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Posts posted by TeachinTodd

  1. I, too, emailed GD this morning after listening, and to his credit, he replied to my email. I think his closness to the situation and the Dickey family affects his judgement, but I find it hard to believe most of us wouldn't come to the defense of a close friend. We value relationships, and so does George. Just because his personal view of a situation is different than ours, give the guy credit for being able to state his true feelings.

  2. I was worried to begin with at the start of this thread, but as much as I disagreed with GD's stance this AM about the DD situation, I still enjoy hearing him on the broadcast as an alum of our university. Let's not have too much "good ol' days syndrom" with Mercer. Yes, he was great, but let's not take for granted the job GD is doing these days.

  3. The "perfect storm" may be hitting Denton today, and will make it impossible for me to come to the game! My wife is sick, and can't take care of our 5 month old (who does have his own season ticket by the way). Her parents are busy and can't help, and if the weather doesn't cooperate, I'll have to stay home with the baby...let's hope for the best, as Jackson and I want to see ya'll at the March!

  4. Not showing up is not the right answer.  There are still guys playing football for North Texas that chose to come to our school and they deserve our support.  If you want to show your displeasure, have the courage to politely tell it to RV directly, call him, email him, talk to him.  However you like to do it, he has always been available. 

    I understand your reasoning, but show up and support  the school and the kids that chose to come to North Texas.

    I LOVE UNT, and without this fine school, I wouldn't have met the three best friends in my life (outside my wife, of course!). I am supporting the school, the players, the other fans that show up, and those recruits that one day might be here. I believe DD and those responsible for the crappy play will be gone, and I am going to continue to attend the games.

    P.S. Pass the paper bag, please.

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