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Posts posted by CaraBear

  1. Ugly, Ugly, Ugly game!  I was watching our team go through warm-ups before the game and comment to my friend that they looked too relaxed and were goofing off too much, and it showed big time during the game!  Bad passes all game long, flat footed, and that scoring drought after coming within 2 down the stretch was unbearable... it was a good thing it was sorority night, or this game would have been a total loss  wink.gif  Here's goping they can turn it around soon!

    I think you are talking about the women's game.

  2. Wink's little brother got a sad introduction to MeanGreen Basketball tonight and that was really disappointing.

    What did you expect at a women's game? The truth is that except for extreme exceptions (Conn., Tenn., Duke) women's games are usually sparsely attended. The reasons are many, some have good foundations and others don't but that's just the way it is.

    Let's make a big push for the Mean Green this thursday. Everyone try their hardest to go. I would HATE to have another crowd like we had on Saturday

    I think a bigger crowd on Thursday is a safe bet considering it is the men at home. Like Zeke once said while leaving a women's game, "I would rather hear a dunk on the radio."

  3. CO- your comments are ridiculous. So you are saying cheerleaders are the only people at North Texas who have to work? The dance team doesnt have financial obligations? Your acting like they can just show up because they dont have to work for anything. Yes, different members of the dance team are at each game, they have signups for each game, but the difference between them and the cheerleaders is that the dance team ACTUALLY SHOWS UP.

    Everyone makes sacrifices to get to the games....even the fans. The fact is, the cheerleading squad is a joke for not showing up to games. Its pathetic and shows absolutely no school spirit.

    Go ahead get mad....but its the truth.

  4. If the cheerleaders were given some sort of stipend or something to defray the costs of education they wouldn't have to work so much and would be more available. Therefore making 15-20 cheerleaders at a basketball game a possibility.

    Ummmm the dance team still manages to show up and i dont think are given a stipend.

  5. I agree with most of the stuff on this thread. I also have something to add.

    When the band is not there, why do we play a CD recording of the National Anthem? Why dont we have a student or alumni soloist singing it? Live versions are so much better, someone out there center court singing it or the band playing it.

    I sang at several games last bball season, and offered to do it this season, but i guess the athletic department doesnt want any actual student participation in the games. rolleyes.gif

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