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Status Replies posted by DeepGreen

  1. Carolyn,

    I'm trying to work out which games I'll be able to attend this year, but I should have my two tickets available for some of the games.  If you're interested in my two seats,  I'll let you know which ones will be available for you.

    Phil Drago

    1. DeepGreen



      Send me your address again.  I'll get the tickets and park pass in the mail to you.

      Philip Drago Jr

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Carolyn,

    I'm trying to work out which games I'll be able to attend this year, but I should have my two tickets available for some of the games.  If you're interested in my two seats,  I'll let you know which ones will be available for you.

    Phil Drago

    1. DeepGreen



      Just received my season tickets today.

      I definitely won't be attending the first game against Abilene Christian, August 31.  Wife and I will be in Wisconsin.

      Carolyn, as you know, I have discounted these tickets a little in the past.  Ordinarily I would continue to do so.  But it seems that my parking space in the White Lot goes up every year.  But it is premium parking, only a short walk to Apogee Stadium.

      So I will be selling the game tickets for the face value of $130 each.  I think the seats and the parking are still a bargain at that price.  And the food and desert is free!

      Let me know.

      Philip Drago, Jr


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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