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Posts posted by NT6

  1. You can't just hire a "dedicated QB coach." NCAA rules only allow 9 assistant coaches and 2 GAs. If we wanted to have a dedicated QB coach, we would have to eliminate one of the other coaching positions.

    To be honest, while I am a fan of Canales in other areas, I am not impressed with his QB development. Derek Thompson looked better when Dodge was working with the QBs than he did once Chico starting getting hold of him. We have brought QBs on campus with potential, but none of them seem to be realizing that potential.

    How can you say this? Must have been a really impressive 6 minutes that Derek played in the 4th, vs. Ark. State, in the last game of the season, when Dodge was working with QB's, for you to say that. I mean, 95% of his playing career was spent with Canales. I think that speaks highly of Canales' ability as a QB coach, considering Derek is one of the most prolific (statistically) QB's in school history. He is one of the hardest working, knowledgable, and experienced QB coaches around.

    While we are all arm-chair quarterbacking, lets consider:

    1) if the fact that Greer throws off of his back foot, occasionally, warrants Canales' firing... Kingsbury should have been fired at A&M because Manziel threw off of his back foot nearly every time. Same can be said for Applewhite at Texas when Case McCoy was playing.

    2) the idea that selecting and developing QB's is easy and Canales should be fired because we dont have a polished, experienced QB at the moment... Take a look at TEXAS, the premier (at least for a long time) program in a state with an abundance of QB talent, has ZERO capable QB's on the roster. Also, this season at least, I'd say that 25-35% of D1 football programs (SMU, Texas, UTEP, just to name a few in TX) are having the same problem at the QB position.

    3) There is only so much that a QB can be coached on that will lead to him being successful. There are a handful of traits that a QB needs to posses that cannot be coached and are very tough to evaluate in HS QB's, and in practice, because the step up in game speed, among many other things, at the D1 level can cause QB's to react in different ways (hence Garrett Gilbert, one of the best HS QB's in Texas history).

    Could go on and on. Bottom line- we dont run an up-tempo, spread offense that will attract elite level QB's, and even if we did, evaluating QB talent is an inexact science. I have seen our QB's up close, on multiple occasions, throughout the Spring and camp and it was pretty clear to me that Greer had the most potential of all, in practice anyway. Clearly, there are some factors that come into play during games, that cannot be simulated in practice, that Greer has not responded well to.

    Whatever decision they make as the best option going forward, we should support. After all, what other options do we have for this season. Being negative and talking bad about our QB's and QB coach (when we dont really know what we are talking about) is counter productive and not indicative of the support we should have for this staff, considering the shit-hole that they brought this program out of.

    • Upvote 2
  2. This thread is ridiculous. Coach Canales will not, and does not, deserve to be fired after this season. Calling for the OC's job after a road loss to a very well coached opponent who has been exponentially more successful than we have in the last 6-8 years is ill-conceived. It is clear that Chico does have his hands tied in regards to the style of offense we are running.

    If you have followed the careers of Chico and Coach Mac you will note that Mac's offenses have been of the grind it out, running style of offense. However, Chico's style in the past has been more of the spread it out style. You should note that this year we have changed to accomodate more of the spread-type that Chico, the players and fans prefer. The same ones that are on here whining about his offense of the last 2 years should know that the offense we are running has been forced on him. Coach Mac is not necessarily to blame for that. He has his own coaching philosophy and a ball control, protecting the ball type of offense is what he prefers. I completely understand that and nobody can argue with the vast improvement that UNT football has made since the Dodge experiment.

    This loss, however tough it was, is not grounds for the firing of Canales. There are innumeral factors that go into the success of an offensive play and it only takes one to screw a play up. Canales has done a phenominal job of molding his offense's into the mold that is needed for the overall betterment of the team.

    P.S.- To think that with the firing of Dodge and promting of Chico to interim HC, totally relinquished his impact on his offense that he implemented, in the span of one week is also absurd. Yes, Coach Hines did call plays during that time. It was still Chico's offense and he still had a large role in the preperation and alot of times in collaboration of play calls during games.

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  3. Derek Is going to be fine. You could make the case that the entire team did not bring their A game on Saturday. Frankly, the Mean Green are not used to getting to play a team that they should beat and beat easily early in the season especially after experiencing some success against #3 LSU. They took this team lightly. I haven't seen a team like that on the schedule in the last 6-7 years anyway. This was a factor. Anyway....

    Yes Derek did miss on two wide open touchdowns but I know he is still going to lead this team until his eligibility is up. It is clear that Coach Mac wants a game manager and great leader at the QB position. He does not seem to favor a QB that is of the "electrifying type," as a BJ Daniels (who turns the football over a lot). He wants to be a physical, hard-nosed football team that runs the football, controls the line of scrimmage and does not turn the ball over. This is not to say he would not want a QB that can run the ball, but they must not turn the football over I.E. Senaca Wallace.

    With that said, it is far too speculative to assume that have Brock Berglund on campus had an effect on Derek and that he will take over after this year. We learned this lesson before with players who transferred here from big time programs. There is a reason they left usually. William Cole and Tyler Stradford, just to name a few, are some that fizzled out and never really made an impact here. Berglund has yet to play a down in college and was not even a clear cut starter recently at his community college. Derek is the type of QB that Mac wants and I will be VERY surprised if Derek does not keep his spot for the rest of this season and next.

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  4. $3,000 is the stadium fee. The total cost of all expenses is $7,000. Scoreboard, emergency services, gate keeper, insurance etc. is what adds up to $7,000. The fee at Apogee is comparable but the expenses are apparently 3 or 4 times more.

    C.H. Collins is not $7,000.

    Straight from the DISD stadium information packet (My link)

    The rental fee is $3,000.00 for 4A or 5A schools.

    Rental fee for 1A, 2A, 3A schools if $2,500.00.

    There is an optional charge of $850.00 for use of video replay.

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  5. C.H. Collins on Loop 288 is around $7,500. Some of the bigger, richer schools could afford to pay that, but for that price they could play at Cowboys Stadium. Its the smaller schools that would want to play @ Apogee and cannot afford it. Dickey (UNT), Patterson(TCU), and Briles(Baylor) are some coaches/schools that have had alot of success recruiting players from smaller schools. These are the type of kids who would be impressionable and really appreciate playing playoff games @ Apogee.

  6. That is all.

    Wow. I guess nobody on here understands how much different it is to go into a game as the starter versus coming into the game in the 4th quarter as the back-up or "goal-line QB." As the starter you have all week for the pressure to build and you will get all the blame or glory depending on how your team does, and rightfully so. Im just saying when you come in during the second half of a game that is not close against a defense that is not full of starters and the emotion that they come out with to begin the game, the pressure does not even compare.

    Thompson is the guy for this team, this year. Even though it is a bit frustrating that he does seem to be a threat to the defense to run the ball. Our O line is not very good at all and our receiving corp is worse. Take Stradford out, who does not play anyway, and we have no deep threat. Brelan is our best WR by far and he might be the smallest of the bunch. Losing Darius Carey really hurt. Anyway, Derek is a very smart player and one of the hardest working guys on the team who has been through alot of adversity in his time and is ready to play well once the competition is on our level. Nobody understands what its like to sit back there knowing you only have about two seconds to find WR's who arent even that open. Osborn is the same type of QB as DT with maybe just a bit more elusiveness, but I do not feel his throwing motion is very solid. He has done some nice things in his short stints of PT but he is not the starter for a reason. If he were ever to start and play a whole game with that pressure of the starter I dont think as many would be so optimistic about him. As for McNulty, I've heard alot of good things about what he has done in practice and that he will be a good player in the future. Thats exciting! However, there is no way he is the guy for this team, this year, with all of our deficiencies up front and at the WR position. They need to get him experience at the end of games and in select situations as they are now. Need to be careful not to throw him in the fire right now when all he would be doing is fighting upstream all season. This can destroy a young QB's confidence and then all hope is lost.

    Also, take it easy on Chico. It is tough to call plays when you cannot run the ball (as it has been against the defenses we've played so far), and dont really have any deep threats. The DB's are close to the WR's and sit on routes. Our offense is MUCH more creative and much less predictable than the past few years. Coach Mac is trying to build a defensive team that can run the football with power and take our shots at the right time and we just do not have the personnel to get it done yet. It will happen and it is a recipe that has been successful time and time again.

    • Upvote 5
  7. Like most are saying, this will take time. Just as the building of this stadium has been in the making for many years, the branding of the school/AD will take time, as will the success of the football team. A famous quote that says it all, "It took me 20 years to become an over-night success." Just bc a big effort and investment has been made in the program in the last months/yrs does not mean that everything is going to change overnight. The Athletic Dept has become accustomed to operating on a small budget in inadequate facilities, with a poor product on the field for a LONG time. You cant just build a new facility and expect everything to change automatically. Its going to take time to build a relationship with the people at Nike, bc all they know right now is that we have sucked it up big time the last 6 yrs. Once they see the potential that UNT has, combined with an improving team you will start to see the quality of merchandise improve as well.

    With that said... We are finally heading in the right direction and I do not have any doubt that we will get there, and who knows... it may be sooner than later. I am just trying to be realistic about the situation and hope that many on here will do the same and are willing be patient.

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  8. Have a feeling helmet will be green (the lighter kelly green) without any stripes, with the same North Texas sticker without the black trim, and a white face mask. Jerseys will be plain looking with the numbers being a solid color without the black trim around the numbers. I think they will look very sharp while looking like throw back jerseys at the same time. Green and white will be the only colors in the jerseys I think, even though there is black on the new turf. Just an educated guess.

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  9. Agreed. Circumstances for players in D1 football are always different and if your on the outside you will never know. I lived with Sam for 2 years after he was done and he continued to be a big supporter of UNT football and me until the end. He will always be a member of the Mean Green Family. Godspeed D.I.B

    My prayers are with the Dibrell family. Things like this put life in perspective and really bring to light how ridiculous it is to criticize young men that leave the NT program early. I was guilty of this and leaving the program early is nothing compared to leaving Earth too soon. Remember to always tell your family and friends that you love them everytime you see them, because we never know when it will be our last encounter with them.

    I pray for his family through their period of mourning and hope they will live with found memories of Sam. A tragic loss, and I can't even imagine the loss of a child. May God bless the Dibrells.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Where in Spain are you? I was in Madrid and Barcalona last week. Im in Germany now, off to Italy tomorrow and then back to Spain for 2 weeks.. Going to tour the Coast of Spain and Portugal. Had to check up on the Mean Green and see how spring ball is going with McCarney.. They will be greatly improved, but still a long way to go

    I have to admit that u all motivated me to visit GMG. So here I am:

    We have checked into a hotel, it's off of one of the main squares here. I did sleep 15 minutes on the 7 hr plane ride and can barely stay awake now. We got in at 5:45 last night and people were still out partying on the streets. Our hotel room is small but has a budet...it is my goal to use this after a duey at some point. There are street musicians everywhere...and beggars too. I am happily married but even my wife commented on how pretty the girls are here...an they really are. We r going to a bull fight Sunday and rooting for the bull.

    I will share more stories as they come. For now, I'm going streaking.

  11. It may sound funny but Chico was also responsible for the improvement of our defense. His offense was doing so many more things in terms of concepts, motions, formations, personnel packages, and different blocking schemes in the running game that our it forced the defense to grow up because if was not facing a high school offense with 3 formations, no motions, and no sophistication. This really has a big impact when you take into consideration the amount of work they do against each other all spring, summer, and fall. This forced players on the defensive side to study harder and apply themselves alot more, and not to mention forced D-LO to add more wrinkles in scheme-wise to make them competitive on a daily basis.

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  12. I can tell you, he did not receive his 6th yr. NCAA citing that 2 years had to be missed due to injury or illness. He tried to use his celiacs diagnosis for one of those years but the NCAA wasnt having it. He said that the compliance office at UNT could have done alot more to help him out but either way the chances were slim.

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  13. Derek Thompson. Canales does have a tendency to lean towards a mobile QB... but he would much rather have a QB that he can trust to execute the offense and throw the ball accurately and not have the passing game limited due to lack of arm strength, lack of size/ability to see downfield, or lack of pocket presence. DT is a winner and an exceptionally hard worker.

  14. Cannot blame Riley for leaving. He did play exceptionally well the last five games this season compared to his previous stints at QB especially taking into consideration the mixed feelings he certainly felt about his dad losing his job but still having pride for himself and not wanting to let his teammates down. He did all that he could do and we need to be thankful for that. However, going forward i think this is the best move for him and UNT. I know how thin we are at the QB position but i know how competitive Derek Thompson is and im sure Brent Osburn is and they will raise the level of play at the QB position and there is no way we will see the same kind of injury bug hit at this position this coming season. We are heading in the right direction!

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