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Posts posted by oldschoollefty

  1. After reading through the posts mentioning all the issues students are having with the on-line voting process, it makes me wonder what company (or in-house group) was responsible for the voting process implemented. I'm in the IT field (an alum from BCIS at UNT), and it pains me to know that such issues exist in a process as simple as on-line voting... for an athletic fee. With the amount of testing, of our programs (and websites) we do before implementing and letting the entire company work force (in three countries) access the application, I can only imagine the amount of testing (or lack of, as the case may be) that went into this process to verify certain issues such as these did not occur. Which is not saying much, but this is just beyond astonishing that these issues exist for something that the University deems an important topic. That's saying nothing about the fact that the voting is spanning a full week as opposed to a few days, that just nuts. :angry:

    I think ACORN is behind all this. <_<

  2. Ouch. As a J grad that drives me nuts. When I was there back in the late '80s, the profs were supportive of athletics. Kiker eagerly sent photographers to cover games, and Wells and Moses were supportive enough to knock our staff for running a picture of K State tearing down their goalposts after beating UNT to end their historic losing streak. They didn't think the UNT school paper should run a photo of the opposing team tearing down its posts.

    Wow, a Smitty Kiker reference. That brings back a few memories.

    As a holder of a B.A. in Journalism ('80), I am truly ashamed of those who have come after me into the next century. Apparently, J. students today aren't taught as we were that our job was to "do the news", not "be the news". :angry:

  3. Yes - the "puff of white smoke" will be Fouts Field being DEMOLISHED!!! :blowup:


    Hopefully someone will think to haul the generators out before the first dynamite charges are set off. :D

    Maybe Bruce Hall could use the extra electricity. :geek:

  4. Talent wise, on both sides of the ball, Rice is modestly better. That being said, we are close enough that if our guys played one game like their hair was on fire, this is one we can win. Problem is, we haven't played a game yet under Dodge where we played four quarters of that kind of ball. This just MIGHT be the week.

    UNT 37

    Rice 31

    Go Mean Green!!!!!

  5. Mind you I'm assuming this was an either or question.

    I gotta go with Tulsa too. If we were to beat KSU every person on this board would need to buy bigger underwear because of the 7 day stiffy we'd have, and the local media would notice...and perhaps even the national media would squeeze a mention in between Pete Carroll's haircut and Joe Pa mummification.

    If we then turn around and lose to Tulsa all of our stiffies would go away, the students would turn away for the rest of the season, the local media would go back to blowing Mack Brown 24/7 and the national media wouldn't even give it mention because they, like everyone else, would say "KSU was a fluke, same ol' North Texas."

    Are you trying to draw Quoner offsides with all this stiffy talk? :unsure:

  6. I realize that as far as national recognition goes K-State would be the bigger victory, but in my opinion laying it on Tulsa would be sweeter. I remember our first home game about 3 years ago. We were coming off 3 straight NO Bowls. ESPN was on campus to nationally televise the game. Patrick and Jamario were both healthy and primed to become one of the most prolific rushing tandems in recent NCAA history. The Mighty Quinn had estaqblished himself as the premier WR in the conference. The stadium was (relatively) packed. And Tulsa just laid it to us....... Their f-ing TE went for about 150 yards and a touchdown for crying out loud.

    That was my 4th year at UNT and I can honestly say you could see a sharp contrast in the interest of the student body towards the program before and after that game. To me that game signified the end of SBC dominance.

    I would love nothing more this season than for UNT's upturn to begin with a sound whipping of those dirty Golden Hurricanes.

    I agree... In terms of our short term future (better conference, CUSA maybe?), beating the "power" team in that conference would better serve us and help us establish clearer short and mid range goals for the program.

    Beating KSU would just be fun as hell though. :devil:

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