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Posts posted by meanJewGreen

  1. did you figure out your eskimo family tree?

    As Green Lantern can attest based on the post game voice-mails (which I still want transcripts of, please sir) it was probably for the best that I was serving out a probationary period on this board this weekend.

    I felt then...and still do...that 9/18/2010 @ Army, game 39 of the Todd Dodge era, was not only the worst performance of a UNT football team under the guidance of the Southlake Con Man, but also the worst game I have seen since I came to Denton in 2001. I felt then...and I still (think) I do...that based upon this effort and performance Todd Dodge has lost this team and keeping him for even another game makes no sense. This is coming from someone who has been very patient with Dodge and supported the decision of RV to bring him back this season.

    A part of my frustration and embarrassment stems undoubtedly from the high expectations and anticipation I had for this game. It is very difficult to be such a passionate fan of program 1600 miles away...as such this game has been circled on my calender since it was announced...I recruited area and distant alums to make the trip...even talked a few locals with no ties beyond me to the program to make the 2 hour trip from New Haven to West Point...and to do it at 7am on a Saturday. I bought everyone's ticket, provided a full cooler of beer and cooked one hell of a breakfast. Since I moved I basically get one live UNT game a year and I did this one big. Wish the team could've done the same.

    The worst part of all of it...I was prepared to lose. Thats how much the bar has been lowered. I was ready to blow a 14 point lead in the 4th quarter. I was ready to be tied with 0:01 on the clock and have a 25 yard FG attempt blocked and run back for a touchdown. I think I'd even be able to find some humor in the inventive and creative way UNT would find to lose a close game. I clearly wasn't ready for that effort.

    And it is really demoralizing as a fan. A fan seriously contemplating his commitment and investment in the program.

    Of course, this is Monday...and by 7:00PM Saturday I'll more than likely be right back on my couch with a sixer of High Life fighting through a sketchy internet feed from Boca. Masochists, all. This one just really stings.

    But since I insist upon optimism...there was much to like about this weekend.

    First off, good food, good beer and good friends...two NYC alumni came up and from the parking lot both signed up for GMG accounts...whether they'll use them after this game...

    Met an Eskimo brother...at least twice over.

    I had the chance to meet Keith, UNTBill, J.J. Johnson's brother (who is a poster on here...just forgot his user name) as well as the grandparents of Connor Gilmartin-Donahue. Nice people all.

    Adman...thanks for the shirt...sorry we couldn't meet back up in the city later that night.

    For those who have never been to West Point...there is not a more beautiful campus. Anywhere.

    51 days until hoops season...

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  2. do you have a link for this article?

    Interesting that towns with less than 50,000 are producing 49.8% of the NFL talent.

    It reminded me of a class we had in early 2000's where they producted some of the best football we have had in a long time.

    Conversly, from towns with pop over millions product just 0.1% of NFL tallent.


    San Antonio sports Sunday had smu's score ( two sentences)in little print next to the Rodes-Trinity score highlighted by the TX st score.FYI

  3. Here's my problem:

    Most of you who read this board work and I'm sure make a decent amount of money. If your subordinates are slackin, you as the boss need to pick up the slack or youre going to get canned. Plain and simple. You also need to adapt. I'm sure the majority of you dont have 4 years to do a crappy job because frankly, people need to make money/run an effective organization.

    So I think that's what it comes down to. Stuff happens. You need to adapt. Dodge has had four years to improve- he went from 2 wins to one win to 2 wins. That's not improvement. When you are making $250k, I expect something of you. Plain and simple.

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  4. the glenn beck of the gmg boards

    I'm on a mission to get a winning football team on our field.

    I will be engaging all poeple who accept losing at UNT on this board. I will be respectful but also tell it like it is.

    Get used to it, unless Harry bans me from this board, I'm going to be in everybodys face and demand winning from North Texas football

    I've had enough of losing and hate people who accept it. If you accept it, coddle it or put your nipple in its mouth. you are my enemy.

    I want to win, losing sucks

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  5. something to consider for UNTs leaders.... When Leach was head coach, Tech had one of the highest graduation rates among FBS teams. I would think if we ever want to take ourselves seriously as not only an athletic but an academic school as well, we should look at what Leach did with the academic side of athletics. That should be a real selling point for our administration as well, IMHO.

  6. i'd feel like most in the dfw area/alums all over who seem apathetic are just looking for a reason to come back. it takes winning in football, doing more than just getting to the tournament in basketball, and things in the academic realm. this may seem unfathomable to us on the board- but why would a casual fan want to be associated with a team that gets blown out by 30,40, 50, even 69 points a game????

    The thing I will say about Craig Miller is that, although he isn't a die hard NT fan...I have never heard him degrade our school in any way. I think he's the type that he wants us to win but realizes where we are so he doesn't get too involved with our athletics program at least. I know he's a big OU blowhard but I am guessing that if OU and NT played in a bowl game that he would root for NT?

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  7. hey all-

    no i'm not a new poster (mean green matt probably knows who i am) i just changed my user name for more clarity/ its a hell of a lot easier to come off the mouth when i say it. anyway being that this is my first game as an alumnus/being that my girlfriend just moved down here and shes never attended a college football game before (she went to UNC-charlotte, they are getting a team soon) i was wondering if any of you had a couple of spots open in your tailgating groups... we can contribute something. coming from plano as well, not that that matters or anything.

    go mean green. Fry Rice.

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