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Posts posted by C&S

  1. 100% agree with JRock. Props to SMU. Wish we would have though to do it. It would be great to see NT represented at GameDay

    Obviously those of you who watch Game Day aren't paying attention to the crowd. There is always someone in the crowd other than SMU holding up signs. I have seen OSU fans holding up signs when Game Day has been OK. There is always an Aggie in the crowd holding up a sign when Game Day is at UT.

    I think it's a great idea.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I just found this on Youtube and was pretty shocked. I hope and bet this won't happen again when Houston comes to town, otherwise, it will be another long evening for Mean Green Country!!


    Once again some posters on this board show they have never played a down of organized football. This could have been a scene out of any college or high school locker room before a game especially if there is a weather delay. It is obvious this video was taken several hours before game time.

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  3. I'm waiting for the Daniel Meager update.

    Daniel Meager has been hired to teach Middle School social studies and be a varsity football coach at a small school district outside of Longview. He is getting married in Novemeber. I would say Daniel Meager is doing really well.

    • Upvote 4
  4. What a fantastic year. Wonder what Jamario is doing these days?

    Jamario got married last Saturday to a wondeful young lady name Heather. She is a former UNT softball player. Chad Rose was his best man and Brandon Monroe was a groomsman. There were numerous former UNT softball players there as well.

    The ceremony was beautiful.

    • Upvote 5
  5. Fans at North Texas seem to have a Jekyll and Hyde personality.

    When Dickey was here, I thought most people were too harsh on him. Not to say he didn't have his faults, oh boy did he have his faults. In the end, after leading us to 4 bowl games, the firsts one we have played in the modern era, it only took two bad years for the majority of people to want to run him out on a rail. No excuse, even if they were valid ones like failing health, mattered. this was 180 degrees different that we treated his successor.

    When Todd Dodge was here, people were falling all over themselves to make excuses for him. When we couldn't beat teams Dickey's worse years had beat, there were excuses. When he never won as many games ad Dickey did in his worst year, there were excuses. Now, some of them were valid, but the fan base was much more willing to listen to them even if they weren't. Even at the very very end, there were plenty of people who wanted to give him another year.

    So, what is McCarney going to get? Let's look at the situation. First, he was the favorite of few going in, and he took the job from someone who had grown to be the favorite of many fans. Two, he is getting paid more than any coach in our history. Three, he is piloting the biggest investment North Texas has ever put into athletics, the new football stadium. Fourth, SMU and TCU and having success.

    To me, this means McCarney is going to have a short leash. He is going to need to come in and be positive and sell himself to the fan base, and tell them how much potential he sees at NT and how he is glad he is the one who will be realizing it.. Reports that he had to "mull over" a million dollar offer have already gotten that off on the wrong foot, but he can over come it.

    Most importantly, he is going to need to produce on the field right away. I think the proper term to use is "tolerance". There are fans who recognize he is the new head coach, and even though he wasn't their choice, they are going to fall in line and support him, but they won't be able to tolerate much failure. If his teams come out and struggle, the fan base will start to fracture at the worst possible time.

    I, for one, wish him nothing but success. I hope to be hanging out in NO come a December very soon. GMG!


  6. cheerleaders/drumline/scrappy has come out to our school for numerous pep rally's in the past 4 years, but a coach and the players have NEVER come out before. the kids absolutely loved it!

    Players and coaches used to go to local schools, charity events and church under Dickey.

  7. Remember whenever you point the finger at someone, there's 3 fingers pointing back at you. When will the fan base stand up and take some responsibility for improving the athletic department. This university has had football at it since the turn of the last century, thats over 100 seasons, and my first year here, after 3 conference championships, having the 2003 nations leading rushing, and witnessing one of the greatest seasons by a freshman running back ever, and the average attendance is 15-17 thousand. The fans talk about needing tradition and creating school spirit, I guess the first 100 plus years that this school has had football wasn't enough time to develop tradition. As long as I've been around this program it just seems like many of the fans on this board always find something to complain about when it comes to UNT football, even when things are going good, you find a coach to bash, or a player to bash. You do realize players parents read this website, and this site has been known to say some pretty bad things about players, and then wonder why players parents wont speak to some of you at football games. Its the responsibility of all the members of the UNT community to take responsibility for the improvement of the program. If they means giving money, then give what you can, if that means sponsoring a player on this website and always saying good things about them (remember players and parents read this website) to help them through a rough season. Mother Teresa once said "Be the change you want to see in the world" might need to be the new theme for this program.

    • Upvote 2
  8. It is head and shoulders better.

    I don't think the players loathe the fans.

    Calling you out on this one. I had a son on the team when Dickey was coach plus Iknew most of the players. NEVER ever did I hear any of them say anything against the fans. The players have always appreciated the fans. Even when people on this board were calling players out by name, overall the players knew the true fans supported them.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Yes, and Dodge is that man. Dodge can recruit in Texas like most coaches who would come to NT cannot. If I were a parent, I would rather have Dodge sitting in my living room over many, many other coaches because I know that my son is going to be treated with respect and that he will demand respect from the players. I know that he will be a true student athlete and not just used and thrown away when misfortune or injury happens. I want to see Dodge get the chance to recruit in Texas with this new football stadium. I hope he gets that chance.

    Have you asked any former players whether they feel Dodge treated them with respect and dignity...

    • Upvote 1
  10. the green team?

    A group of 2nd and 3rd string guys led by a young Matt Phillips and an unknown walkon wideout named Casey Fitzgerald nearly saved Darrell Dickey's job at home vs LA Tech until he foolishly put back in the first teamers.

    Maybe there can be a new Green team with Baine or Dodson at qb and somebody else calling plays?

    Remember that actually got him fired...

  11. I want to make sure I understand this thread. Dodge really does not want to win. He really does not care if his son receives another injury after permanently damaging his arm and watching his first and second team QB's go down with season ending injuries. It is his fault or the S & C coach's fault for all of the injuries.

    So he wasn't involved in the hiring of the S & C coach or practice patterns...

  12. The NCAA did a study of volleyball players in the mid 90's when about 1 player on every team would tear an ACL in a season, their conclusion, the weight training program was not designed to prepare their bodies for the physical stresses of the actual game, practice was not simulating game situations to the level that the players bodies would be experiencing in game situations. Maybe instead of accounting for a bunch of similar injuries to bad luck and freak accidents or even blaming the shoes and maybe question the strength and conditioning program and practice habits.

  13. We were just in New Orleans in November. Jazz brunch at the Court of Two Sisters is fantastic. Great buffet with over 80 items. If you go at 10:30 a.m. you can start with breakfast and move into lunch at 11:00 a.m. Good bloody marys too. The WWII Museum is a must. Newly added exhibits and a theater were opened right before Thanksgiving.

    Check out the French Market. It is back in full swing since being totally renovated after Katrina. There is a little red trailer that serves food. Even some of the locals will tell you the gumbo from the trailer is better than their mothers or grandmothers make. Also, new food places in the French Market.

    Don't ask any locals you meet about Katrina. They are tired of talking to tourist about Katrina. Most places you go you are going to be thanked for coming to New Orleans. The locals are so appreciative that people are coming back and spending their money.

  14. I didn't sign my son did....I wanted him to sign with Arkansas or Kstate...the new facilities and Kenny Evans along with Duke Atterberry were good recruiters and the fact that UNT is a great school to get a degree at. Plus UNT just went to a bowl game for the 4th time...they also promised he would play TE and he would be playing in a new stadium by his JR year lol.

    Charley is graduating December 19th and he's going to enroll in graduate school to work on his masters next semester. I'm very proud of him with what he's had to go through with TD high school ball.

    Charley is a great young man. He wasn't treated very fairly and yet he has stayed at UNT, finished his undergrad degree and wants to stay and get an MBA. That speaks very highly about his character and about the education one can get at UNT.

  15. That story about the seniors wanting to wear the black jerseys for the final game was total BS, according to parents of players on that team. It was Dickey's idea, and he blamed it on the players.

    I just happen to personally know 4 of the Seniors that went to Dickey and asked to wear all black uniforms.

  16. I don't care much for what church the dude goes to, but I'm not thanking anyone for being an abject failure on and off the field while stealing $750,000 of NT's money.

    From pulling kids' promised scholarships when he got here to burning kids' redshirts on the way out, with all the rampant drug use, racism allegations, stolen debit cards, mishandling and insensitivity towards deserving seniors, mass defections off the sinking ship, and the worst off and on the field national publicity in NT history - Thanks for nothing, Todd.

    Great character guy and leader my a**. Oh wait, I know, we believe what we want to believe. We'll blame the last guy, whose national headlines came from conference title and rushing champions, and whose off-field transgressions look comical compared the to Dodge error. All I care about is who stuff happened under and what was done about it. And even if you want to say Dickey's players were trash and blame them for racismgate and rampant drug use (though we both know that last one is 100% bs), the constant ethical mishandling of scholarships and seniors and transfers and just about everything else are all the feet of the most over-his-head coach to hold a job 3 dismal years in CFB history. Ask Daniel Meager about "building a family". Oh, that's right... he was busy setting records on the road against SMU before he was benched for a Freshman. Too bad he wore the scarlet "DD"... good thing Dodge didn't have any of his guys ready to usurp Casey "OMG! He's a DD guy!" Fitzgerald.

    Todd Dodge may be a nice guy to have dinner with, but "running a tight ship" was hardly his forte.

    Great and very accurate post! Be careful Caribbean Green, speaking the truth on this board will get you slammed by those who want to believe the hype of the last 3 years.

  17. Since the topic is Dodge pulls a Darrell Dickey, I am going to add my 2 cents worth. Dodge DID NOT pull a Darrell Dickey. Dickey allowed the players to wear black jerseys because a group of Seniors went to him and asked if they could wear all black for the last game. Dodge BURNED a freshman's redshirt to save himself. There's a big difference in your motives being for yourself and for your players. To radiogreen and Cr1028 it is a BIG DEAL to have your redshirt burned when you are a college athlete.

    Dodge is all about himself. What true D1 football coach would go to a game without his 3rd string quarterback and bring the freshman quarterback? Please, some of you diehard Dodge supporters explain that one.

  18. I am actually excited that a PAID CONSULTANT can come in here and do some work on this program and highlight what needs to be done and how to approach it.

    I would like to see assistant athletic director Hank Dickenson involved in the process of finding the next coach. Hank makes it a point of knowing the players. He understands the players and they really like and RESPECT Hank as well.

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