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Posts posted by eagle93

  1. My opinion is this. There is tremendous apathy in the fan base. We lose too much, you say. You have to give the fans something to show up for, you say. You can make all the excuses you want to, but until the alumni, students and fans start packing that stadium your going to continue to struggle. I did some checking this weekend and I looked at 20 different schools with enrollments all at least 5,000 students below ours.  All games were at home. All of the schools were at .500 or below. All 20 schools had at least 40,000 asses in seats. We have a fine-ass stadium that's not ever full. You guys want to treat the symptoms and not the disease. Hell we can hire and fire coaches and AD's until the freaking cows come home and it will continue to not make a damn bit of difference. All I read on here is all we have to do is hire the right coach and all will be well. Bullshit. A couple of years ago we played UT San at Apogee for essentially the West. Was that stadium full? Hell no. The very idea that we played a bowl game in effing Dallas and less than 40,000 show up. We have 100,000 alumni in the metroplex for God's sake. Let's face it. School pride is something we are not good at as a whole. I'll wind up this tirade with this. The day before the bowl game, I was talking to two couples from down the street. All were alumni. I asked them if they were going to the game. One answered that they were going to a movie and the other couple were going to hit the after Xmas sales. I just hung my head and walked away. WTF!!

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