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Jim Lott

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  1. Zeke, Thanks! That really means a lot and he would have loved hearing it! I was reading another thread here that 'his son's', referring to John and I, took his A&P courses and flunked!!! For the record, John made C's and I made B's.... You can tell which one of us is the real jock here......... I would swear that pre-pharm were his favorite majors.. Not sure if it was the chemistry or math but there was something that he so respected about what you do. It may have had something to do with when he was a Hospital Corpsman (Pharmacist Mate in WWII) that he related to the responsibilities because we had an old mort and pestle he brought home from the Navy when he used to mix meds for caps and even mixed bags (I think). I think he thought of himself as a pharmacist mate to the very end. In any case, he admired you a lot...... So you were the last class to have him.. Brings back the memory.. I remember that shirt the classes distributed with some of his favorite sayings and quotes. He would usually first greet the class with, "Alright, good people....." "Would you bet your left gonad...", and referring to the male genitalia as your 'thermostrock.' That one always cracked me up......
  2. I always appreciated people telling their stories of classes with him when he was still around and appreciate it even more so now that he's gone.... He was an amazing dad but we always knew he thought on another wavelength. I remember in the Navy conducting flight physicals and a Lt. Cmdr. sat down for a blood preasure check and saw my nametag. He asked where I was from and I said Denton. He told me he was a freshman at NT in '58 and had dad in class and laughed at how hard he was but he learned a lot a was proud of his 'C'. Dad always said his profs at UT (Dr's Lund and Rosine) were the toughest you could imagine and this set his style of teaching for life coupled with that the Great Depression had such a profound effect on those generations. Old school teaching and standards could be unforgiving. Anyone who was raised by someone who grew up in the depression can attest to that...... Can I get an 'Amen'......
  3. Thanks! It's great having a site dedicated to UNT sports and Denton life in general. I do remember Leroy Shakespeare's reggae and saw him at a club here in Denver in the early 90's. Also saw a few other bands from The Library days including Rev. Horton Heat and Brave Combo. The Library was a good experience but you can imagine after the Navy and four years of college life, owning a bar put a nail in the coffen of my club going for many years after that.. Now I can finally go to a sports bar without the feeling I need to grab a mop... lol Since John first met Joe Greene when he was a kid, my brother has been all football. He worked hard for everything he's achieved in the game and has capitalized on some incredible opportunities. Going with Parcells and the Jets introduced John to a lot of super players and coaches. Though I've met Bill Parcells and like him, my favorite is and forever will be Bill Belichick for a simple reason. He was the only coach at the Jets who sent my Mom a card when Dad passed............ Yeah, I thought adman was just contributing to the thread and blame myself for not being around when misinformation is disseminated online or elsewhere. If I had been in Denton in 1993, my dad would not have signed the lease. But it's all water under the bridge now............. My last contact with UNT football was when I leased my home out to Noah Joseph's family. He was the safety coach with NT for two years and left for the Indiana Hoosiers and higher pay. Hey, I'll take you up on that beer when I come back. Spent practically the entire month of June there, but will let you know when I'm in town. Maybe we can catch some UFC...........
  4. Thanks Harry for the welcome! I'm a 1990 grad but know some history of the football program particularly the 60's and 80's. I also remember some Missouri Valley Conference basketball games back in the day... Stever Ramsey, Spider Lockhart, Ron Shanklin, Beasley Reese and Mean Joe Greene were all recruited by Chuck Noll and all had my dad for Anatomy&Physiology at NT. Greene could never pass the course and everntually gave up. In Joe's defense though, the course was quite intimidating. Six pages 106 questions, all fill in the blank with a discriptive essay. Dad always started his classes with a short test..... I sold drinks and peanuts at the games with my friends, attended parties and dinners at JKG Silvey's house and practically grew up at the biology dept and on the NTSU campus during the hippy days. I used to hang around Head Coach Rod Rust's son Greg.. My Brother John Lott also played for NT in the 80's. When the NFL strike happened in '87, John was recruited to play deep snap center and OG by Chuck Noll on Corky Nelson's referral. John was replaced in Pittsbugh by the first player to cross the line and help break the strike, Mike Webster. In the early 90's John went to work for NT as Strength and Conditioning coach before going back into the NFL and coaching for Bill Parcells at the Jets. ************ Regarding your question, all I can tell you is the lease was not Dr. Lott's idea and was presented to Dr. Lott, not the other way around. I owned The Library at 1210 West Hickory and lease to Cool Beans today.
  5. "Not long before he died he offered a very long term lease which was signed." Don't know who you are or where you got your information 'adman' but the details of Dr. Lott's signing Cool Bean lease are anything but what you posted. Please stop posting false information regarding Dr. Lott or this lease. Thanks.
  6. Welcome to the forums Jim Lott :)

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