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Posts posted by UNTstormchaser

  1. I really don't know how anyone can take a net negative opinion from this game. Had we been playing TSU and looked like this, there would be need for concern. But considering we looked like we belonged on the field against a team peppered with top NFL prospects and a few guys good enough to make an NFL roster TODAY, I'm taking this as a positive.

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  2. I don't think anyone here is proud that we lost. We're proud of the way we played. Was it perfect? No. But no one gave up, everyone went 150%, and it was very clear that this UNT team is far, far better than we were week 1 last year.

    While the only meaningful stats are wins and losses, they are still just statistics at the end of the day. They do not tell the full story, not even with a score. Yes, we lost big on paper. But, we didn't lose big on the field. We matched a top 3 team in intensity and heart, and we had them concerned heading into the half, and we then responded by playing even tougher in the 2nd half. Am I happy we lost by 27? Hell no. Am I happy and very excited because of how we looked on the field against the best there is in college football? Absolutely.

    I'm beyond ecstatic for the rest of the season. Come out against Southern with the same intensity and we'll be up by 25 at the half.

    • Upvote 6
  3. We have Ice Hockey

    They have to play at the Dr. Pepper centers in Farmers Branch and Frisco.

    Divison II


    To be considered for Div. 1, you must have a ice rink on campus.

    Maybe this could happen later on with a Ice Rink/Indoor Track Facility combo?

    Interesting. I didn't think it was D2, I just thought it was club. Hopefully we can get that going down the line.

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  4. Ah, the disappoinment is mine. No problem...no -1's from me for your reply. Sometimes a good shot across the bow brings out such responses in folks. It's OK.....

    I still thinks it's funny.....

    For what it's worth, I'm as liberal as it gets and I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want IDs to have to be shown in order to vote. I think it's absurd that anyone thinks otherwise.

    On topic, though, I get his sentiment about this, especially after another shooting occurring today in NYC. This shit is getting out of hand, I'm actually a little worried that some crazed gay activist will go in and shoot up the CFA on campus. We certainly have a liberal enough student body to have a few extremists peppered in.

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  5. So free food would "seal the deal" for huge student turnout for the lala game?

    I'd say so. Give the students food, and they will come in droves. The combination of being poor college students and being at the age of having an appetite of an elephant that smoked too much weed means that food will always seal the deal.

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  6. My first thought was excitement, my second thought was apprehension, my third thought was deciding to go, my fourth thought occurred after I saw that there was free food, and it was pure unadulterated joy.

    I would have absolutely been there regardless, but offering free food to students will seal the deal for most of them. Great idea overall and great idea to give out food.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Correct...I personally feel discriminated against in some quarters because I like UNT and post positive things about UNT and the Athletic Department! Can I get some federal help here????? I mean, these folks keep mentioning me personally so maybe its part of Stormchaser's point...a man crush or something...a stalker perhaps, but I do feel discriminated against...I need federal protection because I must be some sort of minority, right? I DEMAND MY RIGHTS!!!!! Demand them, I say......I've even been accosted in public...if this isn't discrimination at the highest level, well no justice, no peace...that's what i say!!!! :notfair: We just must pass some laws to protect my rights!!!!

    OK, just having a little fun...this thread has probably pretty much played itself out...you think?

    Agreed, I'm done here. We've all said our peace back and forth, and no one is going to change their mind about anything at this point, so I'd say it's done.

  8. You sickened me long ago, and that's regardless of your sexuality. I couldn't care less what you do with or to anyone, and that evidently bothers you immensely, as you clearly seem to crave attention for your cause. Your lack of intelligence is very frustrating, since you seem to possess the life experience knowledge of a ten year old child, and that makes it very difficult to communicate with you on an adult level.

    Your talk and mocking of "The Lord's Work" makes it apparent that you're an atheist, and although I am far from a Bible thumper, I was raised a Presbyterian and do attend church on occasion. I truly feel sorry for you, and hopefully you will resolve your problems before they totally consume you. Good luck with your long journey.

    I find it humorous how you accuse me of being incapable of having an adult discussion when you were the one making ridiculous and incoherent inferences about who I am, what I believe, etc. It doesn't bother me one bit if you think I'm gay, go right ahead and think that if you choose to. If you want a legitimate reason as to why I continue to post here, it's because one of my short comings is that I feel the need to respond to anything anyone says to me. Coupled with my passion for equal rights, and with my inability to refrain from responding to pure stupidity, and you get the perfect storm of me never shutting the hell up on this thread. I'll readily admit that flaw, and I'll stop posting here when people stop responding to me. Until then, get used to it my friend.

    We all have problems, and I'm no different, but none of my problems relate to this discussion in any way, but thanks anyways. I know you're trying to be condescending and cool by acting like I have a lot of self esteem, insecurity, and psychological issues, so what is it you want me to say to that? What is it you're trying to prove? I'd wish you luck going through life, but since it's so clear that everything you think is true and all of your opinions are correct, I don't see any reason as to why you'd need any luck.

    And yes, I am an atheist. I'm not mocking the Lord's Work, apparently that one went right over your head too. I was unjustifiably accusing you of being an irrational WBC type, once again to make a point. You missed it though, so I'm sorry for offending you with my sarcasm once again.

    I'm still waiting for a legitimate argument from you. To recap once again, all you've done is incorrectly assume things about me, incorrectly infer things that I didn't even remotely say, and act as if you're King Tut and that I'm a lowly peasant incapable of higher thinking. You aren't fooling anybody here. Want me to make it easy for you? I'll give you a list of things to refute.


    Refute that AIDS isn't caused by gay sex.

    Refute that the lack of cleanliness involved in anal sex isn't legitimate reasoning for outlawing gay marriage.

    Refute that the 19th Century had racist laws in place, including but not limited to the lawfulness of slavery.

    Refute that over 1500 animals have been observed performing homosexual acts.

    Refute that legalizing gay marriage will not negatively effect any heterosexual person.

    Refute that the government doesn't have the right to legislate what two consenting adults can or can not do to each other in private, so long as they aren't intentionally harming each other (you know, consented murder still isn't cool, of course)

    Refute that legalizing gay marriage will not cause a significant increase in the number of people performing anal sex.

    Please, just one of them. Please. Maybe then you'll have reason for the confidence you're displaying. At least ATTEMPT TO MAKE A POINT, rather than arguing with me over literally nothing at all, rather than attempting to prove my stupidity in lieu of disproving my arguments. Make my day.

  9. You forgot to mention that I called you out for saying: But, I'm 100% fair with my judgments, I assure you! I didn't want you to miss anything in my "NeoNazi agenda. HAHA!! Basically, you're trying to defend yourself for your misstatements, but that's OK because I understand your shortcomings.

    By the way, aren't you the new kid on the block who came in a few weeks ago, and proclaimed with his first post that: WE ALL NEED TO START GETTING ALONG HERE! NO MORE FIGHTING, NO MORE ARGUING, AND THIS BOARD SHOULD ALL BE ABOUT PEACE AND LOVE AND ALL THINGS GOOD AND WONDERFUL! Well, why have you turned into the most argumentative poster this board has ever seen? You've got problems bud. I'm pretty much done with you, but of course I have the right to slap back if you don't go away.

    I'm at a loss for words. You've ruined me and my man loving agenda...

    Anyways, back to reality, I stand by my statement. I haven't said anything to compromise that. I'm very fair when I judge you for having the mental capacity of a drunk 11 year old, because, that's exactly the intelligence level you've shown so far. Perhaps, the NeoNazi part slipped right over your head. Maybe, just maybe, I was trying to make the point that anyone can make a ludicrous statement based on little evidence about the other person. Your opinion that I said that in complete seriousness to try to belittle you MUST be the correct opinion though, since I'm just a naive little boy who will grow to hate logic one day too.

    You've still yet to point out a legitimate misstatement, and you've yet to produce a single piece of evidence as to why I am wrong about anything I've said. All you've done so far is unsuccessfully tell me that I was incorrect in saying that there were racist laws in the 19th century, incorrectly assume that I'm gay, and then continue to argue as if you've proven evolution wrong or something.

    I don't think that those were even remotely close to my exact words, but yeah, that was me. I believe I said something closer to "We should stop petty arguments over stupid meaningless crap and turn that passion into more support for our school", and since social issues such as this are neither stupid, nor meaningless, it doesn't apply. I'm sure you'll just see this logical explanation as another useless excuse from the gay Antichrist liberal commie boy from Yankee land who inexplicably was accepted to UNT despite his obvious mental retardation.

    I respect UNT90 and his views. I respect TFLF and his views. Despite the ridiculous bickering that happened between us, I respect GreenMachine and his views, though I may not agree with his tendency to namecall every time he's proven wrong. I have to say, you're the first person I've lost respect for, though I doubt you care even one little bit (nor should you care), since you've done nothing but try to patronize me and prove me wrong as if I'm some sort of mindless little rebel who just needs to fall back in line since I'm obviously impossible of thinking in the correct manner. Or, I think the more likely scenario is that you think I'm gay, despite the fact that I'm not, and you're going to try to prove me wrong at every turn so you can go to sleep knowing you've done "The Lord's Work". People like you sicken me.

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  10. "3. You keep using AIDS as evidence for why anal sex is unsafe and therefore gay marriage should be illegal, despite the fact that AIDS is not exclusive to the homosexual population, and in fact, has absolutely nothing to do with sex other than the fact that it can be transmitted through it. AIDS isn't even a normal STD, almost every other STD's symptoms occur in the genital region, and can only be transmitted through some kind of contact, whether direct or indirect, with the infected person's genitals. AIDS is a disease spread through bodily fluid contact that shuts down the immune system, it's just pure coincidence that vaginal and penile excretions are some of the bodily fluids that house the virus in an infected person."

    HA! You're just not very good at this agenda you've attached yourself to now are you! HAHA!

    That's no theory my friend. That's all fact. Good try though! Want a cookie or a medal?

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  11. Unfortunately, every group that is discriminated against feels like they are discriminated against the most. There is a lot of discrimination going around, I don't think you are able to determine which group is discrimated against the most. My sis-in-law is Jewish and she could tell you some pretty sad stories that would make your anti-gay marriage stories pretty tame.

    I'm aware it isn't the only case. It's just the hot topic of the present day and the one where both sides have the most passion for whatever reason. There are plenty of instances, even in today's US, where every group is discriminated against, and there is no questioning that. I'm sure your sister in-law has been through hell and back during some times of her life, especially in this country where her religion is a minority. Isn't it sad how it's always the minorities that are discriminated against? Trust me, I'd love nothing more than everyone getting along. That's why I push so hard when it comes to this, and that's why I get equally upset at the Sikh shooting and at the man who tried killing people in the FRC headquarters.

  12. I couldn't care less about your sexuality, but you're clearly an idiot who's obsessed with bringing up your theories on anal sex. I guess your lack of historical education is upsetting to you, and I have no idea how you possibly were admitted to North Texas. You do not have to be intentionally stupid, because it clearly comes natural to you. Truly pathetic.

    I'm going to demonstrate your logic in one simple place for all to see.

    "If someone passionately defends gay rights, they must be gay, too."

    "If someone mentions that in the 19th Century, there were racist laws and practices, that person must be ignorant to the fact that the 20th Century had racist laws as well, but to a much lesser extent, and that person must be an ignoramus."

    "If someone mentions that in the 19th Century there were laws that we see as backwards thinking today, in an argument for gay marriage, that person must believe gays are a racial group, and is again an ignoramus."

    That's essentially the logic you've demonstrated. Congratulations, you've passed Twisting Statements To Turn An Argument In Your Favor 101 at the NeoNazi UnChrist-like Christian Academy of Bigoted Americans.

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