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Posts posted by greenmean

  1. Absolutely, correct with that comment!!

    I talked to alot of North Texas fans who were actually at this game and they agreed with me 100%.

    First off, the better team lost in this game.  The team that wanted it more, however, wound up winning.

    Middle Tennessee did in fact give you this game with five UNFORCED turnovers despite what ever beliefs alot of you other guys may have because not a single ball was passed into coverage resulting in an interception.  Not a single ball was jolted from hit by a North Texas defender.

    MTSU's five turnovers were a result of bad passes and poor ball-handling skills plain and simple.  No one disagrees with me there except those of you who watched it on TV through green-colored glasses.  Shocking as it may seem not even your own fans who were actually at the game instead of watching it on TV will disagree with me there.

    All we heard all week was how North Texas was going to run us ragged.  UNT only managed a paltry 152 nets yards total rushing on the game and many of those were losses.  Cobbs got his 100 yards in BARELY and Thomas didn't even come close with only 58 yards on 10 carries.  Ran us ragged?  I don't think so.

    North Texas didn't even have 300 yards of total offense.  You only had one offensive touchdown and the defensive touchdown you scored was off an interception that was passed not into coverage, nor was our QB pressured to pass it.

    This isn't sour grapes.  This is simply how it is.  If we play our remaining 9 games like we did tonight against North Texas we will go 0-11.  If North Texas plays their remaining games like they did against us with no passing offense you won't win the conference 'cause you'll lose to FAU and Troy and Tulsa, Kansas State, La Tech, and LSU will be completely disastrous with blowout losses.  You want a winning season?  Then you'll have to establish a more balanced offense and you have to stop the run, because ya'll looked horrible tonight on offense and defense.

    The better team lost, BUT the team that wanted it more did win.  I congratulate you for that, and I hope you do do well in out-of-conference play.  The Sun Belt has looked pathetic this season early on out side of Sun Belt play with Louisiana-Monroe's loss to 1-AA Northwestern State and 38-0 loss to Wyoming added to the 56-3 blowout loss handed to FIU by Texas Tech and the 31-10 loss handed to Louisiana-Lafayette by pathetic Eastern Michigan of the MAC.

    Our conference as a whole has a crapload of work to do if we want respect because none of us our playing good right now.

    By the way, seeing the eight football playing member conference flags flying in our stadium tonight looked pretty sweet.  I like that touch.  It reminds us that we are unified as a conference.

    Best of luck on the rest of the season.  Your fans and team are very classy and I admire Coach Dickey very much.  He's a risktaker and very classy.  That is something we need leading our team at MTSU right now.  I wish you the best of luck on the rest of the season.

    Wouldn't committing five turnovers make you not the better team????? Its a game, you either win or you lose, you lost, we are better. Or atleast last night we were, no excuses.

  2. I'm relatively a new fan of UNT football compared to some of you but I have

    really thought about this and I want some of you 'veteran' fans to tell me

    what you think.

    First off, I'm a student who found out about the university through watching

    football. The thing that got me interested in the university was the 52-14

    victory against baylor I saw my senior year in high school. That led to me

    exploring about the university and found out how many quality programs UNT

    really has (I was already accepted into tech and a&m at this point). Before I saw the Baylor game all i knew about UNT was they had a good music program. This is why I believe the athletic department is the key to the success of the university... we have great quality programs but not alot of people know about them. Hell, I didn't even know where UNT was located and I lived in Arlington.

    That being said, last week I was looking over our schedules in our past 5

    seasons and began to ponder. Over that span of 5 seasons, there are only TWO

    teams I would of wanted to come see play at Fouts as a football fan:TCU and

    Baylor. How are we supposed to increase our fan base with ONLY TWO

    interesting teams playing at Fouts every five years. Seriously, before I

    became a student here there is no chance I would ever come up to see us play

    any teams like ULM, MTSU or FIU. My main question is (besides scheduling

    SMU, I really think that was a great move) why can't we have more appealing

    teams come to Fouts?

    I realize we can't get the big boys to play us at Fouts, but what about

    other regional teams like UTEP, Rice, UH, Boise State or maybe a 2 and 1

    with Ok State or another BCS confrence team. I would even love to see

    another series with both TCU and Baylor. That way maybe I could interest

    some of my non-UNT friends to come up here and watch a football game. Who

    knows, maybe they'll get hooked like I did.

    Heres the bottom line, if we don't keep scheduling games like SMU in our OOC

    schedule, I think our attendance/recruiting won't improve regardless of the scores. However, I do think our OOC games this year are a huge improvement from previous years.

    Let me know what you think.


    New stadium = new opponents

  3. Not sure if anyone will know this but...do you think that LSU will pay any portion of the $500k to NT.  After all it was there call to cancell the game.

    Not trying to be heartless here but they preached the contract not NT.  I wonder if there is a preach of contract clause that states portions of the alloted amount will be paid upon breach of contract.

    I'm sure there is a Mother Nature clause in there too.  Just trying to get some money out of this game regardless if we play or not.

    I agree this is great news we open with MUTS...we'll kick the holy sh*t out of them then come back to Fouts, WIN,  and be looking right down the barrell of the Purple pansies from 2-0...beat them we're 3-0 and off to the races. 

    Someone call NO tell them to get OUR QUARTER cleaned up...we'll be there in a few months.

    Happy Football Season Everyone!!!!!

    The game is only postponed, not cancelled.

  4. There is simply no reason to be playing a game in Baton Rouge Saturday! Katrina has devastated to many people, and the focus must be on helping in relief and hope for survivors, and as few deaths as possible. I certainly love college football and The Mean Green. I would have loved this game to be played had not all this devastation occured.

    I worry for all those in Louisiana and Missisippi who have lost their homes, etc.


  5. I wasn't necessarily responding to your comments, just the entire thread of people that think we deserve a vote in the coaches poll.  And I also dislike the post that stated 100 schools in this country that make our record look like a damn joke.

    GOOD LORD. Think about what you are saying here, I'm not bashing NT football by any means, I love it, can't live without it. However, 100 was obviously an exaggeration, but you have Big 12, Big 10, Pac10, ACC, SEC, half of CUSA, MAC. Every team in every one of those conferences has a better schedule than we do. Their conference opponents are tougher. Just teh way it is. Just an observation, makes sense if you THINK ABOUT IT.

  6. Look at it this way......there are probably 100 schools in this country that makes our record look like a damn joke. What makes us so damn special to get a top 25 vote when you have teams like Duke and Maryland, who are going to be playing top notch competition all year, and then you have us, playing Arkansas States, ULMs, ULL, etc. For instance, our biggest conference game is MUTS, Dukes is FSU, Miami, VTech, NC State, take your pick. As an outsider looking in, and an unbiased opinion, which none of us have, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to put us in the same class as those teams. Also, I think there are maybe two teams on that whole thing, top 25 and others taht we could actually beat. Put it in perspective people.

  7. promotions people are paid to go around handing out pocket schedules, posters, etc. The new FB poster will be all over campus just like our basketball posters and last years football posters were. They go to most of the sponsors....Outback, Tomato, Rudy's, Riprocks, Lucky Lous, Cool Beans. I'm sure they have already been hit up for sporting a poster or two.

  8. "To reserve a seat in Floyd Stadium, please call the Blue Raider Ticket Office at ...... 1-888-YES-MTSU."


    We need a National Phone Number like theirs that's easier to remember.

    Find out who has any of the following and let's buy them out...

    1-800 (or 888)-Mean-Green





    1-800-UNT-2366........we have that, not too terribly hard to remember. That number takes you to the ticket office.

  9. I'm house sitting for a lady this week and she has a blue one as well.  One of the stipulations of me staying here was that she leave the keys!!!  They are some fun cars to drive, but not for tall people.  I'm a little uncomfortable in it, but who cares, it's cool looking.

    Cool article.  They seem to be a couple of down to earth, candid type kids.  I hope they stay that way.

    I'd rather have a G35, screw the Z.

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