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Posts posted by MGW

  1. Rice Schedule

    16-Nov La Tech 2-2

    21-Nov UAB 1-3

    30-Nov Tulane 4-1

    total 7-6

    Tulane Schedule

    9-Nov UTSA 3-2

    23-Nov UTEP 0-4

    30-Nov Rice 4-1

    total 7-7

    North Texas Schedule

    9-Nov UTEP 0-4

    23-Nov UTSA 3-2

    30-Nov Tulsa 1-3

    total 4-9

    The above is an overview of the wins/losses within conference. As Tulane and Rice play the other, one will have to lose... so we're sitting pretty. Further, as far as wins/losses within the conference, we have the easiest opponents left.

    How sweet it would be to go to the CUSA championship game! #FingersCrossed

    • Upvote 2
  2. What's the breakfast spot in the Garden District?

    I'm not saying it's the best and it is more uptown than the Garden District but I'd suggest the Trolley Stop Cafe just past Tulane on St. Charles.

  3. June Jones is the real deal, and it is very impressive what he has done at SMU; they're only two seasons removed from a one win season. In SMU's five losses this year, they scored an average of 21 points, whereas their opponents scored an average of 35 points per game. In SMU's seven wins, these numbers were basically flipped. SMU's schedule had one ranked team, so it is not as though they accumulated seven wins in the SEC west. They had a quality win over Washington State, but other than that they're playing in a conference only marginally better than the Sun Belt.

    I hope SMU continues to improve, and they seem to have the coach who can make that happen, but at this point, it is not accurate to think they miles better than UNT.

  4. How about another loss against a team we shoudl have beat against in front of a good crowd. John you are such a class act like many of our fans you try to put a good spin but the reality is another good crowd of aour fans and students were served another loss again at home. How long can we continue to face this? Is there any accounatabilty? Thus getting hard for us. GMG!

    Dear Scottie, how did you hijack Harry's account to post the above? Just kidding, Harry. I feel your pain.

    My $0.02 is as follows: though we lost last night and are currently 0-2, I think the brand of football Coach Dodge has brought to the program (despite our win-loss record) has us positioned for success. Our turn-out last night and after-half-time retention of that crowd is due to the fact that we have a potent offense and an exciting brand of football. And though our defense in years past was woeful, our D last night put us in a position to win. IMHO, Coach Dodge has the worst luck in America, but I admire his grit, determination and optomism. I still believe he can get the job done.

  5. Can I play? You know I'm good for it? This would be $100 I'd gladly give up if we win 7 next year?


    Let me check with my boss (aka the wife). I'm already on the hook for $100, but I'm hoping jefe (aka la esposa) will authorize me to bet all yall MOFOs! FYI, my preferred bet is $100 donated to the AD in my name if the Mean Green win 7 or more next year, and I'll do $100 in your name if they don't. If anyone else is interested, PM or IM me or whatever it's called. Obviously, as I'm not daddy warbucks, I can't bet the whole mean green nation, but I'm quite confident.

    Quite confident indeed. This program will turn the mother grubb'n corner next year, gentlemen.

    TD will bring this frigg'n program to the frigg'n promise land!

  6. You do realize that 90% of D1 schools he wouldn't be coming back? And if you wanted him back, you should gamble more - because you probably have about the same odds as this team winning 7 games next year.

    I do gamble, and I am quite successful. If you care to wager, I'll bet you $100 this team wins 7 games next year, and gladly pay you if they don't. Wait, that might be illegal. How about if the Mean Green win seven or more games next year, you donate $100 to Green Peace or Amnesty International (SUMG's favorite charity), and if they do not I will donate $100 to the charity of your choosing. Alternatively, if I lose and my Mean Green don't win seven games next year then I'll buy your Mean Green Club membership and if I win you buy mine.

    Let's do this, GMG1999! Send me an IM if you're down with this. Please note I will sue you if you agree and don't follow through.

  7. Attendance may take one hell of hit, ....


    Oh wait, you said "may." Nevermind: "may" doesn't mean much. Tiger Woods "may" not cheat on his wife next year. I bet he does, and I also bet our attendance is strong next year. That is to say "attendance may not take one hell of a hit." I believe it will not because this team is fun to watch, unlike so many teams I watched over the last decade and a half.

    IMHO, the offense DodgeBall has brought to UNT has been fan-friendly and indeed successful. If this team was as lucky as our first SBC bowl team, we would have four or five more wins this season.

    I just hope that our defense can turn the corner. That will be the key to success so long as we can continue to build on Riley's first year.

    All yall that think Dodge should be fired are nimrods. No offense.

  8. IMHO, culture changing coaches that North Texas would (and have) benefited from.

    Hayden Fry

    Corky Nelson (if he hadn't been kept in the poor house by the administration)

    Dennis Franchione (on his way up)

    Jim Harbaugh

    Hmm. :huh:

    SilverEagle, I believe I disagree with your assumption: that success a coach has elsewhere would necessarily translate to success at UNT. The circumstances at UNT are inherently more difficult. True, Hayden Fry had success at UNT and elsewhere, but, well, there's only one Hayden Fry. All this is to say that I think postulating termination of Dodge (or the merits of a potential replacement/alternative choice] is short-sighted and reactionary.

    Coach Dodge took an offense that was as interesting to watch as to watch paint dry. As soon as we can return the Mean to our defense, we will be bowl-bound. And we'll have a product that creates more fans, builds more loyalty to our alma mater, and results in $ for the athletic department and university. Dodge was and is the right choice to take us to the promise land.

    IMHO, Coach Dodge should be coaching the first game at our new stadium.


    I have a toll tag. B)

  9. What's the 10-day clock?

    It's the less expensive version of the 15-day clock, but twice as good as the 5 day clock. In all, it's a great clock.


    Man, I sure will miss those distant views from the front rows of Fouts to the action... and the bathrooms, oh how I will miss the stench of urine and rust.

  10. So, you don't want more journalists but you do want more lawyers?


    God save your majesty!


    I thank you, good people—there shall be no money; all shall eat

    and drink on my score, and I will apparel them all in one livery,

    that they may agree like brothers, and worship me their lord.


    The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.


    Nay, that I mean to do.

    Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78

  11. They are ripping her a new one. The whole thing is about perks. Her salary is about $350K but after all her perks, she gets a half million. They showed a breakdown of her perks... she gets $10k for a car allowance yet she has a free Lexus provided to her so the allowance is cash in her pocket. They give her another $50K for a housing allowance because the University does not provide a house and she has to entertain guests "sometime twice a month!" - so she needs $50K to water the plants and clean the place... oh, and to pay her mortgage, but the house doesn't belong to the school - she gets to keep the equity. There were all sorts of other amounts, for travel and country clubs and so on - all added up she gets a half million a year. No wonder she is always smiling. I wonder how much Dr B donates to the athletic dept? I would hope that she would be at a VERY high level. She is paid $20K more a year than the Pres of Berkely. Anyway, it was a slam piece - no bueno... probably no Phillip Young involvement though, lol.

    Boo hoo.

  12. Those of us who favor strong athletics, business leaders, and successful entreprenuers and professionals are asked to again subordinate our support to benefit the arts, humanities, culture and the other artsy items whose alumni do absolutley nothing that enhances the visability of the university.

    As a member of the group "UNT alumni," I believe we do not have standing to complain about the above - though I did enjoy reading your rant. First, the students have ponied up significant financial liability to ensure we have a D1A football stadium/team. They are students, and thus if a portion of your 1K gets distributed to programs determined by the university's president to be in the best interest of those students - then that money should go there. If ever the amount of money that was "robbed" from the UNT alumni who intended 100% of their monies to be used for solely for athletics is more than the money that the students are ponying up, then you may have a point. Second, to say"arts, humanities, culture and other "artsy items whose alumni do absolutely nothing than enanches the visbility of the university" is demonstrably false. I graduated from the college of arts and sciences, as did a number of other professionals, business and civic leaders, and others who contribute to the university. Further, I am quite certain that any grammy nomination(s) earned by the music program serves as visibility.

    In short, you are making a mountain out a mole hill.

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