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Status Updates posted by ChristopherRyanWilkes

  1. I'm not ashamed to admit as a man that seeing a man like president Obama cry brings a tear to my eye like nothing else. Such a senseless tragedy.

  2. The Newtown shooter had a "personality disorder," Virginia Tech shooter was "a quiet loner," the Columbine shooters were "bullied outsiders." I can think of many people who fit all those descriptions,none of which massacred human beings. How about we stop trying to label these killers as anything but the scary truth of what they are: pure evil.

  3. UNT is now 4-0 at games attended by yours truly this season. Go mean green!

  4. After senseless tragedies like what happened in Newtown it is human nature to try to find a solution. I've seen liberals rally for stricter gun laws and conservatives argue that if the teachers were armed this may not have happened. The harsh but honest answer is there may be no solutions here. It's very difficult to formulate policy or prevent random acts of violence. This is a very tough pill to swallow for many including myself.

  5. It's starting to creep me out how nice people are in Colorado. Stop being so happy to live;I get it your state is awesome.

  6. I've seen the man-made beauty of the east coast cities,but I'm convinced nothing is better than the God-made beauty of the Rockies and the mountain west. Farewell Colorado,not too excited to head back to the "prairies and lakes" region of Texas.

  7. You know you're from Texas when,sadly, all your exes really do live in Texas..

  8. Slammed on my breaks to stop from hitting a squirrel. It ran to the other lane and a redneck in a huge truck crushed it. Good to be back in Texas

  9. Did the Mayans give us a time? Or what time in what particular time zone? It's already December 21st in China..

  10. Date to see where Dallas profits off the Assassination of a president. I'm the romantic type.

  11. What if the world really ends and we are all up in heaven and God is all like "I was gonna wait another 100 years but y'all were pissing me off with your FB posts"

  12. Scantily clad women and gay rights plugs.. Some old lady in east Texas is holding her pearls right now. #VMAs

  13. Apartment isn't ready so have to stay in hotel where maids clean your room and towels. #firstworldprobz

  14. The entire campus of UNT is under construction.

  15. If I had a dollar for every time a homeless person asked me for a dollar I would have a dollar for said homeless person.

  16. Our queen her royalness Oprah Winfrey is in Dallas y'all.

  17. A&M rice prediction - A&M is down 80-0 after first half. Johnny Football comes back throws 20 touchdowns to himself and Aggies win it 140-80.

  18. Ariel Castro was found hung in prison,don't say this very often but good riddance.

  19. I hope no one is naïve enough to believe anything we do in the middle-east is because we care about the people in the middle-east. If only Africa had oil and strategic implications,then maybe we'd care about those genocides.

  20. My opponent in fantasy this week had Peyton Manning and Denarius Thomas. Need Romo to throw 8 TDs to Bryant this week. #firstworldprobz

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