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Posts posted by Boomer23

  1. Dad passed away after my sophomore year of high school. When the college hunt began, I knew I needed somewhere affordable and still close to home for Mom. I was really interested in the arts. I was primarily focused on music, theater and film. North Texas had it all.

    I went to a private high school that didn't rank students, and thus I didn't get into UNT when I first applied. I was determined to get into the school since it fit my criteria. I appealed and pleaded my case and was accepted based on various teacher recommendations.

    It wasn't until I announced that I was going to North Texas that some of my Dad's friends asked if I was only going there because my Dad went there. At the time, I hadn't put together that UNT was formerly NTSU where he'd graduated. Dad chose NTSU because after his Dad passed, he wanted to stay close to home for his Mom.

    I didn't know much about my Father's time at NTSU, but when going through his things, I discovered his mini NTSU diploma in his wallet. Throughout my time at school and to this day I still carry his mini diploma in my wallet.

    My younger brother wanted to get a little farther away from home and started school at UTSA, but then transferred to UNT to also study RTVF.

    It was never planned, but my brother and I both graduated from every school our Dad did. Just worked out that way. The craziest part didn't come until my senior year at NT. I never knew what my Dad did in his time at NTSU. I took to the archives and found a photo of him cutting radio for a KNTU broadcast. All three of us had studied RTVF.

    • Upvote 6
  2. We were in a draught last Summer, but for the Mean Green Village especially the peripheal areas of Apogee Stadium, UNT needs some award winning land-scaping with green grass all around provided by an under-ground sprinkler system. The 2 ponds near our stadium need trees around them and their shorelines surrounded by concrete picnic tables.

    No can do.

    The ponds were specifically designed to be the way they are. It is the ensure the designated location for the Bonfire.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Appears to be a nice Camera. Good tour of the stadium. Good documentary footage of it being built. Looks to be a good time investment. Pretty good, My only criticism, if in fact there is any, is it could have used more tripod. If you aren't looking for criticism, don't take it as such. Very cool, However. Thanks for posting.

    Liked the soundtrack too, Explosions?

    Didn't have more than a camera and a neck strap when I started this film, so I am aware of the looks, I appreciate the advice.

    Music is the other native texans, This Will Destroy You.

  4. The University of North Texas used the Logo first. Prosper changed logos shortly after our new design. It is a high school logo that does what many other high school logos do, they alter a collegiate logo to use as their own.

    If you look closely at the Prosper logo, they changed the tail feather design from our SOW. Instead of three defined "feathers" they use one solid tail.

    Look at McKinney Boyd's logo, which is an altered Boise State logo.

    This is extremely common, I honestly don't even know why I am responding.

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