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Posts posted by bray04

  1. I like both QB's, and they both have strenghts and weaknesses.  However, Hall's season last year was far from spectacular.  He had some really good looking touchdown passes.  SOME of them were simply balls he flung downfield that Johnny Quinn went after with some amazing catches.  He did throw a strike to Cobbs in the endzone in one game, that was sweet.

    I still can't help but think what might have been in the New Orleans Bowl had Scott hit Andy Blount streaking down the middle of the field behind the entire defense.  Momentum was crucial at that early stage of the game.

    I agree. It's difficult to really get excited about either one of them, I sometimes think. They are both at times inconsistent. I don't know. It's hard to predict which is the better player, without being "on the inside". Hall is good at times, but so is Smith. Hall is bad at times, but so is Smith. I guess we'll have to trust in Flannigan and Dickey and go with the best guy for the job - but neither really excites me too much (which could be a byproduct of the system).

  2. One other thing - you don't like something you hear on the radio, turn it off. Change the channel. Don't rely on the government to police the airwaves and teach American children what is right or wrong. You don't want your kids to hear something? Turn the channel. Let them listen to Ryan Seacrest and watch American Idol and Survivor. That would be alot more educational and "safe" for 'em.

    Millions of Americans listen to what they want to on the radio each and every day, and if we're not careful, that choice will be lost.

    I apologize for the degression, but it's something worth saying. Let's get back to what is really important - football.

    Go Mean Green.

  3. "If there is a bedrock principal of the First Amendment, it is that the Govenrment may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because Society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable." -- Justice William J. Brennan (1906 - 1997) US Supreme Court Justice, Texas vs. Johnson, 1989.

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