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Posts posted by GreenSquared

  1. Wow, how can anyone turn against their alma mater?

    I'm a Mean Green season ticket holder and fan because:

    1. I love college football and can't get back often to see my alma mater, so in a sense, I've adopted UNT as my "local" team.

    2. Denton is an easy trip for me and I enjoy the gameday atmosphere

    3. The passion and dedication the posters on this board have for the team

    4. I'm a TD supporter

    5. My son is a UNT grad

    However, my loyalty resides with my alma mater (the "on the field" champion of the Southland Conference) and if we played UNT, I'd be wearing purple and gray!

    It is unbeliveable to me that any alumni would renounce their team support because of losses. As FFR once said in so many words, " you root for them, because they are yours"! That's what alumni do!

  2. Why, with some, not much, but some time left on the clock, did we not try to get down the field and try to score something late in the first half ? As I recall, we had 8 seconds left when the ball was caught and the receiver stepped out of bounds. A long pass ? A long field goal attempt with the wind at our backs ? Almost anything other than taking the snap and downing the ball.

    In the late seconds of the 4th quarter, this is always done. Why not as the first half winds down ?

    Help me with this. I was at the game and I believe we had the ball at about the 50 yard line with seven seconds left in the half? The field goal would have been close to 60-65 yards and given that our kicker can't kick that far (unless he kicks it twice) and that we had just committed a huge error in kick coverage (by the way a squib kick in the last seconds is a good play if you can cover and tackle, if you can't, it doesn't matter how far you kick it) I can see why Dodge choose not to risk the fate of an interception being returned for a TD given we were playing well and within 3 points. Granted I would have heaved a long pass and hoped for an interference penalty and a field goal try on a stopped clock, but in college the penalty is only 15 yards (instead of a spot foul like the pros) so the field goal attempt would still have been very long, even with the wind.. Of course Vizza could have thrown it 60 yards (can he) and we come up with a miracle catch...........?

  3. I haven't posted in quite some time, but read the board daily. I'm not a UNT grad, but have a son who will soon graduate from there and the wife and I are season ticket holders and have made every home game for the last two years (yes, we are TD fans, but more than tht we are now Mean Green fans). My hat is off to those of you like FFR, the hurt and embarrassment for your university must be horrible, yet you keep showing up and pulling for your team! Doing anything you can to help! That's what being a fan is all about! This team needs you now more than ever, regardless of who the coach is, what bad press they have had or the won/loss record.

    This is all easy for me to say as I don't have the emotional ties or years of fandom that many of you do. My alma mater (and team) is 6 hours away so I don't get to see them play much. I love college football, so adopting the Mean Green as my "local" team has been great. There is simply nothing like a college stadium on a Saturday afternoon!

    The support shown the Mean Green, despite the disappointing record, is a tribute to your loyalty!

    Regardless of the disappointment, I know most of you will be at the AState game................we'll see you there and thanks for letting us be a part of it!

  4. Texas actually contacted him after he had committed to Mizzou once they lost out on Brantley to Florida. He told them thanks but no thanks.

    Scout shows he had offers from Mizzou, Northwestern, Ok State, and Standford- but Im gussing OK State was the other offer to which the broadcaster was referring.

    Correction: Texas offered after LSU's Perriloux turned them down on signing day. Chase turned them down which says something about what a class act he is and how seriously he took his commitment to Missouri. Think about it, the team you have wanted to play for since you were a kid, offering a "ship" and you turn them down to go build something at a place that has not had a recent winning tradition! (Remind you of anyone else?)Things happen for a reason.

    Go Mean Green!

  5. (from Timmy MacMahon at the DMNews blog):

    Heisman Trophy finalist Chase Daniel took time out of celebrating Mizzou's Cotton Bowl win to rave about North Texas coach Todd Dodge.

    "He's awesome, man," said Daniel, who played for Dodge at Southlake Carroll. "I love the guy. He's like a second father to me. He had a tough year this year. It was hard on him and hard on the coaching staff. But he's got his recruits coming in and is going to do a great job."

    The headliner of the Mean Green's recruiting class, of course, is Riley Dodge. Daniel called Todd's son, SportsDay's All-Area Offensive Player of the Year, a "perfect fit" for that offense.

    I asked Daniel about the rumor (which I was attempting to start) that he was considering transferring to UNT for his final year of eligibility.

    "Uhhhh, no," Daniel said with a smile.

    He obviously doesn't think he can beat out Riley Dodge for the starting job.

    Seen them both play ( many times) and both are terrific QB's, leaders and people. If they were the same age (and if Riley could put on a few pounds, which he will) it would be quite a competition. Unfortunately for UNT we will never see it. Yeap UNT fans, Riley is "that" talented, but obviously, so is Chase!

    Go Mean Green and congratulations to Chase Daniel and the Missouri Tigers!

  6. After reading FFR's book review on GMG, I received this book as a Christmas gift. I just finished it and would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Texas high school football. What these kids from the Masonic orphanage in Forth Worth overcame and the success they enjoyed is unbelievable. Go Mighty Mites!

    Get the book!

    P.S. Many thanks to Rick for the tip.

    Go Mean Green!

  7. I'm not a UNT alumni, but wanted to thank everyone on the board for their kindness and support during my "rookie" season backing the Mean Green. Routinely reading this board has provided both insight to the intense support of the Mean Green Nation and the incredible sense of humor of many of the members.

    It is my sincere wish that your loyalty will soon be greatly rewarded!

    My family had a blast at the games and look forward to next season!

    Happy Holidays!

    Go Mean Green!

  8. SLC could have used both Dodges today as the end of the game was one of the most mis-managed I have ever seen. Behind 22-21, on the 10 yard line, tying to spike the ball with 10 seconds left (and one time out), back-up QB under center (we have not taken a snap under center all year), a set up for disaster. And it happened, fumbled snap and one of the best kicker's in the area gets no chance to win the game. I'm sure Coach Wasson is crushed. Sometimes the football gods are so cruel.

    However, SLC has had a great run, we are proud of all (coaches and players)! SLC will shake this off and will be back, it's tradition!!

    UNT, Riley (we would have killed Abilene if Riley doesn't get hurt) and Tomlin are terrific. Leppo is also, but has been hurt and not played a down this year.

    PS: Just heard Riley broke Chase Daniel's total TD record at SLC 133 to 128. He is the real deal!

    Keep pouring the green kool aid for SLC and UNT.

    Go Dragons and Mean Green!

  9. Bill Daniel might disagree with the sign (or perhaps mom, Vicki) but I'm sure they wouldn't argue with the word "mentor". What a great sign! Getting ready to head to Cowboy Stadium to watch the Southlake Dragons (understand Riley is a little banged up), then back in time to watch the next Heisman Trophy winner beat the Sooners. And not to forget, Go Mean Green! Close the Orange Bowl with a win!

    Go Mean Green!

  10. yeah, you're right, Cedar Hill is no powerhouse, no Southlake Carroll...not even close. They very easily could win the game on Friday, but I doubt it.

    I'd imagine Cedar Hill can replace starters year in and year out better than most programs. They are blessed with a great group of athletes annually, as many teams in their district are like Duncanville, DeSoto, Bowie, etc.

    I will say too, that watching William Cole play last year was a ton of fun. He was great, and I hope he does well in Stillwater.

    I'm hearing Tre is playing Friday.

  11. Riley Dodge completed rushed for 226 yds and completed 19 of 29 passes for 347 yds in win and accounted for 5 TD's. Tre Newton and Cantu were injured and couldn't play. The article doesn't mention it but Tre is out for the remainder of the season with a hairline fracture of his ankle (from other sources)

    For those who weren't there..........Riley played a brillant game. With Newton and Cantu both out with injuries and SLC Down 17 - 7 in the second quarter, Riley took over and put the team on his shoulders. Finished with 226 yds rushing and 347 passing and accounted for all 5 TD's in the win.

    Go Mean Green fans, this kid is the real deal!

  12. I am proudly wearing my UNT Hoody to work today (partly b/c it is cold) but also to show off pride for UNT even though I live in Central Arkansas amongst rapid Pig Fans.

    GO UNT!!!

    Wear your UNT gear proudly, but note you are really living among the rapid fans of the up and coming UCA Bears, who tomorrow are playing for the Southland Conference Championship in only their second year of NCAA football.

    Go Bears!

    Go Mean Green!

  13. ONLY...........AT NORTH TEXAS

    I sat in upper Section E last night in the first half & didn't see one Navy fan, yet whose to say some of our alums didn't bring Navy fans (friends/neighbors?) to use some of their extra tickets?

    AND.................why the hell are we complaining here? Hellsbells! We had 26,000 plus fans at a November football game at Fouts Field and FWIW--thats never been done (not even close) in our entire history. And we were all watching a team that is going to get better with time. Mind you, it won't be the instantaneous "one hit wonder" time some are demanding out there, but in due time. One hit wonders? Aren't we sorta' finding out now that non-Top 25, but rather Bottom 25 SBC championship football teams might fit that description? Troy U is now showing us all at UNT how we should have been doing this all the time, now aren't they? You know, new stadium with luxury suites, Top 25 wins, speed merchant football teams, etc, etc, etc,?

    The last coaching regime hit .500+ in Year 5 and IMHO, he inherited better players for the league he would be in with the teams he coached than what Dodge has for the improved league that the SBC has now become. So here before Coach Dodge's Year 1 is even complete, can we just show a little patience here and cut him the same slack we all seemed to cut Dickey while he was struggling like hell in Mean Green Country to get his first winning season? BTW, Utah State is still winless and offense-less, too, for those who will be voting their "offensive" coordinator into our UNT Athletic Hall of Fame in the future) and don't get me started on that damn practice facility naming, you know, named for the one who produced for us all black-jerseys-gate while at the same time symbolically dropping his drawers to moon our whole UNT constituency? :angry: (And to quote what many of you have said numerous times in the past: "ONLY AT NORTH TEXAS..."

    I also bet that Todd Dodge will solve our defensive problems much quicker than it took Darrell Dickey to have his first winning season in Denton. Any takes on that bet or just more shoot from the hip free advice or criticism from local experts who really know their upper profile NCAA football since about 80% of you have never seen such in Denton, Texas, America.

    Truly............................trust Todd Dodge because he is the right man at the right moment in Denton and many feel that way. He has had to put up with discipline problems that seemed to be swept under the rug in past years. Todd Dodge is not going to sweep any such things as that under the rug (as he spends time doing damage control from the loose disciplined leadership of almost a decade in Denton.

    AND..............Can you imagine what attendance would have been last night with some boring as hell football; you know, the style of football that many times had fans leaving at half time cussing under their breaths that they'd never come back?

    We have officials at UNT making good decisions now as far as athletics is concerned, but lets let their decisions have time to come to full fruition; you know, like more than 1 football season?

    Wow! What a night! Good things are indeed happening at UNT. For those of you who couldn't make it this week, try to catch the next home game!

  14. “I am not surprised,” she said of the outcome of UNT's own investigation into the matter. “We knew we were going to have to go to an outside resource. We knew the school wouldn't do anything. That is not the end of the story. We definitely are going to continue to pursue it and are thinking about taking legal action. They have a lot to lose with those coaches they have under contract.”

    We have a lot to lose? Like what? Coaches that discipline players getting a pretty nice college education no matter what their color?

    If I set a theatre on fire and then yell "FIRE!".................should that take the focus off of me and the blatant fact that I am still the one who set the fire?

    What some might need to consider is that Caucasians do not have a corner of the market when it comes to racism and if Todd Dodge is a racists........then hellsbells, I suppose I am too and probably about 250 million other Caucasians in this country, too.

    Of course, most of us have a lifetime of (not just words) but actions that would indicate that we are not racists, but if we would be called out or accused of being such, most of us won't take that kind of thing laying down, either, no matter how many other liberal do-gooder "always politcally correct" whites who would feel guilty for their own "white-ness" would. And we seem to have a few of those on this message board, but what the hell--different strokes for different folks.

    America? Still a great country that offers many freedoms with Freedom of Speech being toward the top of the list for most of us no matter our race, creed or religion, but that still being a freedom that need not be abused or made to be confused as to fit one's personal agendas while at the same time defaming the character of another to (perhaps) camouflage one's own character short-comings?

    "I am not surprised" ..................that TD and staff were cleared by the UNT administration.

    Go Mean Green!


    Afternoon: FB vs Navy

    Evening: BB vs Cameron and raise the banner.

    Please let me be off work...

    Absolutely, let's all be there to support the Mean Green players and coaches! The last two weeks of slanderous accusations have been especially tough on the these guys. Hopefully, the silver lining is that it will help bring the team together and they can continue the process of building something great again at UNT. I believe, over time, a team takes on the personality of its leader. Coach Dodge is a strong individual, a proven winner with impeccable character. We'll be there Saturday backing the Mean Green and encourage all UNT fans to do likewise. Let's show them they are not alone during these rocky times. To the coaches, players and UNT administration who read this board, we support you 100%.

    Go Mean Green! Beat Navy!

  16. Wonder if all this happened right after the DBs were burned on the 51 yard TD pass and Joseph Miller was in Dominque's face yelling "I'm tired of this S***!"

    I believe you are correct. Immediately after the 51 yard touchdown pass there was a flair up on the bench and Miller was refrained from "going" after someone, which I assumed to be DG. Mendoza and other coaches broke up the scrum. Lot's of yelling between players and DG did not see the field again. Knowing how TD feels about defensive backs having short memories, my guess is DG's lack of additional playing time was not because he got beat on a play.

    I believe TD and staff will be proven innocent of any wrong doing.

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