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Michael Scott

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Posts posted by Michael Scott

  1. --- Maybe it is because the Old Testament is very violent... and most of the men there had multiple wives... David and Solomon had 100's. Very few preachers ever mention that, if fact they seem blind to a lot of what is in the Old Testament and the actions of many people. . Even the New Testament is often distorted by some of them. I have heard preachers refer to Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. Not one verse mentions that or any other writings that date from the first few Christian centuries. Some Pope dreamed it up centuries later to put women down as a method to help keep them out of positions of power in the Catholic Church. I see a lot of difference in being Christian (I am) and being a church fanatic.

    Well...it's more the by-product of your biblical scholars (the loveable tax collector, physician and friends who didn't write for a living) not giving the characters enough different names.

    I don't usually source the Wikipedia, but they had sourcing in here too that worked for me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene

    Jeffrey Kripal, a religion scholar, wrote, "Migdal or Magdala (meaning "tower" in Hebrew and Arameic respectively) was a fishing town known, or so the legend goes, for its perhaps punning connection to hairdressers (medgaddlela) and women of questionable reputation. This is as close as we get to any clear evidence that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute."[11]According to Kripal, the identification of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute also goes back to the above-mentioned sermon by Pope Gregory.[11] However, Gregory identified Mary merely as a peccatrix, a sinful woman, using her as a model for the repentant sinner, not a meretrix, a prostitute. However, he also identifies Mary with the adulteress brought before Jesus (as recounted in the Pericope Adulterae, John 8), concurring with 3rd and 4th century Church fathers that had already considered the sinful woman's sin as "being unchaste". Gregory's identification and the consideration of the woman's sin as sexual later probably gave rise to the image of Mary as a prostitute.
  2. NEVER...NEVER...NEVER EVER...EVER HAVE I CLAIMED TO BE AN ATHEIST. I would love for you to show me where you came up with that piece of incorrect information? I expect for you to correct this post of yours IMMEDIATELY. And, before you post something like this again, you might want to check your facts. You definitely have me mixed up with someone else. Good grief...get it straight...PLEASE!!!!! :angry::angry:

    God (if you're real), thank you. I needed a laugh today and this man's reading comprehension hit the spot.

    NOTE: I hadn't read the pages of endless drivel setting this up when I responded, but the quote and the follow up in the post were still gold. The more things change...

  3. Sorry - my writing was a bit convuluted.

    The problem with saying Hull needs a year to redeem himself is that he never did anything before hand. He showed up and the team got healthy, then was part of the group that made the Richards trade. It was a great "all-in" move, but for the long-term, they lost a top-goalie prospect who had a better year than Turco on a bad team, never addressed defensive shortcomings and used a roster left to him by Armstrong as his prospects came to maturity this year and last. If Hull had been dumped with no emotional plan in mind or for a retread, I'd share your outrage, but they got a hockey mind and kept both Jackson and Hull in the fold to play to their strengths.

    Would you have been mad if Hull had been let go and Jackson promoted like everyone assumed would happen?

    As much as you seem to blame Armstrong, he recognized that the NHL was changing to speed in 2002/2003 and did his best to work around it. The Turgeon signing was exactly what happened with Hull - they didn't get the guy they wanted and felt they had to sign a big name right away. If Armstrong is worth firing for this, why isn't Hull?

    Now back to Armstrong. He brought in guys like Hagman, Barnes and Ribiero for pennies on the dollar. He made trades for guys like Willie Mitchell, Robidas and Mattias Nordstrom on the fly and understood that he needed to build from the blue line up, too. The team went 210–109–35–23 under him. No, they didn't win in the playoffs, but this has been one of the most consistent teams this decade. Hull didn't make Marty Turco figure it out last Spring and Jackson did most of the work on the Richards trade. If you were outraged over Jackson, I wouldn't even comment, but I see nothing on Hull's resume except his player accomplishments to make him really worth mourning.

    Oh, and CBL, the prospect you are talking about is the same goalie I'm talking about: Jonas Gustavsson.

    As for next year, two more prospects to watch are Vishneskiv and Benn. They still need to add a winger and address a D group that only has Hutchinson, Daley, Robidas, Grossman and Niksanen under contract. Zubov, Sydor and Fistric are all free agents they have to decide on as well. Do you want the Ambassador of fun making those decisions that will determine the next 3-4 years or a an up and coming GM prospect that the entire hockey world almost universally praises who will take the time to do the job?

    I hope that made sense - I wrote half earlier and half now, but feel free to rip it up or call me out if needed on crappy parts.

  4. Tippet gets a pass b/c of injuries...but GM is about putting the roster together and the Avery move was just inexcusable...I was really surprised one or both of them weren't let go right after Avery was cut.

    Rudy, I could understand your not liking this move if Jackson and Hull were both fired, but this seems like a win-win situation for the Stars. Newy has front office expirience...Hull will probably basically serve in an advisory role...and Jackson ends up back where he belongs, scouting and bringing in kids like Erickson and Brunnstrom (I believe we're in the running for another Swede prospect).

    I promised myself I wouldn't get involved but...

    Last year's team was a flawed construct. It BADLY needed a defensemen - or two- and the team was unable to address that. In the summer, the front office targeted a list of D-Men and the Ambassador of Fun decided that his old Wings roommate was more important than the wishes of the players and front office. He is extremely lucky he was not banished immediately last December along with the other sloppy seconds.

    Then, with the team in flux most of the year, there were a few scrap heap moves (Begin, Razor's brother-in-law, Boucher for Sydor), but nothing of note happened. San Jose saw their short-comings and acquired Dan Boyle. Chicago got Brian Campbell. They went 9-1 against the Stars this year. This team has too much young talent not to address their slow D, and if you are counting on Zubov to come back and play 80 games, you are smoking rocks. They need to put together a package for Bowmeister (sp) or someone comparable or make use of cap space and trades to find at least 2 guys. They also need to figure out how to mix Vishneiski (sp again) into the group this year for his shot alone. He has learned all he in can in the minors.

    They also failed to address the backup situation last year - and while the stud Swiss prospect they are bidding against Toronto for would be nice - finding someone reliable (Clime or otherwise) to take 15-20 starts is a necessity.

    If you blast Armstrong, you blast the acquisition of every young player and trade that made this roster. Armstrong brought in Robidas, Mike Smith, Jokinen, Neal, Eriksson, etc. and made the Ribeiro heist happen. Sure, he made a bad trade early (that was also a product in love with the player who had just beat his team and panicking), but he kept this team around the top of the West until this year despite cap trouble and terrible FA signings before him.

    I feel much better having a guy with legitimate experience in a front office outside of a fun ambassadorship running this thing. I might have gone with an assistant from a current organization, but to demand keeping Hull is just crazy talk.

  5. Yes excet that Yanks threw him two weak breaking pitches which he turned on for Homers! Had they just stayed with fast balls he would have struck out four times.

    Joel Zumaya or Fernando Rodney struck him out on 3 straight off speed pieces in a key situation last week against Detroit when he was waiting for fastballs. They just made some poor pitches last night and hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

  6. Really don't remember him being so feast or famine last year. How about a double every once in a while.

    Rangers win, 7-3. Back to 9 over. If they ever break double digits over .500, there will be no stopping them.

    Just remember, I was the first one to predict the world series...kinda.

    You don't remember that because he batted .285 last season and really never slumped. People tend to study your weaknesses more when you are in FIRST PLACE, BITCHES!

  7. And, Oklahoma State no where to be found! What's up with the Cowboys? They "used" to be a power in the Big XII...sigh! If we can't have men's soccer...oops...I mean baseball at UNT, I guess I'll just have to keep pulling for the Cowboys. So, is Texas going to win the whole thing?

    Kram1, when you read things, do you just try to read every other word and then try to piece together what just happened?

    The Pokes are playing, but sadly, have yet to move to Texas. And, the national (liberal) media seems to not want them to even play: http://www.baseballamerica.com/blog/college/?p=1301

  8. OK, let's see everyone jump on Rhyner now since he said something negative regarding baseball, and "perhaps" the Rangers. Come on where are you guys when we need you.

    GO RANGERS...still your FIRST PLACE Rangers and it is almost June! Yes, very good to wave goodbye to Detroit! What's up with the Rangers when they go to Detroit anyway? Global warming perhaps???? Or, was Bush in town for the series...you need someone to blame it on, it certainly cannot be that Detroit was the better team over this series, can it? UGH! Let's just blame Bush. It's so much easier that way...remember now, let's see everyone jump on Rhyner! Just kidding! :lol::lol:

    Throwaway Ticket drop line + Kram1 = comedic partial birth abortion (courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama of course)

  9. I like the fact that for this particular trophy, the levels are even. Sure, maybe you could give a slight nod to football and basketball - but this really judges the overall strength of the different athletic programs in conference. More points to be had in track than any other tho with the indoor and outdoor season.

    The fact that we don't finish higher in those(especially indoor) hurts us.

    I kind of feel like the trophy shouldn't be judged for 50 years - people are too close to the teams and emotions get in the way. (see politics/racism board for reference)

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