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Will to Win

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Posts posted by Will to Win

  1. I don't understand the calls for RV's head. The idea of making a change shouldn't be change for change's sake, but because you think that you can do better with a change. Clearly that is the case with Todd Dodge but when I look at the overall improvement in the overall athletic department coupled with the achievement, after years of hoping, of the new stadium, I don't understand how firing RV produces an improvement in the program. Given finances at the time, RV was pretty hamstrung in his coaching search when Dodge was hired. I understand why people are upset that Dodge was kept on after last year, but was the money really there to pay a buyout to him and hire a new coach? It seems like RV stuck with him in the hopes that he would turn it around or, if not, UNT's financial position to bring in a new coach would be better. What am I missing here in the calls for RV's firing?

    Let me ask you this, if where you work, the overall body of work you have done has been good would your employer fire you for one big mistake that cost's your company's name to be ridiculed in the local

    and national community?

    The BP guy that got canned or shipped away may have been overall good for BP but, is tied and known for one questionable and poor decision. It's the same there in this situation.

    I also want to acknowledge the money contract thing and being hamstrung but we don't know that for sure 100% as being the case. If UNT wanted change they will get change regardless

    of the cost, case and point Dr. B's departure.

  2. I love the attitude he brought, but I was obviously wrong about the way this would work itself out over the course of a few years. A guy like this seemed like he deserved the rare jump to D-1 coaching, but he obviously needs more time working through the college ball system before taking on another season as a D-1 head coach.

    Sorry, Dodge, love most of what you've done, but the letter "W" needed to show up at least a few more times by now for me to keep siding with you staying with us.

    I felt the same way however, would not of given him 4 years to find out if he can cut it at the college level. In a perfect world, I would of pulled the plug at the end of year two.

    All the harm that has come to the UNT brand is irreversible. People associate UNT with losing. Was it worth it?

  3. So RV took all the money from other sports like.... building a softball stadium for women's softball, building a tennis complex for the tennis team. I would say that we have several successful sports besides basketball - golf, tennis is improving, softball is improving, etc. At every football home game, there are promotions for other teams. They offer free tickets to soccer games following a home game if you bring in your football ticket. I listen to KNTU often on my way home from work, and there's always coverage for whatever sports teams are playing.

    We're actually competing fairly well in the fan department, despite our lackluster football performance on the field. We had a great showing for the Rice game, and we manage to draw decently for each season - and much of that is because of the tailgating atmosphere that RV and his staff have created. I've been going to games since 2002 - have missed only one home game in that span - and can tell you that the gameday experience is VASTLY improved.

    I don't understand how you think that because RV wanted to fire Dickey after 0-5 that means RV doesn't know how to hire a coach. Everyone wanted RV to fire Dickey after that start, except an influential donor and one of the BOR. And that's why Dickey stayed. Sometimes, an athletic director's options are limited by what he is allowed to do through the administration and other pressures. RV took a risk in hiring Dodge - we knew it, and he knew it. It was a gamble he was hoping would pay off, and since the guy had an endorsement from Bill Parcels, it's not hard to see why you might think you've got something. The sad fact is, until recently, North Texas simply did not have the money to lure most of the proven success coaches. I think Dodge only makes $300K per year, or something like that. Most of your bigtime program coaches make $1 million or more.

    I wasn't a student on campus for this second attempt at getting the athletic fee passed. But I was on campus for the first. I can tell you that RV personally went to every residence hall that would have him, promoting the fee, answering questions, and encouraging students to vote. He worked very hard, and unfortunately due to some misinformation spread by the opposition, the fee didn't pass. I'm disappointed in my fellow students that we weren't able to push it through. But RV learned an important lesson through that attempt, which was that in order for the fee to pass, it had to be completely endorsed by the students. I can't vouch for RV's involvement personally in the second attempt, but based on the lessons learned from the previous athletic fee bill, my guess is that he wasn't simply sitting on his laurels just hoping the athletic fee would pass. There are those on this board who were instrumental in getting it passed - perhaps they can speak more accurately about RV's involvement.

    But the bottom line is this: RV's dream when he took over the AD job in 2001 was to build a new stadium. That man has worked tirelessly despite the many naysayers and obstacles in his path. He's not perfect, but he's been a great AD for all of athletics, and a great ambassador for this school.

    That may be so, but in the end he will always be linked to one questionable decision and that will define him (at least with UNT football fans). Fair or unfair as that may be.

  4. I am tired of you guys trying to defend everything that is pathetic about our athletic program! RV sucks. Dodge sucks. They should be producing and they are not! We won Basketball and Tennis championships this year. Woopty do. WKU has destroyed us this year at championship events!

    Now you know what I'm fighting against. It's so embedding in this culture here in Denton it will be tough to change their paradigm.

    For you losers out there, I am fighting for you.

  5. haven't heard dodge sound so down before. he has reason to with all the injuries and performance of the team. the fans are down too. duh.

    dodge is a good man but really seemed beaten in the postgame interview. george dunham also appeared to not want to ask any more questions of him and ended it after just a couple. it will be a long quiet plane ride home.

    a lot of games left for all to be so far gone. would rv reassign dodge within the departemtn and let canales run things?

    when is basketbal?

    No doubt it is crushing to Todd, but you got recognize when something is just not meant to be. Why go through this crap when you know you are King in the High School ranks? Go be King, make a win win for

    both parties. Let's get this thing turned around. Let's give hope back to both parties.

  6. My entire time as a student athlete at NT, all I saw was RV taking away from other programs so that the football program could succeed (funds, athlete numbers, marketing,etc.). It made me sick while I was competing and it is making me even sicker now. He should get out of this mess and tend to his family.

    I will give him that he has built up a decent basketball team (well all he did was hire a good coach).

    But, the other programs suffer at the expense of a football program that is horrible. And don't give me the argument that we couldn't do it without football! There are plenty of other schools doing it without football! There are other ways of funding and that is a fact. That is besides the point though. I am not for ridding NT of football. I just think that we should put some funds and man power towards other programs for the time being. There are too many other powerhouses in Texas football for us to compete right now.

    Also RV should be shown the door because he can't hire a coach. As stated already in this thread, he wanted to let Dickey go after 0-5... Dickey turned it around. He hired Dodge and he obviously can't get it done.

    Almost any AD could get us a new stadium with the crap we have now! I give him no credit for the stadium. The students did most of the work anyways.

    Let us protect the school that we love and not back up coaches or AD's because we think they deserve it for various reasons. We should expect the best no matter who is representing our university. Let's wipe the athletic department clean and start with a fresh batch of goodness to win some conference championships all around! GMG!

    Good Point, Enron at one time was profitable, made some good moves and a wise investment, but people have to notice when to stop funding a losing cause. Would you keep pumping money into something

    that is not a yielding positive ROI?

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  7. Lou Holtz coached in the NFL, Steve Spurrier coached in the NFL, Pete Carrol is back in the NFL, all of these are legends in college. Todd, while college might not of been for you, Im sure there is some high school in Texas that will want you as a coach. Sorry this hasn't worked out for you, you are a great man. The college game isn't for everyone.

    There is no doubt High School's will be fighting for the right to lure T.D. to their school.

  8. Because he bet the house on his son only to find out his son doesn't have the arm strength. That is why we haven't had many qb recruits. Nobody wanted to sit behind Riley. That is the same reason Giovanni left. I've heard it from one of Gio's friends that he didn't want to have to deal with the Riley situation and I don't blame him.

    Why would people (High School QB's) assume that Todd Dodge would do that? Did he play Riley at SLC over a better QB on the roster? That doesn't make any sense to me, but something is out there

    keeping QB's from singing at UNT when a QB guru is the Head Coach and has QB camps all over Texas.

  9. RV was hired in 2001 and was ready to fire our 0-5 coach. But we started winning, and he bit his tongue. 4 conference titles later, and 4 SBC Coach of the Year awards did not mean a thing after a couple 2-win seasons. Except that maybe they prolonged the decision...I don't know.

    I also think the 7-win ultimatum says otherwise to this tone you claim RV has set.

    Not that I totally agree with his move, but RV giving Dodge this long tells me he wants to give this man every chance to build this program from the bottom up. And it is RV in that line of thought that leads me to believe he will give Dodge the full season to fulfill the deal.

    If, say, Dodge is fired mid-season and Canales takes over and goes 0-whatever in 2010. Is this acceptable to you for the purpose of getting a head start for 2011? Would you agree that you are giving up on the seniors, completely dismissing their efforts and goals their final year of eligibility?

    Purely hypothetical, but if Canales and DeLoach got together before the administration and donors and spoke in favor of 2011 Dodge, would you keep him around? Or laugh in their faces and clean them all out?

    I'm not an A-hole and have compassion. I am however at the end of my rope and have past my threshold and lost my patience with this losing streak.

    There are no easy answers when things are not going your way. If it were easy anybody could do it. What I do know, is making tough decisions and not second guessing yourself

    is what separates the men from the boys, good from bad and winners from losers.

    At some point a tough decision has to be made. It may not be popular but the alternative is what we have been dealing with for the past 4-5 years and that is what I don't want.

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  10. seriously look at the schedule and tell me who we beat. Keep in mind that you now have a third team, injury prone QB with a popgun arm.

    I really, really, really worry about an 0-12 season.

    I predicted 5 wins. Either way I was and maybe am still assured change will come because the 7 win thing does not look like it will materialize for Coach Dodge.

  11. Because it is likely to suck either way, we might as well give Dodge all the rope promised. It's not like we can get a quality coach in before the end of the season.

    You're assuming the worst if change comes, I assume the best because I already know what I have in Todd Dodge.

  12. Fun Fact that I tried to bring up before the season but everyone seemed to ignore

    In the 3 years that Chico was OC @ Arizona , RF's offense was better than his 2 times

    Just sayin

    Won't know for sure unless you give the guy a chance. Start now, and until the end of next season.

    Let the chips fall where they may.

  13. You don't have to care about what Q thinks. You need to care how receptive people are to your message.

    Right now, it is not very much. Too bad, I think most people around here would applaud any effort to turn this around.

    Nice to stand up for your roommate, but if you're not talking about demanding better from UNT football, I don't care what you think either.

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  14. No hurry to get rid of dodge, I don't see it mattering much if it is now or in three or four weeks. RV has to be looking (Leach) now and what coaches are available for the most part won't be figured out until later in the season. But we will have a clean sweep with Canales as interim coach for the end of the season.

    I vote now is the time start change. Why wait and salt the wound, lets start the scabbing process so we can heal. Let's see what Coach Canales can do?

  15. It is beginning to dawn on me that Chico ain't the man...he's a f...n DUNCE!!

    He's not the man. Coach Dodge is. We don't know what type of impact Canales would have as a had coach. I would give him an opportunity to prove.

    Two years MAX, that includes THIS YEAR. Starting next week.

    I want to win, losing sucks

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