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Posts posted by CurveItAround

  1. Don't sweat it. The immature kids have finally bought into the awesomeness of the rookie coach...cake walk. Right CurveItAround?

    That was certainly tongue in cheek, but recently just shows the potential when these kids really put forth the effort for an entire game and what could have been all season long.

    I certainly don't attribute the recent improvement to Benford suddenly becoming that much better if a coach...

    • Upvote 1
  2. I think the biggest frustration has been watching players like TM, and others, this season visibly show lack of effort. Certainly that was triggered by a new staff that implemented new ideas.

    These new ideas and approach now seem to have been in conflict with the inflated view of some players self worth over the summer And an attitude of 'why should I listen to this new coach, I have done pretty well doing things the old way'.

    After a couple of early losses, the lack of commitment and buy in to the new staff was visibly evident on the court. Players not hustling, not closing out on defense, not helping out when a player got beat, lack of flow and sharing the ball on offense, stamping one's feet and flailing arms when the ball doesn't come to you, etc...

    Through all of this the staff seems to have learned a few things about the players as well as themselves and made a few improvements. The staff also seems to have held firm with the players and doled out discipline when needed. A few key players seem to be finally buying in, unfortunately it took a lot longer than one would have hoped, but it is obvious when personal agendas are set aside, there is a tremendous amount of talent on this team as evidenced by the easy dismantling of the western division champs the other night.

    The odds are stacked against them, but hopefully this team can continue its recent momentum. I would like to see them at least have a chance to play MT.

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  3. Wow. Benford really has the team hitting on all cylinders. I guess him standing up to the players earlier in the season, holding them accountable and sitting them at certain points is finally getting through to these young men. It is as if the players are finally starting to accept their roles and responsibilities, along with some improvement by Benford as well

    • Upvote 2
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  4. As much as we're assured everyone likes and respects Benford.... you'd think they'd quit acting up like this. Weird.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    Growing us is hard to do. Time to make some grown up decisions TM. One of the most immature players I have seen in some time. A shame that much physical talent was paired with such a mental midget.

    • Upvote 5
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  5. When I try to do the math, I come up with this: A 2-1 series gets us roughly $500,000 gross from our 1 home game (not sure what we make per home game, but I think $500k is being very generous) and 3 money games get us $3mm gross and means only 1 fewer home game. So if we go for the 2-1, we would be basically paying (opportunity cost) $2.5mm to have a big name team come in our place and beat us.

    It seems fairly obvious why the money games stay on the schedule, plus the coaches have said the players really look forward to them.

  6. What is it so impossible to grasp that they are paying us to come play? No different than LSU, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Whorns, etc... We are not doing them some favor by agreeing to go play them at their place twice for nothing in return. It is not a 2 for none. We are getting paid. I would guess in the neighborhood of $1mm per game, but have not seen the contracts.

    I am actually kind of excited at the potential that we will get paid to play by a team that is not a perennial top 10 team and we may have an outside shot at beating.

  7. I agree that Mac had the option of signing some JUCOS in his first couple of classes to replace outgoing JUCOS. When he chose not to, it created a hole in last year's team with juniors and seniors on the team. With this year's class, we are instantly adding 5 incoming juniors from JUCO and 2 incoming juniors from xfers plus 1 sophmore (Berglund) via xfer. It will definitely give us more upperclassmen that will be expected to play right away that if those same scholarships would have been used on HS recruits that would have likely redshirted.

    With this being Mac's 3rd year, I think he has targeted this as a key year from the beginning and is trying to have as many options as possible, which is why it makes sense to try to add some instant upper classmen to the HS recruits he has been molding over the last couple of years into upper classmen.

    Personally, I get the feeling that there is a sense of urgency within the staff to get it done this year and next. I believe there has been a concerted effort to position this team for its best opportunity to win in the next two years (3rd and 4th of Mac's tenure). A lot will be riding on the next couple of years. I am certainly pulling for them to be successful.

    The approach of adding upper classmen in the 3rd and 4th years of a coach's tenure is hardly an original idea. I like a lot of the pieces that have been added in advance of next season. Let's just hope this crop of players and coaches can get it done.

  8. If this team wins and goes to bowl games over the next couple of years, the players will come. We lost two of our top recruiters, one before the recruiting season and the other at the end of the recruiting season (and did not sign one recruit from his area). I doubt the HS players we signe this year have a big impact this upcoming season. I think most of our success will be based on our existing players plus the JUCO/Xfers. When you look at it from that standpoint, we have 4 xfers with tremedous potential, plus a couple of JUCO all americans and another couple of players that look to compete right away. I am cautiously optimistic about them and hold some hope that a couple of the HS signees may be able to contribute right away as well.

  9. It seems to me that there was no reason to recruit a lot of JUCOS the first two clasess because they would have already been gone by now. When JUCOS were not signed, it left a gaping hole with last year's seniors because of the number of JUCOS signed in 2010. By signing several, plus a few transfers this year, Mac should have more upper classmen this year and next year than he has had since he has been here. I hardly think this was done on accident.

    • Upvote 2
  10. You could be right, or they could become a doormat. For their sake, as well as UTSA, they better make hay while they are knew and people are giving them the benefit of the doubt as opposed to proving that you are a bottom dweller (like we have for the past decade) because it makes it much tougher.

    I can't help but feel like things are getting better around here, but sadly the only result that matters is wins and those preferably need to start this year.

    I say bring on UTSA and TSU. I ain't skeered. Fear of losing is a great motivator. Way better than apathy.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Are there others that we know of at this point? Have any of those listed below changed their mind?

    Avery Fortenberry (grayshirting) - OL, 6-5, 250, HS

    Andy Flusche - DE, 6-3, 225, HS

    Carl Caldwell - WR, 5-10, 170, Kansas Wesleyan, Sr

    Christian Hines - WR, 6-3, 190, HS

    John Chelf - WR, 5-11, 180, Iowa, So

    Erick Evans - RB, 5-9, 175, Air Force?, RSo?

    Austin Accettura - LB, 5-11, 230, ??, RSo?

    John Wood - LB, 6-0, 205, OSU non scholly xfer, RFr?

    Jeff Davis - QB/DB (not sure if he is or isn't, confllicting picture/tweet), ?, ?, HS

    Brady Brown - WR, 6-4, 195, Vanderbilt xfer, has burned redshirt, possibly received medical redshirt, RSJr?

    Not 100% sure about Accetura. I know someone mentioned at one point that he was enrolled and was walking on, but his name does not show up on the workout charts.

    Updated with size/weight/classification.

    • Upvote 1
  12. With the commits from Chad and Sid, we are at 23 signees. Depending on whether Christian Hines signed a scholly as was expected with his grayshirt, we either have 1 or 2 spots left in this class to get us to 25 LOI's (although I guess we can technically we can sign up to 28 if we think some players may not qualify).

    edit: oops, just saw MGT's post. I agree, we appear to be at 23 based on current info.

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