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Posts posted by MizzouTigers

  1. Ever been involved in a legal dispute, Cerebus? I have. The idea you can restore your good name that way seems farcical to me. Lawsuits will bleed you dry and take up a lot of your time -- costing you even more money. The smart move is almost always to avoid litigation. No matter how much you've been wronged, getting lawyers involved in your life will make it worse.

    His attorneys are taking this on a contingency, so it's costing Leavitt nothing but time.

  2. If the lawsuit made other potential employers reluctant to hire me, hell yes I would give up the suit. A good coach has to be able to look at the long view.

    You can blackball yourself out of a lot of careers by suing a former employer. I would be extremely reluctant to do it.

    The way Leavitt should be answering USF's actions is by getting another head coaching job and kicking ass at it.

    You would walk away from a contract that still owed you $7,100,000.00?


  3. He was recognized at the basketball game last night during a timeout for his contribution to the school, although unfortunately it happened right at a critical time in the game and you couldn't hear yourself think from the crowd noise and we missed what exactly it was for.

    I never got a chance to say after our win over the Red Raiders, so Congrats Wardly for the recognition.


    Not wardly, The Fake Lonnie Linch. It was TFLL's post wardly said was a good post. I thought maybe wardly was being sarcastic. Surely wardly doesn't believe the tripe TFLL puts out?

  4. I was in no way, shape or form a expert on the Leavuitt firing before he became a candidate for out HC job, and I still am not. But I can tell when something smells funny, and this entire situation, IMHO, is starting to appear pretty trumped up. ph34r.gif

    Now add in the fact Doug Woolard is an athletic director that is in only his second stint as an AD and the first with a football program. Before he was at a basketball school, St Louis University. He is also friends with Slimy Lew Perkins at Kansas who had just fired Mangino, except Slimy Lew at least had the cajones to come to the table and negotiate a settlement. Not only has Dirty Doug Woolard refuse to negotiate a settlement,he has refused to even pay Leavitt's one month salary if he is fired for cause.

  5. I stand corrected about the woman not being on staff. The attorney was not on staff and specializes in exactly this type of situation. Since the State of Florida through USF engaged them to conduct the investigation, they are by definition "investigators." You can question their qualifications if you choose, but they unquestionably were investigators. I know every corporation in Texas would have one of it's own HR people on the investigation team into an accusation of abuse by a supervisor. USF also brought in an outside attorney who is ethically bound to conduct a complete investigation.

    Reading the report, they were very thorough and appear to have interviewed everyone who was anywhere near or could have been anywhere near where the incident took place.

    Thus, the report is still the official version of what happened until a court rules otherwise.

    Thomas Gonzales is an attorney that has been USF's hit man when they have fired people. If one truly wanted to conduct a full, fair and thorough investigation, why would you hire an attorney that specializes in management side labor disputes to aid a USF employee?

  6. Jerrell Young, being a scholarship player, was not in the same room at Joel Miller, a walk on, at the time of the choking and hitting. As the report notes, USF's scholarship players dress in a different area than the walk ons.

    Those witnesses in the room, with lockers next to and around Miller, say it happened. If they are ever called to a witness stand, their testimony will be given more weight than those, like Jerrell Young, who were not in the locker room when the incident occurred.

    In fact, I'd say that USF would welcome Jerrell Young as a witness for the very reason that he wasn't in the room at the time of the incident. If the trial ever occurs, it will be interesting to see if Leavitt's ambulance chasing attorney can figure that one out.

    Also, the firing is the official version of what happened - Jim Leavitt is and remains fired. The letter dismissing him give the reasons and list parts of the USF Rules and Codes he violated. USF is a State entity that has the right to enforce its own rules and codes.

    As noted, several times over, only a trial court or settlement can change the official version. Settlement without admission of fault or liability would have been the best case scenario, as Mark Mangino's attorneys knew and were able to do for him. Then again, Mangino's attorneys weren't ambulance chasers who dabbled in employment law in their spare time.

    Per usual you are just making shit up pretending you know something about the legal system...

    Here is Young's description of what took place at halftime, describing Leavitt's interaction with Miller and cornerback Jerome Murphy:

    "I was sitting across from Joel and down from Murph. What happened is Joel made a couple mistakes on special teams, he had a block in the back. Jerome Murphy got beat on a couple of passes. They both had their heads down, just out of the game. They weren't in the game, you could tell by their body language and their demeanor. Coach Leavitt, he tried to get both of them, telling them we were going to need them, telling Murphy 'You're a senior, you've got to step it up, we're going to need you this half,' telling him and Joel.

    "Murph reacted to that, like 'Okay, Okay,' but Joel was kind of out of it. Coach got him by the shoulder pads, saying 'Joel, we need you.' It wasn't nothing, no choke or no slap or nothing like that. He grabbed him like a motivational talk. I would have seen it if it was a slap. I was right across. I talked to (investigators) and this is what I told them. That's the truth. There wasn't nothing like what Colby Erskin said."

    Erskin, a senior receiver who was injured and not in the locker room during the Nov. 21 game, told Fanhouse and WDAE-AM 620 on Wednesday that Miller had told him an account of things that matched Fanhouse's initial report.

    USF Bulls player Jerrell Young disputes another player's version

    Leavitt's attorneys take exception to USF athletic director Doug Woolard's statement that no credible witnesses could be found to corroborate Leavitt's account of the incident, that the coach grabbed the player by the shoulder pads and shook him, but never grabbed his neck nor slapped him.

    The lawsuit says Benny Perez, a Florida Highway Patrol officer, told investigators he was in the room and saw the incident, but said Leavitt did not choke or strike Miller; the summary of USF's investigation conveys his statements as a far weaker defense of Leavitt. The lawsuit also alleges that USF materially misrepresented the testimony of another Highway Patrol officer, Jack Hypes. Strength coach Ronnie McKeefery; a player's parent, Mike Durakovic; and safety Jerrell Young also gave statements in support of Leavitt's account of what happened, but weren't deemed credible, with no explanation, according to the lawsuit.

    Ex-coach Jim Leavitt sues USF

  7. No sir. The woman, whose name now escapes me, works for USF's Human Resources department. The other gentleman is an attorney whose specialty deals with employer legal disputes. They are not investigators and there were no emails and there were no recordings of any kind used during their interview process of this incident.


    Sandy Lovins is her name. She is USF's VP of Human Resources. The other is Thomas Gonzales who is an attorney that specializes in management side labor disputes. He has been USF's go to guy when they have fired personnel in the past.

  8. Buddy of mine in Norman says the radio blowhards are saying word around OU is that Venables has been offered the UNT head coaching job, and it is his if he wants it.

    Anyone else heard anything, or is this typical cocky Sooner talk?

    Why would Venebles take a pay cut just to be a head coach?

  9. Canales has made it pretty public that he wants to be the HC @ UNT, that is priority #1. But if you think people arent going to/or haven't already noticed what Canales has done at UNT, then you are very blind.

    He took a team that hasnt won more than 2 games in 4 years to 2 WINS in just 3 Games!! With 15+ Injuries, Death on the Team, and the HC being fired.

    With the most important position in all of Sports the Starting QB the son of the Fired Head Coach leading the huddles, and being very successful.

    You really think that other people, including UNT officials haven't noticed that?

    Trust me people have noticed.

    You are quick to give him all the credit for beating two bottom of the barrel teams, so if UNT loses this weekend will it be his fault?

  10. I think Mean Green is offensive and should be changed because it gives such a negative connotation to the color green. Green is the symbol of all that is good...Money is green, green means go, grass is green and the emerald green waters off the north coast of the Yucatan of Mexico is a sight to behold.

    Mean Green simply sends the wrong message and should be changed.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Okay, I believe you. It's not like you just registered here to push a certain coach. rolleyes.gif

    The only thing the report / investigation / inquiry / whatever you want to call it proves is that something occurred. It is highly likely it got physical in some manner. Yes, grabbing a student athlete's pads is physical. I understand it happens, and many condone it calling it "passion", but something happened to make at least a couple people uncomfortable. A line got crossed somewhere. Does UNT ignore this and take a chance? Who knows.

    The one thing I have learned from this thread is that you can register to push a certain coach exclusively and not only can it be accepted, but also embraced by those so vocal against the other coach pimps. You're just selling the right trick.

    You really should read the "report" before you make such assumptions. It appears to me that you are unwilling to listen to even your own alumni on this board so I have to assume you have an agenda as well.

  12. The Mizzou poster says Leavitt never hit the kid. I continue to admit I haven't fully researched it but the video I linked suggests USF's administration conducted an investigation and concluded that he not only did so, he tried to cover it up and for those reasons he was fired.

    No, it wasn't an investigation, it was an inquisition. It was conducted by Sandy Lovins who is associate vice president for Human Resources with the aid of Thomas Gonzales who is an attorney that specialized in management side labor disputes. Now why would USF need an attorney like Gonzales if their intent was to conduct a full and fair investigation of the allegations?

  13. Accusations don't just pop up without something to fuel them.

    The accusations were fueled by a reporter with an axe to grind. Brett McMurphy was fired from the St Petersburg Times and he blamed Leavitt so he was out to take Leavitt down.

  14. That wasn't a BCS-level take down post; it'd barely hack it in a bi-district playoff game. You can do - and have done - much better.

    I was out working in the rain all afternoon so I was a little off my game.

  15. OK, Antler, you're game has gotten very old here.

    First, I'm not an Antler. Never was, never will be. Antlers were mega-dorks and we always made fun of them. And my game hasn't even started yet. I'm just getting warmed up.

    I realize Leavitt was your ol' college buddy and he will probably hire you to become a member of his staff if he was to get hired here.

    That's not gonna happen because there is no way I would take the pay cut. Denton is a nice town, but I'm quite happy splitting my time between Central Missouri, Nashville and Ft Lauderdale.

    You coming over to here to our site and calling out, in such a snarky manner, our alums and fans because of your perceived view of being such an educated football fan from an AQ league is beyond ridiculous.

    I didn't call anyone out and if you be nice to me I'll be nice to you. I think it's you that is snarky and downright rude.

    How long would I last if I did that on tigerzone.com (or whatever your idiot fans post on) by flaming your intelligence? Not long--and I know because I read the way your fans talk to Nebraska fans and KU fans when they go on there and talk about Mizzou.

    If you keep up your obnoxious behavior you may not last long on this board.

    Speaking of Mizzou, how is that you guys have never won a football championship in the last 40 years, when you are the ONLY division 1 school in a fairly large state, with two bigger markets to get support from? Here at UNT, we are the 10th Division 1 school in the state

    Can you name and spell all ten schools?

    (unlike USF in Florida being #5 in FL when they moved up to CUSA--which was already above #4 UCF), and we have never been in a league that has been close to a mid-major level, much less an equivalent to what Mizzou has been blessed with forever. Yet, here you are, even with your kush conference affiliation (which will change soon enough), to tell us little folks what to do to get our program turned around. Thanks a whole lot. By the way, let me give you some unsolicited and unwanted advice, too. Keep Gary Pinkel for a looooooonnnnnggg time. He is one of the most overrated coaches in the NCAAs. Chase Daniel made him. So did Nebraska's decline, which of course ended when they hired--wait, for it, a never-been-head-coach other than a bowl game, but was a hell of a defensive wizard. Voila, now Nebraska is back to jack-hammering you and the rest of the B12 North.


    Kansas State shore put an asswhoopin' on the Tea Sippers didn't they? I was pretty proud of my Tigers going down to A&M and pimp slappin' them.

    Good thing they will take your place in the Big 10 that your idiot chancellor so coveted and all your idiot fans bragged about getting on every message board around the country, huh? But since you didn't get it, and since Illinois wanted no part of you joining, while Nebraska, quite easily, convinced the rest of the B10 that they can deliver the KC market just as easily as Mizzou would, you guys won't have to worry about Nebraska anymore. That will really help you guys out a lot going forward, since you now have to play every Texas and Oklahoma school every year until Texas decides to go independent and they destroy your league. Don't worry, though. CUSA or the MWC will be a great league for Pinkel to compete in down the road. You might even get that conference championship that somehow has evaded your AD trophy case all these years.

    You really should work on your sentence structure and punctuation. You're making UNT's English Department look really bad right now. You did graduate from UNT, right?

    See, pal,

    I'm not your pal.

    how fun it is to get lectured about how your program is supposed to go and about "affording to take risks" to build up your status? It ain't much fun, antler. But I bet you already knew that.

    That wasn't a lecture, it was an ignernt redneck rant.

  16. Yeah, I have issues. The first one is that I don't like reading or listening to condescending idiots tell me how much better my _______ will be if I just do what they tell me. The second one is that I hate the University of Missouri. That about covers it for this thread.

    That's OK. No one at the University of Missouri like you either. In fact, I've heard quite a few talk about how much they hate you.

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  17. OK, Antler, you're game has gotten very old here. I realize Leavitt was your ol' college buddy and he will probably hire you to become a member of his staff if he was to get hired here. You coming over to here to our site and calling out, in such a snarky manner, our alums and fans because of your perceived view of being such an educated football fan from an AQ league is beyond ridiculous. How long would I last if I did that on tigerzone.com (or whatever your idiot fans post on) by flaming your intelligence? Not long--and I know because I read the way your fans talk to Nebraska fans and KU fans when they go on there and talk about Mizzou.

    Speaking of Mizzou, how is that you guys have never won a football championship in the last 40 years, when you are the ONLY division 1 school in a fairly large state, with two bigger markets to get support from? Here at UNT, we are the 10th Division 1 school in the state (unlike USF in Florida being #5 in FL when they moved up to CUSA--which was already above #4 UCF), and we have never been in a league that has been close to a mid-major level, much less an equivalent to what Mizzou has been blessed with forever. Yet, here you are, even with your kush conference affiliation (which will change soon enough), to tell us little folks what to do to get our program turned around. Thanks a whole lot. By the way, let me give you some unsolicited and unwanted advice, too. Keep Gary Pinkel for a looooooonnnnnggg time. He is one of the most overrated coaches in the NCAAs. Chase Daniel made him. So did Nebraska's decline, which of course ended when they hired--wait, for it, a never-been-head-coach other than a bowl game, but was a hell of a defensive wizard. Voila, now Nebraska is back to jack-hammering you and the rest of the B12 North. Good thing they will take your place in the Big 10 that your idiot chancellor so coveted and all your idiot fans bragged about getting on every message board around the country, huh? But since you didn't get it, and since Illinois wanted no part of you joining, while Nebraska, quite easily, convinced the rest of the B10 that they can deliver the KC market just as easily as Mizzou would, you guys won't have to worry about Nebraska anymore. That will really help you guys out a lot going forward, since you now have to play every Texas and Oklahoma school every year until Texas decides to go independent and they destroy your league. Don't worry, though. CUSA or the MWC will be a great league for Pinkel to compete in down the road. You might even get that conference championship that somehow has evaded your AD trophy case all these years.

    See, pal, how fun it is to get lectured about how your program is supposed to go and about "affording to take risks" to build up your status? It ain't much fun, antler. But I bet you already knew that.

    Dude...You've got some issues.

    I have to head to Columbia this afternoon to do some work for the football game tomorrow, but I will take the time this evening to see if I can help you with your issues.

  18. Sounds to me like Leavitt is the real world version of Gene Hackman's character in Hoosiers:


    Would Hayden Fry hire somebody like that?

    Except Gene Hackman's character was actually guilty of hitting the player. The allegations against Jim are complete horseshit. I challenge you to read the official USF "report" and come to your own conclusion.

    And yes, Fry would hire him again just as he did at Iowa. Fry knows Jim as well as anyone except maybe for Bill Snyder.

  19. Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying. Spin it all you want, the fact is that USF made a commitment to build that program--and all their athletics. It wouldn't have been hard to show off the other facilities already built or under construction, show plans and contracts on the rest of the stuff soon to come and don't forget---they played in Raymond James from the get go. The rest of the sports were already in a solid mid-level conference so you'd sign knowing that you weren't signing on to play in the worst conference in all of college football and for a school with one of the smallest athletics budgets in the nation.

    The first 3-4 classes were recruited to play against a I-AA schedule. There wasn't an immediate need to land top level recruits. Leavitt did a good job getting players that could help them win at the outset, but they sure as heck weren't top level BCS caliber players.

    Up until a year ago, the UNT stadium was a dream...and had already failed to get started for years and years before that---making it worse was that our coaches were selling recruits on getting to play in a new stadium for over 10 years---so there was a legitimate chance that it wouldn't happen anytime soon. We have played in what is regarded as the weakest conference since a year after we made the jump. First it was the Big West, and now the Sun Belt. Up until 2012, when the WAC takes on UTSA and TSU, it will continue to be that way.

    Now, what will recruiting to UNT be like going forward? The new AC, athletics village and new stadium show a commitment to athletics like there has never before been at UNT. If we match that by paying a highly competitive salary to our new football staff, then we've got a situation like we've never had before. But we also recruit against 9 other (soon to be 11) FBS level teams in just our own state...2 of them (SMU and TCU) are in our own backyard and recruit the same level athlete we hope to land. 2 more are coming online in the next 2 years. Florida had 3---THREE other FBS teams in state when USF started up. Now it has 7. In a state that produces roughly the same number of FBS level kids as Texas, I'd call advantage USF.

    Only the state California has more players in the NFL than Texas does. Leavitt not only had to recruit against Florida, Florida State and Miami, but also against UCF, FAU, FIU and Jacksonville State as well as Steve Spurrier at South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and every school in the SEC. Then came the recruiters from the Big 10, Big 12 and PAC 10, so I think it's pretty much even. Maybe you should check out how many USF players went into last year's NFL Draft as a measure of his recruiting skilz.

    2010 NFL Draft

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