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Posts posted by greeneagle69

  1. If I understand the above rant...........then I think you should change your name to Tequila Rediculous. Present and current admins showed starting with the RV hire and Dickey (while successful) along with the new athletic centers,etc that they are focussing on athletics: all be it 30yrs later than needed. Firing Dickey when he got off track and bringing in Dodge is consistent with our direction. We all agree that we are outmanned when playing these "larger" programs. But these agreements are made way in the future and it's a credit to Dodge that he came in fearlessly it give it a go anyway. We have been playing teams whose coaches have been with their schools for years...and their players..the same players since recruitment. Our coach has been with his players approx 90days....and he only recruited @ 1/4 of them (I'll stand correctable for the exact figure). And his players are recruited for the new format....he inherited "Dickey-ball" players. And I can assure you, future recruits will not be the type you would have seen if Dickey were still here. Current results are NOT the results of an administrative conspiracy. For your point to have merit....we have to keep losing on purpose due to some sinister plan. We are taking "baby steps" of improvent each week................yeah I know...we're still losing.............dont miss my point. David slew Goliath with one shot, and I'll bet it took him longer than 90 days to get it down !!!

  2. I struggled to explain how it was that our administration could allow our football to produce such miserable results. But after I saw the score last night, there was a flash, like the flash of an opponent's player streaking (careful Quoner) through our secondary. It suddenly occurred to me that it is all going according to plan! We have seen past administrators recognize that athletics is a window on the university. So it is clear that the window has been thrown wide open, and we are proclaiming to the world that not only is NT NOT focused on athletics; to the contrary, NT is so focused on ACADEMICS that we must have a terrible football team to bolster our academic reputation. The relative successes of some NT athletic programs in recent years was only to prove that, if we WANTED TO, we COULD have outstanding athletic programs. That was phase 1. Now we are saying to the world, every time a score like 66-7 rolls by, that even though we COULD avoid such outcomes, nay, we invite them, because it demonstrates our commitment to achieve the highest ACADEMIC standards. Friends and fellow pipe dreamers, we have talked about getting into a better conference, but we were WAY OFF. Our bid to the IVY LEAGUE is only a few years - or at the rate we're going, perhaps months - away. How jolly!

  3. Just some questions......seems all receivers would be somewhat deep. will there be no intent to use dump-off man

    in a designed "plan-b" for panic plays? Maybe a back on a short route after a delay block ?? Or will receivers be primarily deeper than what we're used in order to keep the lb's backed out to open up running lanes ???? Is there more that will stay hidden for awhile ???

  4. My daughter(class @ 2000) is in Northeast, my son-n-law works the grove/cliff area.....................I went nuts on the phone yesterday to find him...glad to find them both off duty...whew !!!! I work at Friendly Chev...we just got officer Nix's cruiser cleaned and ready for display at the station. Very somber for us here.

  5. In an earlier post several days ago, it was mentioned that Woody had been injured and that was why DD had pulled him. Was that actually ever announced and I missed it, Or was he pulled just to add to the random confusion we have become accustomed to ??? If he in fact was injured, at full strength will he and vizzi really battle it out ??? Or will we see another "soft" recovery like Meager had ??

  6. On premise I believe you are absolutely correct !!! With the very invention of the green team...it's willingness to do EXTRA after practice....come into the games and TAKE CHARGE...only to get pulled by its inventor..............proves some of the idiocy of our "non-offensive" play calling. At the very least !!!! The offensive line should have been "GREEN TEAMED" after the 3rd or 4th game. When that 2nd line can come in game after game and move the same defense around that the starters cant...and there's no lasting adjustment EVER.. Then I strike that up to coaching at that position level and ultimately on Dickey if he wont affect the changes himself. Soory for all the "timing" gaff about it all. BUT there's no such thing as bad timing for a good decision. I wish the coaches all well........but there are kids on the team that can play as well as starters (on any team) that never get the chances cause coaches hang on too long to mediocre results from some kids. I dont blame the kids..If they are doing their best but it isnt getting it done...then the coaches need to change personnel...........He proved with the green team that we are right.

  7. blink.gif Lets see, if memory serves me correctly:

    1. Last week, we had 3 3& outs in a row to open the game. There was a penalty in each series which we also responded to each with a failed play....all followed up by a punt. So instead of 12 plays, we had 15...all failed.

    Last nite the defense opens to play 11 plays,had a penalty...allowed a touchdown.

    we get the ball 2-3 plays and fumble. Our next series we fumble again. Both turnovers became points. So in approximately the same amount of plays as last week, we built another big pile of #@^%& (brown stff) to overcome while the enemy is rolling on the field laughing. (just my fantasy of it all).

    2. Then an answer of relief to the fans and some worthy players...the CHANCE !!! The GREEN TEAM rips a methodical new one over and over...only to get pulled from the game ???? WHAT....?? HUH ???? HELP ME HERE !!!! Was this to "rest" the 1st string ??, or to show them they better "appreciate" their position as starters??? It doesnt matter to the most of us...It worked for the TEAM...Game after game...the "STARS" dont get pulled for lackluster results...but the SUCCESSFUL replacements will get pulled.......SOMEBODY HELP ME HERE !!!!!!!!! at least dont pull them when the results are there and steady. In my day, a starting position was earned weekly...not a lifetime appointment.......will we see some changes in the line up this week ???

    3. On previous posts I have ranted that opponents often fool us with routine plays that for some reason WE dont have (or use) in our playbook. I>E> the screen pass. In fact the radio described a screen used against us on our fumble to score on us. Well I be damned if we didnt finally use one last nite and GUESS WHAT...it worked..... I know we cant work it to death....but Thanks to the coaches..(from Johnnie Quinn)

    4. I'm grateful some of the kids got to have some fun last nite !!!!!

  8. unsure.gif Things I miss .......and Things I want (to see again)

    1. I miss the team that used to cheer and support each other when things were UP and DOWN...yelling,banging, patting each others asses.....solid support for each other and I MEAN THE KIND VISABLE FROM THE STANDS !!!!. We seem to have lost that on the field FIRE.....they look like a group of strangers waiting for a ride at the bus stop.........dont even look at each other.....Seems like we're missing some leadership amoung the players themselves and nobody is gonna step up. Somebody has to lose..I get that........but when it's us, I want somebody MAD about it.....not a mob of slinkers dejectedly walking away into the tunnel. Think back to Blount, Hurd,Spencer,Kassell,Hall,Hickman,Galbraith,Booger !!!!! High energy !!!!!! I miss that stuff !!!!

    2. mad.gif I want to see plays called that have a damn history of working in the actual situation it's designed for....I dont give a flying (brown thang) what the formation is or howmany sets the play can be ran from......If it's a play to get 10-15 yards and we Never Ever in our history of winning or losing EVER get more than 4...what the f#@k are we running it when we need 15+ yards for. Lets say for example sake we have approx 75 plays...and only 8 of them EVER get us 10+ yards....then why dont we pick from those 8...and only those 8...that have a chance to work..........cause friends, those other 67 sets/plays etc.....aint gettin it done !!!!! at least with our present personnel....and to continue to do so is unfair to the team.....I'm sure they are just as tired of the same wastes.

    3. Lastly....I'm not a coach basher..I have Div1 (SEC) coach in my family....I see a different side to this thanmost fans...BUT I do have probs w/coaching styles. If the Dickey era ends.,N ORTH TEXAS needs to hire a "Jimmy Johnson" type....somebody who spews fire and damn-nation over "half-assed" attitude.....And maybe even sling some furniture (so to speak) I dont want any more camera shots of a statue chewing gum !!!!! NORTH TEXAS needs somebody who will also kick a coaches ass too !!!! I'd have loved to have heard glass breaking and a body come flying out of the pressbox last nite for the coach that missed the call down to the field over that missed non-call when the QB passed over the scrimmage line and almost did us in.....(or did do us in)

    I feel so much better now.....thank you.

  9. blink.gif

    1. Here again, we see low snaps off and on all nite....notably most costly in an early ot that cost us an early field goal chance to close the game at the north end early. We cant blame a kicker on this....this has been a factor for several weeks.

    2. Why do we keep on running that damn DELAYED handoff to Jamario......our line CAN"T and HASN"T held their blocks long enough for the QB to run back and Thomas to run back up to the now non-existing hole. However, when Thomas blast to the line 1st....no delays with the immediate handoff....the hole is still open and the DL cant react to his speed yet. This should be obvious after 48,732 attemps at a failing play.

    3. I hate to say it..but I'll bet a real smart opposing coach would teach his defendors to ck the offensive line splits...........can telegraph pass, etc.

    4. Why in the hell dont we have a screen pass...haven't seen one in years....unless we're getting one used agaist us - usually successively !!! We have the speed to use one...and EVERYBODY knows the line is sooner or late let the DL thru anyway......Wilson is already on the scramble ...let's use it to our advantage...take out some of the damn panic !!!

    Last nite's game reminded me of a game of spades..and all the players were trying to go"nello" What d'yall think !!

  10. I'm tired of lurking....gotta say someyhing !!!!! And not trying to be negative..I just gotta know some answers before I explode !!!!!

    1. In a lower post, it's noted that "by default" we would land some extreme talant...EXACTLY RIGHT !!! If you calculate the total scholarships allowed by each team (just in the immed 3-4 state area) for freshmen, compared to the number of TALENTED players out there (3A thru 5A)......UNT should have plenty knocking on our door.....Just because they could actually PLAY here. If you added in the flunk out/injury factor....we should still have plenty.

    2. on defense...no blitz defense.... why cant 7 defenders cover 3 or 4 receivers !!! why why why ????? Game after game,play after play.....The slowest receiver out there always seems to be miles away from any defender. (on the average pass play) Especially when the opponent is on OUR 10......the end zone never seems crowded.....easy catches...NO battles !!!! SINCE WE ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL AT THIS, WHY DONT WE SEND THE HOUSE MORE OFTEN ?? a QB on the run is to our advantage more often than not.

    3. After the last 10 years of cussing this play...why in the HELL do we continue to run the quick swing pass for 1-2 yards ???? IT never works, it never ever ever sets anything else up that works either ! In fact, I'll bet most of you wont remember it ever working effectively since Jamal Branch @ OU game. This damn play gets seen several times a game...and worst of all...WE RUN IT WHEN WE NEED 10+ Yards....it is NOT A HI PERCENTAGE play.....it's wasteful and only utilizes ONE PLAYER to get us up the field...no decoys.... and usually only one blocker IF THAT !!!!

    4. If the ball is snapped at the qb's feet ( in shotgun) 25 times a game..then guess what ????? That's 25 damn times the qb is going to loose sight of the field....and have to relocate the receiver positions,speeds,cuts,etc....also will create earlier panic......and fewer completions Look at us last night I REST MY CASE.... I'll wonder if coaching is aimed at this at all ???? A damn shame !!!

    THERE,,THAT"S IT..I'm mad as hell and dont give a flying brown thang (and I dont mean a football either !!)....What do yall think ??

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