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Posts posted by polo44

  1. haven't seen this posted yet

    I figure that with the way I have seen a large proportion of you write, this website will hit a chord.

    Everyone who went through the Dickey era knows this website feels eerily familiar. Why would you want to go through that again? You don't even have to peruse the website just read the homepage. Pretty much sums up the Dickey era for me. I don't know what the future holds but if we have to go through that again it won't be very rosy. Maybe Leavitt has grown since USF and the incident with the player, but I wouldn't count on a changed man.

    All I care to remember is that Dickey had a hot streak in a talent poor Sunbelt conference that won besides its self on almost every occasion. The lack of discipline was deplorable at times (anyone who witnessed the grenade celebration can relate). Call it swagger if you are inclined to do so but you really know what it is. One of a myriad of program building traits of our next coach I will look for is accountability for ones actions on and off the field, for players and coaches alike.

    Sorry for the brain dump but hiring Leavitt in my estimation would be a mistake. My glass at this moment is half-empty and that might just empty it.

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