member of the Exes should be offered a buy 1 get one free coupon for important events at North Texas - if they like athletics then it could be for the homecoming game.  If they are interested in music then they should be able to attend an event at the Murchison.  There are movie screenings all over the metroplex - randomly give out two free tickets to a movie; we have an alumnus that runs these screenings for a living.  Little things like that - something to keep people updating their address.  And make it easy to change it online if you move.  Let people know that there is a UNT career center and how to get to it on the web.  Then - use it as a sales avenue that will provide results - for instance you can write a nice article on the new Rec Center - put a link to some online pictures of it and then tell them about the membership rate to the Rec Center (maybe compare it to the other gyms in the area as far as faclities and rates to show that it is the best deal around) and then work something out with the Rec Center to cut Exes members a 20% discount.  Basic, Simple, Old Fashioned - Bang for you Buck stuff.  Not, thanks for your money - we will talk to you again next year when we want another $50 bucks and see ya later.  That is basically the deal that yuo get now.

    Big correction here -There is no plasma tv in the Alumni Center That is totally false ! The big screen tv there was bought at cost from a dealer/alum at more than $1K less than retail. We also had a promise of donated funds for it from Belo, but when DMN circulation dipped they renigged. As for no one seeing it, there are pre and post game receptions at the Alumni Center as well as watching parties. If you choose not to come by then that's your choice. It seems many here are whinning and are part of the problem rather than taking the initiative to get involved. If $40. breaks your budget then your problems are much bigger than exes membership.

    As for the comments by GGII, he was given literally thousands of leads plus a substantial fee for seed $ for this fiasco. His product was a publication not a web based product and would have been obsolete the day it was published with little ability to update. The advertising rates were astronomical. I would not mention this except GGII opened the door with his derogatory comments. Check his giving record with MGC or the Exes and you'll see that there's no great loss of funds in any of the many times he chooses to pull his monetary support. Sorry Rick but you were the one that opened the door, and GMG.com might as well have the truth.

  4. How about this.  When seniors turn in their paperwork for graduation,  one required form would be an NT Exes application,   All graduating seniors then would be given one year's complimentary membership into NT Exes.   These members would have all ther rights and privilleges of membership for one year.  This would have benfits for both sides.  First,  the graduate who may or may not have a new job wouldn't have to worry about Alumni Association dues,  second it would remove any excuse why they dont join, what do they have to lose?,  Third- it could be promoted as a graduation 'gift' from the University to the student.  Benifits for the exes...It would be an imediate boost to membership,  It would be an encouragement for recent alumni to immediately become active alumni and significantly lower the median age of the group, and they can focus on retention rather than recruitment.   Just before the membership expires,  renewal forms could be sent out,  and renewals could be made at the recent graduation rate.   How many will renew is up to question, but I'd venture that you'd have more renewals than you currently have new enrollments in the status quo.

    These are good points although some are already in place. There is a GRADitude table at each graduation reception hosted by Dr. Pohl. New graduates are able to sign up for no cash outlay-- just the assignment of the $20. property damage deposit they put up when they first entered NT, and that they have long since forgotten and probably would not go through the extreme hassle it would be should they want it refunded. In return they get a full years membership ($40 value), an NT license plate holder, decal, access to all affinity programs, and discounts on exes msde. , etc.

    At present plans are under way for a huge reception/ party at the Gaylord Center for St. Pat's day 2006. We hope to make this an annual event for all chapters to celebrate glory to the green on the greenest day on the calendar and of course when 3/17 doesn't fall on a weekend, the event will be the weekend preceeding. We hope to make this an annual event like aggie muster and Texas Independence Day that UT chapters celebrate.

    We have a new director of chapter development--Barbara Sanders, former special assistant to Dr. Pohl, who would love to be contacted with any questions or suggestions for chapters. A student chapter has already been organized on campus and Barbara will provide any info. you might need on that. Just drop by the alumni center --right bottom floor of the Gateway arch, and you can become involved to whatever extent you desire. Contacts are bsanders@unt.edu; dlayton@unt.edu; sheiser@unt.edu; jkraus@unt.edu-- all would be happy to present any ideas you might have to the respective committees, chapter leaders, and the quarterly meetings of the board of directors. Jim Fincher, President-elect, North Texas Exes

  5. Well done shaft. My sentiments exactly.

    The us vs. them does not treat any fan well, especially those that were there to hear it. Those of us who have been around a while have never heard this drivel from other staffs and yes we'll still be there and have been there long before this staff came and will be there when it leaves. This is the highest paid coach ever at NT and that includes some very good ones. Never did the others continually criticise the customers. No one can question DD's accomplishments but one of any coaches duties is p/r, and last night he was a miserable failure when it came to that. I agree w/ FFR 100% AND I'LL PUT MINE AND HIS SUPPORT RECORD UP AGAINST ANY OF THE ABOVE RESPONDENTS!!

  6. I was here before DD and I'll be here after DD.    I come to see the team play, not DD.    ph34r.gif

    That is EXACTLY the point that needs to be emphasized. The us vs. them is very old by this point. By the end of the regular season on Thurs. I will have been to 10 of the 11 games this year, and hell yes I was critical of a defense that quit cold at UT, at CU, and again at BU. A loss to a 1-AA that has now been beaten on its home turf by several SBC teams is no moral victory either. I'll also admit that I was verbally upset at the play of AA @CU and made it known when the offense was continually busting its tail only to see the defense roll over one more time, but I'm also enough of a man to go up to AA last night and apoligize for being down on him early on and tell him I was proud of the way he'd stepped it up since. He actually got a kick out of my apology. DD needs to learn the same humility when he makes a fan critical remark that while maybe not intended to the fans he is addressing comes off as if it includes everyone. If I fail at times at my job I hear about it immediately. DD and his staff and players need to understand that is how the rest of the world works---take it constructively and learn from it or ignore it, but what does this immature retaliation prove other than alleinate some good fans that may not blindly follow, but are always there when it counts.

    • Upvote 1
  7. It never has been funny. The students are showing to be truly the laziest most apathetic jackasses of any D-1 institution. They are a disgrace to UNT and to themselves. I don't think for one minute that they were at any parties. They just had to go home for the weekend so mama could do their wash. When we are back in 1-AA in spite of having an exciting team to watch and a fast emerging group of loyal alumni, I hope these lazy mama's babys realize how they devalued their degree and were the devestation of a vastly improved college football program. There is no excuse period for last night's student turnout. mad.gif

  8. Poor UT, all of Texas is crying today...Except for me! UT can suck it. When UT gives UNT props I will cheer for their school. UT and A&M still beleive everyone in the state only cherishes their history. This is so far from the truth. I am a UNT hardcore fan and will not stand for any eyes looking down on my college. Until that day when I feel we are as respected. I will not cheer for any Texas college.

    This attitude may change after Sept 2.

    Don't go to the bank with that one until after you look at the tape of UT's spring game.
  9. Right on--How can you root for a California asian group of misfits

    against a Texas team ? I do believe UT lost to a far inferior team that they had twice beaten during the regular season. The loss showed the one thing that NT can take advantage of and that is the enormous UT ego and arrogance. They will believe NT to be far inferior, and if we can move the ball w/o mistakes ( very unlike 2 years ago when we lost by the worst margin of defeat in the history of the series) we have a slim chance of pulling the upset. Although it's our all district players against their all state players, and like I've said before you can't coach players to run 4.4s or grow to 6' 8" tall you just might surprise UT enough with athleticism to stand a slight chance. Conservatism will kill us offensively, but with success on a few " exotics" early UT could be back on its heels before finally deciding that this is more than a preseason scrimmage against an inferior non-BCS opponent. The stars will have to align just right and just maybe the UT arrogamce will seal the deal. A very long shot at best, but who can say=== it worked the last 2 days!!

  10. At my son's graduation from UT some science speaker soliciting research funds(like UT needs more $) said something like in 10 years no one will remember who won the Big XII, but they will know the research their $ brought in. The big difference at UT was all the graduates gave him a big round of boooos when he said that. Then he suggested a state income tax to support research funding and the parents booed!!!

  11. The consultants who were called in to reevaluate the Master Plan ( actually last done in 1998) had recommended at least two more dorms to meet immediate projected enrollment needs. Land was acquired near Santa Fe dorm to construct a 400 bed dorm and attempts were made to acquire other contiguious properties that failed. Condemnation proceedings would have had to be used to get enough contiguious property to build a second dorm, and that certainly was a last resort for the university. In the consultants report they had recommended using the golf course property then under lease to the Raddison. The Raddison initiated the idea of terminating the lease which made the property available to solve an immediate dorm problem in a fisically responsible way that had previously been suggested by the consultants. Far from being some "plot" against the wishes of the Denia neighborhood, this was a very responsible use of state funds and your tax $. It is true that at times the good of many have to inconvenience a few, but the probably highest and best use of the property would be to sell it for commercial development to get the funds for what has to be done. Maybe those residents would better tolerate a Super Target Or Walmart or heck there is room enough for both. Just ask yourself how much has little"d" done for their universities compared to other college towns? A loss of some Denton support will be a miniscule loss indeed.

  12. If you feel this year's team can get an NIT bid LOL! We have now lost big time to all area teams--TCU,SMU,BU and never fired a shot in any of them. Darn lucky to beat TAM-C, a D-II team. Cold shooting , no rebounding, no physical game under the net, poor passing---these are all present on this year's team. Looks like a VERY long BB season!!!

  13. I too feel Johnny did a great job last year, but we now have losses to all the locals(SMU & TCU) and didn't look great in either. We lost to TN Tech who may be good at home but isn't exactly an NCAA power. CU was drubbed earlier by Rice, and from past results we would seem to have no shot against BU or Auburn. At least we should get fat against TAMC 'cause if we don't real trouble lies ahead. I know we lack height but its the intensity in rebounding that we really have not shown. Our shooting % is bad and way too often we get just one 3 point opportunity before the opponents get the rebound. Maybe AA can give us muscle under the basket that we have lacked so far. It is beginning to look like a LONG season.

  14. If the paper publishes good things about a program because of its accomplishments and large following, DMN has sure gotten outside the box in its coverage of SMU. A two page spread chronicling the coach's game day after losing miserably to arguably the worst team in D-1 shows that there are journalists who write about the hometown boys no matter what.

    • Downvote 2
  15. Anything that makes it harder for commuters and encourages students to live in Denton or close surrounding area is much appreciated. Commuters are much like parasites in that they take while they are students, usually don't participate in campus organizations while there, contribute to a long standing tradition of apathy because they remain unaware of their school's traditions and activities, and generally make sorry alumni never giving time or money back to their alma mater that has provided them with the means to earning a livelihood.

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