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Posts posted by malonish

  1. This gradual slide into "screw it, that's good enough" is exactly what happened to June Jones.  Do you want that to happen to you?  Have you already started wearing leis around for no good reason?  Has your fashion sense every been described as "Port Aransas Cocaine Dealer?"

    You can still save yourself, but you're going to have to work hard.

    Nah I just started wearing a visor though.

  2. I've met plenty, and it's always a common theme. People who couldn't get into UT but want to be businessmen and people who couldn't get into Rice. Only thing needed to get into SMU is lots of $$$$.

    If you can get into SMU, you can get into UTA (especially the Top X% automatic admission to public institutions http://admissions.utexas.edu/apply/decisions). SMU admissions are more stringent than UTA. Rice is the toughest in the state no doubt.

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  3. I of course won't get my hopes up because SMUers have been parroted the same "Oh we're actually getting good this year" stuff by media and coaches so I will hold off my predictions for this game until some time after the game has ended.

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  4. Ah the age old internet come back and sure fire way to know one is losing-attack the other person's grammar or spelling!

    You played it well, even though it's an inherently weak attack you gave it a go.

    I normally wouldn't go for such low hanging fruit but it was so far off base that it looked pretty bad if not intentional. A modified Poe's Law if you will. Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will, to some readers, be indistinguishable from sincere expressions of the parodied views. 

    Besides, what do I have to lose here? It's a gall durn football forum not scientific discourse. Don't be so serious- have a chill pill/beer and rub one out.

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  5. Not just from still photos, but from intense Dallas media coverage and comments of new coach who is absolutely dominating Texas HS recruiting. " To beat us you'll have to kill us". Preston Line will follow in his brother's footsteps. The A$M transfer QB far outshines any we can put on the field. They are pissed off about last year and sandwiched between BU and TCU, this is a MUST win game for SMU! The old adage that a team improves most from its first game to its second will come into play here. BU will be a strong home test for them, while we will have no idea of what we can do having only played" Open Date University". Maybe we learn enough from this non-rivalry game according to Mac that we play better against Rice, but I feel putting SMU in the automatic "W" column is a very dangerous assumption. We have not won in their on campus stadium anytime in the modern era. If we don' t come to play our best game, and Mac continues to say this is a " non-rivalry" game, we are in big trouble.

    Prescott* Line

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