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Posts posted by ThatMeanGreen

  1. 27 minutes ago, NorthTexasWeLove said:

    Attendance will improve with a change. It's up to the new coach to keep attendance up. Pending coach, he could be a transfer magnet. We know SL is not that. Pending coach, he might be able to juice energy into this place. SL's energy is clearly gone. 

    Status quo = 90-100 in recruiting. Stale department. Poor attendance  and 0% chance to go bowling next season. Very easy to see this. 


    Hey, look, if UNT ends this year 9-5 with 2 trophies I'll shut my mouth and fall in line.*  Otherwise, we are perfectly setup to enter into a much more difficult conference with really minimal ammunition. 


    *better see an uptick in recruiting with that finish. 

    Let’s break this down:

    1. Attendance will improve with wins. The average UNT fan, or potential fan, will not care in the slightest who the coach is.

    2. It’s absolutely not the coach’s job to (directly) keep attendance up. It’s the coach’s job to run a successful program, which, sure, will drive attendance, but that shouldn’t be on the coach’s mind.

    3. I don’t know what you mean by your recruiting point. Recruitment hasn’t been the biggest issue, retention, development and scheme fit have been.

    4. No one is asking anyone to “fall in line.” I agree that Seth is likely not the answer moving forward. But to say that we have minimal ammunition moving forward if we retain Seth, and therefore (presumably) most of his assistants and eligible players that are, again, playing for a conference championship today, is an absurd statement to make.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, MeanGreenGlory said:

    Magically? No. 

    With the right strategic moves? Yes. 

    Sure, but who is going to make the right strategic moves? There’s no AD, and almost certainly won’t be one until January, and good luck making a good coaching hire after the calendar turns. Then you’re looking at no time to recruit, guys naturally leaving in the turnover, and making assistant hires. Maybe you get an excitement boost from potential coaches based on the AD hire, but that’s a big gamble when we’re also facing the uncertainty of navigating a new conference. I’m by no means a Littrell lover, but it doesn’t make sense to let him go at this juncture. A new AD, conference and head coach are a recipe for disaster — let’s sort out the first two before moving into the third.

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  3. 51 minutes ago, MeanGreenTexan said:

    I love your "realistic" (re: small time) thinking.



    I bet UCF leadership and a lot of their fans were thinking this same way when they eventually fired Kruczek (after strikingly similar results to SL's) in 2003.  20 years later, they're in a P5 conference.    If we're going to do the same thing, and there's no reason we can't, NT has to start somewhere.

    And you think a new coach will magically produce more than 7 wins next season?

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  4. 25 minutes ago, untphd said:

    Here we go, unreasonable to expect anything much higher than 6 or 7 wins. Same ole , same ole. The new AD should make this clear, what the hell.  The new AD should set expectations higher, and we should see results or find someone who will.

    Make no mistake, I think some wiggle room in the first year is fair. Expectations should absolutely be higher, but planning for growing pains is reasonable — unless the new AD is looking for an excuse to pull the trigger anyway, which is also fair.

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  5. 9 hours ago, MeanGreenGlory said:

    @ThatMeanGreen, as a well-connected fan, what's your personal opinion on what should happen with both the AD search and the head football coach situation?

    AD: I’d like to see an external hire. I think Mosley is better served as an AD at the high FCS level or “lower tier” G5 level which we’re clearly distancing ourselves from. That’s not a knock on him or his abilities, different people are just suited for different roles. I believe Peck is similar to Wren in that he’s very advancement-oriented and I’m not sure he will be around much longer regardless of role. 

    Coach: Realistically I think the Littrell hate is a bit overblown. I know we all expect better results, but I absolutely understand the hesitancy of firing a “good” coach and take the risk of getting someone who could tank the program just as soon as elevate it. I think it’s unreasonable to expect anything much higher than 6/7 wins and making a bowl in the next two seasons — the AAC is still a somewhat sizable jump in talent, and expectations should be measured as such as we transition. New AD should understand this and make it clear, but also have Seth on a short leash if we’re getting the doors blown off every game.

    Edit: I’ll also add that if what I’ve heard about Smatresk planning his retirement within the next year is true, that could add an interesting wrinkle in the AD, and therefore coaching search.

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  6. 4 hours ago, greenminer said:

    I think @ThatMeanGreensuggested that Wren has been interviewing for several years now to get out of Denton.  I wish he (or anyone) could elaborate on that.  All I've seen is what people have been complaining about this football season, and the hesitation to pull the trigger with SL.

    I should clarify that I don’t believe that he was interviewing because he was actively looking to leave Denton. He’s an ambitious and highly sought after administrator and, to my knowledge, was able to be picky. A handful of “higher profile” G5 roles (pre-AAC announcement) and other P5 jobs didn’t work out for whatever reason. Maybe he turned them down, maybe they didn’t get offered, who knows.

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  7. 7 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

    How about you indulge us?  Never been on this board until Baker announces he is leaving and you seem to have some issues with him.

    I have no issues with him, I genuinely wish him and his family nothing but the best in future endeavors. He’s played the game well and got his and continues to rise — as someone else said in either this thread or the announcement thread, that’s what any one of us would’ve done.

    I’ve just heard some things from those that are currently in or have recently been involved with the department about how they and their positions are/were treated that make me question some of his leadership tactics from an internal standpoint. No doubt he’s got the external and academic pieces down pat, but stepping on people to get to the top won’t make you friends for long, especially in an industry that’s seeing a lot of upheaval at the mid and entry-level ranks.

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  8. Will be interested to see how this plays out.
    Wren’s been interviewing for other jobs for years now and the writing has been on the wall for quite some time, so there’s no way this comes as a shock to his “Big Three.” Right now the department is split between “Wren’s people” and those that were there before Wren that he’s tried to oust (to some success) in his time at UNT. I’d expect a bit of a power grab situation from Mosley/Peck/Witty — IF it ends up being Mosley (a big if) I’d expect to see the other two exit pretty quickly, along with the few hangers-on. If it ends up being an outside hire, I’d expect to see that trio leave and the old guard to wait it out to see what happens. What I’m most curious about are Wren’s more recent hires (Bryan, Gardner, McDonald).

    Wouldn’t be totally shocked if Wren brings one or two of his team with him to West Virginia, assuming that there’s space in a department that is significantly larger than UNT’s. He freed up some futures when he got to UNT, he may very well do the same at WVU to make space for his people.

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  9. 1 hour ago, DeepGreen said:

    I've got to ask the question, why couldn't Wren, at the very least, waited until after the conference championship game this weekend to announce he was moving on?  I'm really disappointed in him.

    Because he was only ever in it for himself and his yes men. The hero worship of Wren on this board is weird.

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