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Everything posted by FanofUNT

  1. We are now at 1,731 we are growing by the minute and I think the students are probably fed up and I think the facebook page is a good way to show support. Watch - our time is now...
  2. Growing by the minute ~ 1729 a minute ago...now 1730 even after the loss!!!
  3. Even after the "Rice" loss I believe the facebook page will still grow - students are very optimistic and I think they are ready for change...
  4. I think we need to create a catchy and uplifting slogan put it on cheap t-shirts and pass them around the next game...something about changing history or something! Any creative minds out there? I am over the game. Lets move towards a new stadium!
  5. the only way is up. This is where we are now, rock bottom. A good postion to argue what a stadium can build and bring! We must dust ourselves and do what we need to do, besides hire coaches to become what we want. Hiring coaches is what we have done in the past and it has not been a total success. "You are what you repeat". Let's continue to push for for a new stadium so we don't keep repeating history - and make something different happen! ~
  6. I truly believe with the media attention this is getting...the local television is going to reach more students than the NT Daily. Just my opinion.
  7. Also - I read somewhere that the NT Daily had conducted a survey with Journalsim students and they voted against. Well, I myself have a BA in Communication Studies and Masters in Journalism (liberal arts student ). I love sports and understand the value this will bring to everyone's education.
  8. And with such a nice facility built we could use it to: 1) benefit the public (good PR) in a case of need. And also do people really think that such a nice venue will sit isolated and unused? how is that possible when the possibilities are endless? I could go on and on, but I won't. I'll stop now.
  9. We are known for our music program...so why not use the stadium for those events too?
  10. I thought so! We should also focus on things we are getting recognized for and not just struggling with. The stadium is an avenue for all types of events...not just football. So for all those students believing they will never use it - what about concerts? festivities? Lets look at the big picture...
  11. I think with this type of writing on UNT (Denton, TX) we could also attract upcoming artists, people to football games, events, and help create more of a scene at UNT...I haven't forgot about this article... http://travel.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/travel/11cultured.html#
  12. I thought this was a good point, because it doesn't just focus on football games, but how it could be an avenue for different events: "As a Music Major I support a new stadium. I believe that Denton is a hot bed for great music. However, we are not a hot bed for summer and fall musical activities. Marching Bands and Drum Corps bring in money and spectators. If we have a new stadium it will attract organizations like Bands of America (www.bands.org) and Drum Corps International (www.dci.org) to host events here. I also believe that a new stadium will attract more people to games thus creating a much better support net for our athletics. Our football team might not be super strong now, but they will be. UNT has to accommodate a growing football program because it will be a great program in the future...WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?"
  13. This might be silly, but did anyone take any pitcures? I couldn't make it out -
  14. Ok - I just hope he stays longer than 2 years! We need him!!
  15. I am not sure how to post a link, but did anybody else see this article? I hope this doesn't happen! http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/pgStory?conte...p;photo=8450526
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