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Posts posted by Eagle91Gator95

  1. As my username implies, my top two are UNT and Florida.  Living in Nashville now I carry wishful optimism for Vandy (unless they are playing the Gators - let's not discuss this year).  Other than that, I watch football drama.  I'll check scores on The Score app and switch to anything that is close late in the game.  I'd rather watch two teams I have never heard of battle down to the wire than any other powerhouse cruise to a lopsided win.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, TIgreen01 said:

    Both his ASU and Boise tenures started after other coaches really built those programs up.  While he somewhat maintained them (not really for ASU), his output was noticeably less than his predecessors.

    This aspect concerns me way more than any part of his Auburn time.  Auburn was a dumptster fire long before BH arrived on the Plains.

  3. I don't understand why they wouldn't add MTSU instead.

    They're down in football right now but have had recent success, their basketball is really good and their other sports are always strong.

    They're also a good geographic fit and have a good media market.

    What does Charlotte add that MTSU does not?

    In a word, Charlotte (in theory, at least). As a former Charlotte resident (and current Nashville resident), I know the school has almost zero pull in and around the city (who knows what kind of following football will develop, but I wouldn't hold my breath). But at least it is in the magor market city and the biggest school in the city. MTSU is half an hour outside Nashville and third tier behind Tennessee and Vanderbilt. Over time, UNCC has a better chance of attracting local TV viewers in Charlotte than MTSU does in Nashville.

    UNCC has longer basketball history, good baseball history, and did I mention it's in Charlotte?

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  4. You could easily jump to 7 conference games by playing 2 teams from another devision on a rotating schedule, much the same way 12 team conferences rotate cross-divisional games from year to year. I would suggest keeping the cross-divisional games between the same two divisions to allow for better rivalry building and familiarity with your fan base, but you could always do a big rotation which would give you a bigger variety of teams coming to town and decrease the frequency that any team has to play a powerhouse in another division.

  5. Much like the uni's, I like it, a lot, but I don't love it. I like the consistent color, I like the white cage, and I like the new font better than the old script. I also would prefer either the new logo or some form of an interlocking NT (NOT UNT!!! :growl: ). Carry on!

  6. I like it, a lot, but I don't love it. Can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe if it wasn't green top/green bottom, I would like it better. An old school design with the non-old school monochromatic look is not my favorite. I guess that officially makes me old school. To each his own, though. I am looking forward to seeing all the possible combinations.

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